Writing a New Chapter

Pantone USA is known by the design community, fashion and interior design, and color enthusiasts for highlighting color and culture. Every year they share the Pantone Color of the Year. Past years’ colors include: peach fuzz, viva magenta, very peri (or periwinkle), etc. These colors translate to warth, excitement and possibility. When I was told by a colleague in December that the 2025 color of the year is Mocha Mouse, I literally said, “the color of 2025 is poop?!? Is this Pantone’s prediction that 2025 is going to be a shit show?!?” Now, Pantone, in its description as to why brown was chosen, was because it plays on our emotions. This color choice a delectably rich color of comfort like coffee and chocolate. I’m not sure I’m picking up with what they are laying down.

So far 2025 and January, the longest month of the year, have been interesting. November through December are always a blur working in retail. This past season was no different. I attempted to interject time with loved ones, giving back activities and festive moments, while I dealt with the seasonal crud which originally hit me the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I powered through three community events supporting children: Locker #505, The Ranches and Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and wrapped up two other giving events for Toys for Tots and YDI along with my daily activities of assisting my clients with their holiday needs. My annual 36-hour getaway was cancelled because I was too sick and didn’t want to stay in my hotel room when I normally to squeeze in as much holiday cheer as humanly possible. I started feeling better mid-december then I was hit with a bad respiratory virus that pretty much knocked me out from Christmas Eve through the New year with a cough that lingered for two weeks after. The upside, I had a really sexy “Phoebe” voice (if I could only sing Jazz).

Working through the illness and attempting to finish out the fiscal year achieving my annual sales goal, my store manager called me into his office last week. As I walked, he asked me to close the door behind me. I knew in that instant what our conversation was about. He informed me that the Personal Stylist positions at a dozen small-sized stores were being eliminated. He told me with tears in his eyes. It was a shock, but was it totally unexpected, not in this day and age. I work in the retail sector but I was hired as an executive so I was paid well (again for the retail sector). Corporate didn’t see what I did beyond sales. I went through the day and told a few close friends at work, my bestie and kids. I had started the conversation with a dear friend about going to Nice for Carnival and we were to meet that evening to discuss details. I ended up canceling our conversation. The day seemed to tick backwards, until at 4pm I decided I would go home and text my clients the news.

Gifted to me by Ang, this Maya Angelou quote sits on my bed to remind me the importance of how we treat each other.

Over the course of 2 hours, I sent over 350 text messages and sent several emails to community partners since I already had events planned for the first quarter. I cried when I read the responses. It brought me so much joy to have a community that truly appreciated what I did and cared for me. I’ve said this before that I hated the sales goals, but I LOVED the connection I made in helping friends and clients who became friends and anyone, even if they shopped with me one time. I truly felt I was a part of their special events, even if only in a small way. I LOVED all the community work we were able to accomplish inside the store and outside in the greater Albuquerque community–something that drove this home, happened when I was informed a few days later that the non-profit we supported for our Bag Hunger campaign would be receiving a grant of $1,000 because the team volunteered 100 hours over 2024 (and if you haven’t worked retail, you have no idea how hard it is to schedule these events, but there are so many team members that support and enjoy getting out in the community that anything is possible). I LOVED the story-telling I did whether in classrooms talking about what I do and career options in retail/fashion or on tv, radio or in podcasts sharing the latest trends. I LOVED that I got to serve as a regional Stylist champion, helping to mentor newly hired Stylists to help them excel in their roles. And I LOVED that I lead employee development through the colleague resource group which is designed to promote intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity, equity and inclusion, because whether or not the president thinks its important, making sure everyone has a voice and seat at the table is my world.

I did this work for almost 6 years. I was recruited for this position off of LinkedIn (time to make sure it’s up-to-date). I don’t know about you, but it’s quite a lovely feeling to be recruited and showing that “yes indeed this position was made for you” vs. having to put yourself out there hoping you’ll find your people (maybe that’s the reason why I don’t do dating apps–bahaha). When the current store manager came on board, he hadn’t worked with a Personal Stylist in his past stores, so he had no idea what I did and we were in the middle of a pandemic. I showed him and he was my biggest supporter in doing all the above and beyond that I loved to do. That night, I let all these things sit me and in the morning, I was not angry. I was not shocked. I was not sad. I was grateful. I was grateful for all the work and life and love I had put into this role.

I went into work the next day and because several colleagues were also clients, word began to spread. Several stopped me in disbelief and shared their kinds words. One of my favorite people, Michelle, told me she had no words because she was still processing. She did ask who she was going to volunteer with when I’m gone. I informed her she knew where to go to volunteer and for her to call me because I would happily join her. I also mentioned that I had planned weeks before to volunteer at Locker #505 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and invited her to join me. Because all of the uncertainty not only in my life but in the country, I thought the best was to commemorate the day would be in service. She said she wanted to join me. This wasn’t a Macy’s planned event only for me and I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived and found another colleague, Verda, had joined us because it was mentioned in passing by Michelle that we were going. We worked side-by-side sorting clothes and asking each other if I was a high school student would I wear this or that, as we had done over several years. I was grateful for the opportunity to give back. The past week was draining not only because of the recent news but also because of the devastating fires in Los Angeles which weighed heavily on me. I had made donations to a few non-profits but I always feel like I do more when I can volunteer in the community. I headed into work after volunteering, and was pleasantly surprised by the number of friends that came in to shop.

The next two days, I was off for prep and a colonoscopy. Yep, cherry on top this month was a colonoscopy. I had scheduled it months before, and I guess I’m glad I did. Really, it wasn’t as bad as people make it sound plus after said event, I got to grab lunch with Isaiah. Since receiving my notice, I made sure to book my eye exam, and I asked my oncologist office to place a refill order for tamoxifen, even though they placed a 90-day refill last month. The funny thing about it is that I’ve learned there is no one set price for my prescription. If the doctor calls the refill into the pharmacy, my insurance co-pay is $25. But I also found out a few months ago that it’s also set up on auto refill, so if I go that route without the doctor calling it in, it’s $90 with insurance. However, if I don’t use insurance but instead use Good RX it’s $80. I got a call back from the pharmacy and there’s a delay with my insurance so the retail price would be $200. Sometimes I wish we had socialized healthcare.

Since Wednesday, I’ve been updating my resume (thank you Amanda and Laura for taking a look at it) and following up into leads. It’s daunting. I get triggered by “may work weekends”. I want to know all about the health insurance provided and paid time off. If a posting doesn’t include salary information, I don’t look at it. There is one position that I applied for that I was intrigued by, but I tend to do better when I go into it with a laissez faire attitude so I am chillin and trying not to get to excited by it. I think I’ve paid my fair share in dues, so I would love to be able to coast through the next chapter in life. I had a conversation a couple of nights ago with a friend and he made the comment telling me that I’m strong, I overcame cancer. I know I’m resilient–“one door closes another opens”. But honestly I’d prefer not having to overcome another obstacle. Yet, here I am, and then I get mad at myself. I try to reminding myself, that I have a roof over my head, I have good health, I able to work and I’ve got mad skillz. I have friends that have also been laid-off, so again I remind myself that you aren’t unique in this experience. Talking to myself this way keeps me away from the edge of depression.

I will miss all the things I noted before about what I loved in my role. I will miss so many of my colleagues. I won’t miss working holidays and Saturdays (sometimes Sundays). I look forward being able to travel for more than 36 hours in December and figuring out what I want to do when I grow up. But I really hope the remainder of the year is kinder and not just for me but everyone. We are living in uncertain times.

My last day at Macy’s Coronado is Saturday, February 1st. Come by and see me. Stay tuned for my next chapter.

With love and light,
Dara Sophia Romero


I realized that the last time wrote, it was coming off the high of the local Hopeless + Cause Atelier at the Old San Ysidro Church. It was quite the whirlwind as I prepared to head back to Europe, this time for Milan Fashion Week. It’s been a few months since I returned from a life-enhancing and surreal trip. I started writing this blog upon my return. However, life, as it does, got in the way. So many people have asked and of course I shared highlights. Each time as I relived it, I realized how much I obsessed with creating and seeing the world, but of course, it wouldn’t be a story without some Ms. Adventures. It was a 15 day trip and filled with so much beauty, lessons, and life. Adiamo–Let’s GO!

If you know me, you know that I stumble through life with humor and a good understanding of Murphy’s Law. I was coming off a high from La Vita e un Dono and wrapping up Macy’s Big Give Back, finalizing trip plans and just working my day job at Macy’s to build up some spending money when my brakes went out. Now I know they were in much need of repair but I was hoping they’d hang in there until returned. And to be honest, I was feeling pretty salty about it because I had repaired them the year before. However, a couple of weeks before my trip after work, they went completely out. I called my brother and he met me at an O’Riley’s to get brake fluid. With the help of the associate, we found out that it was empty. There was definitely something wrong. I called the shop that fixed them the year before and the manager told me to bring it in. I did that the next day, and was told that my rear brakes had been fixed the year before and my front brakes needed to be replaced. That was $900 I wasn’t expecting to spend so I spent the next 4 hours at the shop reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Who knew in that moment, that was exactly what I needed to read. So I sat back on a bench outside the shop feeling grateful that I had the money to fix my car, for my brother and son who helped in the process, that I would now be driving safely, for this book that put everything in perspective, for the weather that I was enjoying while the brakes were being fixed and for finding a coupon (I saved $100). I left enjoying the ride again.

A few days later, I found that my water heater was leaking. I contacted my landlord and he came out and patched it up, but it didn’t stop the leak. He came back with his plumber and put a cap on the area that was leaking, I didn’t work. Now it was the day before I was to depart and and I had to coordinate with Isaiah to be at my casita to corral the pups so they could work on the water heater or replace it while I was gone. And of course 24 hours before my flight, I went into the app to check-in only to read that there might be delays or cancellations for flights through Houston, TX (where I was connection was taking place) because of Tropical Storm Francine. Luckily, this did not come to fruition. Through all this, I was trying to get a hold of the production company to finalize details, make the last payment and because of the time difference, it was proving to be difficult. I had also learned, earlier in the month, two people, very important to me, had been impacted by separate health issues that required surgery and these would be happening while I was gone. I started to think these were signs and had me questioning whether or not I shouldn’t be going.

But the night before my flight I invited the kids over for dinner, so I could see them one more time before I left and to go over details for the pups. It was a good evening filled with conversation and laughter. Hearing their conversations and laughter makes me smile my biggest and brightest smile. I was packing last minute items and the kids started to leave. I let the pups out in the back and went back to packing. I had so much on my mind and didn’t realize that I didn’t bring the pups back in. Chloe came prancing back to the room and since they usually travel in a pack, I stepped out to realize the other two were missing. That’s when I saw the back door open. Now you wouldn’t think that would be a problem, except that in a recent wind storm, part of my fence had fallen so when I let the pups out, I go outside with them.

Coco returned and was waiting for me at the front door, but Frankie, my smallest pup, wasn’t there. I live on the golf course. It was dark, He is so small and coyotes roam the greens. I left the other two in the house and headed out to the golf course with the flashlight function on my phone and called Isaiah. It all hit me and I started bawling when he answered. Through my tears, I explained what happened and asked if he could come back to help me. But as I walked back toward the back side of the property units, I saw movement. It was him. He had stepped on a goat head and was sitting there trying to get it out. I was relieved and took out the sticker and carried him back to the casita. I called Isaiah back telling him what happened and apologized for losing my shit. I finished packing and went to sleep so I could be ready for my 5am Lyft pick up.

If I Can Make It There, I Can Make It Anywhere

I arrived at the airport just before 5:30am. I checked my suitcase and headed to TSA. It was a busy Friday for Albuquerque, but the lines moved quickly. As I arrived at the gate, I sent a text to my friend, Evelyn. She and I would be traveling together, but in lieu of the Friday flight, she took the Thursday red-eye and arrived at JFK so I sent her a message to check to make sure she made it safely. I love that going to Europe gives me the excuse to visit NYC first. And the cherry on top was that Ang and her husband would be in NYC so I was hoping to have some fun with them. I had been communicating throughout the day with Evelyn giving her updates on my flights. I had reserved a table for us at Little Owl in the West Village. It is in the building used as B Roll for the Friends apartment building. She is as big of fan just like me so I thought that would be a treat for her to go to. When I arrived, I grabbed my suitcase and ordered a Lyft and was informed, I’d arrive byf 4:30pm. PERFECT! That would give me time to freshen up before we headed out for our 6pm reservation. I had also been in contact with Ang throughout the day and we landed at meeting up at 8:15pm at a rooftop bar, The Magic Hour in the Moxy, that a Macy’s colleague had mentioned on a previous trip. As I was traveling in my Lyft, I got an alert that I was off path, so I jumped on the app to see the path we were taking. And my usual 30 minute ride from LGA to midtown through the Queens-Midtown Tunnel, was not the direction we were taking an at one point the app stated I’d arrive at 5:20pm. When we were completely off than my normal drive in, I asked the driver, why we were going on this longer route which crossed the East River by Central Park and took us down FDR Dr during rush hour traffic. I explained to the driver that I had 6pm reservations in the West Village. I arrived just before 5pm feeling a little flustered but happy to have finally arrived. I went upstairs, dropped off my bags, freshened up and then we were off. I was happy to be home. 🙂

Dinner at the quaint Little Owl was delicious. We both had about 45 minutes before meeting Ang and Nathan so I suggested that we walk through the neighborhood to Washington Square Park, which was alive with the end of summer students and families hanging out. As we looked around and I explained how in 2015, I attended a women’s entrepreneurial festival, I took a photo from above of the square and have used that photo in many of my designs. As we were people watching, a bicycle gang rode through the crowd popping wheelies and showing off. It was amazing. We started walking back to midtown but when we were afraid we’d be late we decided to hail a ride. They had arrived just a few minutes before we did so we grabbed a table with an incredible view of the Empire State Building. The DJ was playing and it was an evening filled with conversation, laughter and some dancing—“WHOA she has moves.” It was such a fun night and WAY past my bedtime, but we were in the city that never sleeps.

Day two: we slept in and set our game plan for the day before heading out. I wanted to go to M&J Trim Shop to get trim and a few notions. We also had reservations for Blue Box Cafe at 4pm. I have stayed at several different hotels when I visit NYC but recently, at the Hilton Garden in on Park and 33rd because of its proximity to Macy’s and 5th Ave. The trim shop was a short walk and it was another beautiful September day. Upon arrival I was sad to see the signs that the store was going out of business, which made me sad. For years, I have talked about a path to NYC, but after 2020, I don’t feel as strongly about it. It’s still my home away from home and I will visit as often as I can. However, the rent is still sky high and the couple of internal positions at Macy’s I looked at, did not pay what it would take to live there without 5 roommates. I purchased a few fun items: rosettes on ribbon, a beaded patch and crystal buttons. We made our way to Bryant Park and stopped at an outdoor bistro to people watch.

After running back to the hotel for a quick change and Lyft, we arrived at Tiffany’s Blue Box cafe just in time for our reservation. Evelyn didn’t realize the cafe was at the iconic 5th Ave store and after we stepped into the cafe, she realized the connection. This was my second trip to this cute restaurant. I attempted to get a reservation last Christmas, but it’s almost impossible unless you are vigilant in jumping on Resy, the reservation system, exactly at midnight EST, 28 days before the date you want. I did just that hoping to get a morning reservation so Angela and Nathan could join us before heading to the Yankee game, unfortunately they were booked so I opted for the latest reservation in hopes they could join us after the game. They were still at the stadium when we checked in so they didn’t join us. I love the spot because of its iconic Tiffany blue walls, the beautiful decor and table tops, and the delicious drinks and eats. It would be a wonderful place for brunch or to celebrate a birthday. We enjoyed our time and decided to meet up with Ang and Nathan after at Rockefeller Center. While we waited for them we popped into a couple of shops. I wasn’t planning to do much shopping since I packed supper light, but wanted to get Isaiah a tee from the Nintendo store as I always do when into the city. We grabbed a table at nearby pub. By this time, we had connected with Shannon and she mentioned going out around 9:00–9:30pm. I told her that might be too late for me but I’d let her know how we were feeling. We weren’t feeling it. I had an early Sunday so we said our good-byes and headed back to the room to watch Friends. It was so much fun starting this holiday with Ang.

I woke Sunday morning and got ready early since I had scheduled time with my Louis Vuitton colleagues. As a salesperson, I was feeling guilty about being off for two weeks. I figured if I could generate some sales while sharing photos at the gorgeous LV bags it was definitely worth a the early morning. I arrived at Macy’s at 10 AM. I always love walking through the employee entrance in NYC and checking in with security. I walk the halls before opening hours, and I can’t help feel that tinge of excitement. I perused the latest releases and shared photos while dreaming of taking home my own bag. The hour was fruitful. After mediating between my clients and my LV colleague, I had a week’s worth of sales in.

I headed back to the hotel and noticed along Madison barriers going up and people lining the street. I got back to the hotel so we could pack up and check our bags with the bell hop. I had decided I was going to head to St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Mass and Evelyn was going to catch the Seahawks game at pub near then. We started walking along Madison and realized it was a parade. It was September 15th, and the following Monday was Mexican Independence Day. The streets were lined with thousands people sharing their Mexican pride with flags, football jerseys and bright colors. We were heading north and the sidewalks were getting more crowded. I was trying to capture some of the parade from my phone. I could hear the mariachis playing on floats and see the colorful Ballet Folklórical dancers, but the further north we went, the more congested it became. Until we bottlenecked and could not move. It was kind of scary. I was grateful that people were patient and a police officer got people moving. We headed east to Park Avenue and then headed north to try to miss the congestion. Just before 56 Street we headed west towards fifth Avenue. I ran to church and made it in time just before the first reading. After mass, I ran over to the Nintendo store to get Isaiah his T-shirt souvenir as they always do and then met up with Evelyn at the pub. We watched the remainder of the game and then headed back to the hotel. The parade was still going strong around 4 PM. While we were told it would be wrapping up by 5 PM, we weren’t sure how traffic was going to be or if a cab would have a hard time getting to our hotel, we opted to leave a little early to the airport. Luckily, we got a cab pretty quickly and headed across town to JFK. Both the commute and TSA security were quicker than expected. Shannon and her friend traveling with her were already boarding their plane. We were eagerly anticipating the same when we received notice about a delay. When we saw the flight team in their signature Emirates uniforms walk up to check-in, we started getting giddy. It was time. Adiamo!

SIamo Arrivati

We boarded rather quickly. I got to my seat and was fortunate enough to find that there were only two of us so the middle seat was open. YAY! We got a little later start departing closer to 11pm. Of course, I was too excited to fall asleep immediately. So after a glass of wine and a late night dinner, I made my space comfortable and dosed off for a few hours. I woke to our pilot announcing our descent and looked out the window to see snow on the Italian Alps. We arrived just before noon on September 16th. I gathered my carry-on and deplaned meeting Evelyn at the gate. She and I headed to the bathroom and freshened up heading to border control/customs and baggage claim. We received a faint stamp from Italy in our passports–YAY! Then we stopped and jumped on our phones to figure out our transportation options.

Evelyn is similar to me in that she doesn’t mind public transportation especially when it’s clean, safe, reliable and cheaper than a cab or Uber. The €17 train ride into Milan plus the €13 3-day metro pass was the better option than the €150-200 cab ride. We got our tickets and started heading into the city, the metro was definitely easier to maneuver than the trains, but we were also a little sleep deprived. We arrived at our apartment about an hour later. The whole time we had been communicating with Shannon. They had arrived a few hours before us and were waiting to check into the AirBNB. They were finally able to check-in a few minutes before we arrived. Our apartment was about a block and a half away from the metro station and once we figured out how to get out, we strolled down the street with our bags. We were in a residential area with a mix of apartment buildings, a hospital, office high rises and grocery store. We were in a residential community which I love staying in more that the touristy areas.

Milan is very green and even though it is the fashion and financial capital of Italy, thus compared to NYC, I found it to be more like New Jersey with it’s pockets of industry and sprawling residential areas. The first day we didn’t do much. We got our bearings and found the grocery store just down the street. The prices were incredible. Bottles of wine were €1-4 and all the goodies we consider gourmet were incredibly priced. We stocked up on pasta, bread, cheese, wine, limoncello, chicken, deli meat, coffee, milk and other necessities for approximately €50. For the first night we decided to stay in, I figured out the stove/oven and made our first meal in Milan.

The next morning, Tanya would be arriving from Paris. Originally, she and I decided to stay in town and explore Milan, while Evelyn, Carissa and Shannon were planning to take a tour of Lake Como and Bellagio. However, just days before Evelyn scheduled an interview for a position she applied for and was afraid that she wouldn’t have service if they were on the road or in an out of service area, so Shannon rescheduled the tour for later in our trip. Tanya arrived at the apartment about 9am. I was excited to see her and head out, especially since I was now a metro expert. LOL! We finally got out of the apartment about 11am. We decided to start our Ms. Adventures at the Duomo. It was a 20 minute metro ride with one transfer of lines. As we walked up from the underground we were greeted by a magnificent view of one of the largest cathedrals in the world. It was beautiful. We took a couple photos but realized we were all famished. Tanya suggested a restaurant she had read about that offered 2nd story views of the church. We made our way up to the restaurant. Milan is known for its saffron risotto so half the table ordered that option. I was wanting something a little lighter so I ordered a salad and pizza. We had a cocktail to welcome in the trip. We had our fill and before heading out exploring found a bathroom to freshen up. As I looked out the hallway bathroom, I saw an “official” Milan Fashion Week vehicle parked near the curb. I asked everyone if it would be okay to find it so I could get a photo with it. They obliged and like the Cheshire Cat, I took a grinning ear-to-ear photo.

We purchased our tickets for entrance to the Duomo and terraces. We opted to do our own exploration but I’d suggest a scheduled tour to get an in-depth history. According to the official website, construction on the Duomo in 1386 during the peak of Gothic Cathedrals. Construction began from the aspe where the beautiful stained glass windows are found. Construction continued throughout the next 400 years with the great spires on top and the laying of the Madonnina statue. Some of the spires and under construction while we visited. We started inside the massive Cathedral. It was awe inspiring. I made my way to a pew and sat for a prayer of gratitude for this trip. I found Evelyn and Tanya and we made our way around the arch, or aspe, looking in awe at the stained glass windows before making it outside to catch the lift up to the terraces. From the top of the Duomo, all of Milan was laid out in front of us. While the lift got us up to the first level there were additional levels to the different terraces. After all the stair climbing, I felt totally ok eating pizza for lunch. We spent the afternoon exploring and enjoying the view and conversation from on top. We headed back down about 3:30pm so Evelyn could find a quiet and comfortable space to prep and take her interview Teams call. We headed into Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II which is the oldest shopping gallery in Italy; built in the late 19th century. The gallery connects Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Scalla and is magnificent in all its grandeur from the arching glass and cast iron roof, to the marble and mosaic floors to…well, honestly, I do it injustice to describe it in all its luxurious grandeur. We had to follow Milanese tradition (or superstition) in spinning around three times with a heel on the testicles of the bull from Turin coat of arms. As you can imagine, the damage millions of visitor doing this causes, so it’s kind of an awkward spin as you are trying to maintain balance in the divet of the mosaic.

Evelyn, Shannon and Carisa, found a restaurant to cop-a-squat while Tanya and I opted to search for nearby vintage shops. We explored the neighborhood and found a few shops but didn’t buy anything so we headed back to the restaurant where Evelyn was wrapping up her call. After they settled their check, we decided to explore the shops. Splitting up at times but the music in the piazza called us together. I love street performers and even more so when the crowds interact through dance and singing along. Tanya and I sat on the curb and we were enjoying the music while people watching. It was incredible to see how people dressed. There were the obvious tourists wearing their comfortable clothes for all their exploratory adventures and then there were the locals who were impeccably dressed and absolutely beautiful. It was getting late and instead of grabbing a bite there in the city center, we decided to head back to the apartment and figure out something nearby. We went back to the grocery store and stocked up on a few more necessities and again, we all pitched in and made our dinner family-style. That evening, Tanya introduced a couple of questions, one that if you’ve seen The Story of Us, you know. It was “What was your high point of the day?” (I smiled because I used to ask this at the dinner table when the kids were young). The others she took from the Prada windows: “What do people get wrong about you?’ It was a great way to get to know the people we were traveling with.

The day before Milan fashion week. I originally was considering taking a train to Cinque Terre for a day trip. But after looking at the weather the day before I decided it wouldn’t be a good idea. It was forecasted to rain. The Cinque Terre or five villages are connected through hiking trails, the train and ferry rides. I didn’t feel like it would be enjoyable with the weather especially since I really wanted to hike. Instead, I decided to stay at the apartment to finish sewing the notions I had bought in NYC and to tighten up the outfits for my show, while the gals headed out for Brera. The the plan was, I would meet them later in the early afternoon. I turned on Friends and started sewing away. For Milan Fashion Week, I had 10 looks that I pulled from both segments of my local show.  I wanted it to be not only cohesive, but also show the variety in my ready to wear creations. At 2 PM, I headed out to the metro and by that time the gals were heading toward the Duomo. It was a cloudy day and it was drizzling so I dressed accordingly. While I love traveling with others, I do really enjoy my solo time. As I sat on the metro, I watched all the locals: a mother and young son, a few teenagers, a smartly dressed man. I love people watching and smiled thinking how lucky am I to travel and experience places like these. I got to the Duomo before the gals arrived and headed into the galleria, I noticed a large crowd outside of Prada, I started overhearing conversations and questions about who might be there. It was of course fashion week and it could’ve been anyone. After about 20 minutes, no one appeared and they girls had arrived so we went exploring the side streets and found more signs of Milan fashion week with a big #MFW and a standing billboard with all the events.

The excitement for Milan Fashion Week was palpable. Don’t get me wrong I LOVED showing in Paris Fashion Week and so grateful to everyone that helped me with the production of the show and traveled with me. Around every corner, in Milan, there were signs advertising fashion week from large hashtag photographable moments, to billboards to street signs, the city was alive, celebrating the semi annual event. As we were shopping, we stumbled across a MAC cosmetic store and they were having a party celebrating Milan Fashion Week. Tanya and I were drawn in by the fun music and got made up, had our picture taken and received lots of goodies with our purchase. It was so much fun. It reminded me of a decade earlier when I attended New York Fashion Week at Lincoln Center. The city welcomed and celebrated this event and as we headed back to the Duomo the flashes of light caught our attention. As we got closer, we saw the paparazzi and fans taking video and photos…but who was it they were surrounding?!? While I don’t know the K-Pop groups, nor did I get a front row view, but after some deduction from Tik-tok posts, I believe it was the “boy band”, ENHYPEN, who were attending Milan Fashion Week and are Prada brand ambassadors. That evening, I finally got the details for the call time on Thursday morning. It was requested that I arrive around 8 AM at the venue. While I know some of the girls wanted to go out, I wanted to go back and get a good night’s sleep. Eek! Adiamo!

Baby, This is What You Came For

I don’t know that I got a good night’s sleep. I was just too excited! And by 6:00am, I couldn’t lay in bed anymore. I got up made coffee and sat on the balcony just enjoying the morning with my espresso and biscotti while I set my intentions for the day. Teresa was flying in on the red eye from NYC, after traveling all day from NM. She landed around 6am and took a cab to the apartment. When she arrived, and after freshening up a bit, she, Tanya and I jumped into a cab and headed to the venue. Our driver was talkative and told us a little about his life and shared the best, non-touristy places to go. We arrived just outside the venue about a half hour later: I Chiostri di San Barnaba. The venue was originally built as a monastery in the 1600s. The high walls reflected the architecture of the time. We walked through the small alleyway between two buildings into an open courtyard. Walking in with my luggage, we were welcomed by a member of the production team who directed us to thee space where designers were to set up. The producer, Christian, directed me to my spot and shared my model line up. We started unpacking the garments as he brought over the models. I was excited to not only work with Teresa again but also a model, Eleshia Ais, who walked for me a year before at Paris Fashion Week. My models came from Italy, Spain, Germany, east European countries, Africa and New Mexico. The models not fluent in English, and me not fluent in any other language besides English made for interesting conversations on model instructions. I did my best. As Teresa, attempted to take a cat nap, Tanya found a space to steam the outfits while I tracked down my models for fittings. It’s chaotic behind the scenes. While I receive the comp cards (model’s measurements and height information) in advance of the show, I really can’t determine which model is wearing the right look until I see it on them and sometimes after the fitting, when another model tries on the same look, I change it up. I try to take photos to keep me on track especially because 8 of the 10 were new, in a sea of models participating in the show. As I’ve mentioned before there is a lot of hurry up and wait time behind the scenes. Like herding cats, I gathered my models when I was given the alert for my start time. I attempted to get them in the right order but there were two models, I had to track down. The music I chose for the show was Kids by MGMT and Tricky by Run D.M.C. I had used these two songs earlier in the year when I participated in the Locker #505 fundraiser show. I loved how they flowed together. The models took to the runway and I waited until the final waterfall walk. And as it always happens, it was over in about 10 minutes.

We headed back to the staging area and the models participating in other designer shows quickly changed and those who weren’t asked for photos with me. I’ve said this before, it’s hard to know how your collection was received, but the way the venue was set up, attendees walked through the courtyard where I was with some of the models and several of them stopped to tell me how they enjoyed my creations on their way out. There were even designers that shared the same thing. I was elated and when I received the photos and video a few days later, my breath was taken away. The models looked so beautiful.

We left the venue after packing up all the garments and decided we needed a celebratory dinner. Our driver earlier in the day, had shared a neighborhood that was true Milanese that tourists didn’t really go to. It was near the venue so we asked our driver to take us there. I was rolling my bag along the street as we decided which restaurant of the several that dotted the road we would eat at. After being turned away from one, because we weren’t locals we found another upscale restaurant and settled into our table and decompressed. Tanya shared with me how she watched the audience and how she saw so many really pay attention and snap photos of my collection. She asked how I was doing. It was a surreal moment for me. Like a dream. It’s funny when I started designing, my dream was to join the designers who showed at NYFW but as I continued on I decided I wanted to show all over the world. Who would of thought a girl from the North Valley would show in New York, London, Paris and Milan–the big four. I am so grateful for everyone reading this who has supported these goals. I am grateful for everyone who wants one of my designs. I am grateful to those that think this is a silly hobby or that I’ll never succeed; you have motivated me more than you know.

We headed back to the apartment. We needed to pack because in the morning we were flying to the Amalfi coast. There was some miscommunication with our host. While the apartment could accommodate all six of our party. The sofa bed was locked and the host wanted to charge an additional $400 to unlock it, so Tanya decided to make it easier for everyone to get a hotel. She decided to get one close to the airport, but in her attempts to book it from Milan so late in the evening pushed the only options for the next day, so she asked her daughter who was 8 hours behind us to book it. It seems she able. I decided I would go with her because I didn’t want her to be alone especially traveling in a taxi late at night it was approximately midnight. We found the hotel but unfortunately, it was completely booked. She asked the front desk if they could check the other Hilton options and they were all booked as well. Well, we were in Milan for fashion week afterall. We arrived back at the apartment about 2am. We made our sleeping arrangements work and as I felt that I finally fell into a deep sleep, the alarm went off. I grabbed my backpack–how I would travel the next 6 days.

La Vita Dolce

We got to the airport and after finding out our gate (I have found when flying Easy Jet in Europe, they don’t release the gate number until 20 minutes before boarding, I guess to make sure you are paying attention. Lol!) we went into the boarding line. The staff were very particular on the size of your carry on bag and made sure each of us were able to fit our carry on in the small European bag check cube. We got on the plane and arrived in Salerno about an hour and a half later. I attempted to catch up on some sleep and was feeling a little run down. From the small coastal airport, we flagged down a van to take us to our villa in Positano. It was a beautiful and bright late September day. The blue skies dipped into the clear blue sea. Because the roads throughout the Amalfi Coast are one lane each way, it took us longer to get to Positano than our flight from Milan, but we got to see incredible views of the ocean, Mt. Vesuvius, all the small towns and cliffs. Our villa was outside of Sorrento down a winding alley way road. The host sent me a video on how to access our villa which had a gated entrance and a long winding walk way through a garden. As we arrived, I noticed several people who looked like their were heading to the water with their swim attire and small backpacks. We checked into our villa that was a beautiful beach house with Italian flair. As we walked through our private gate and down the stairs lined with flowers and greenery, there was a small pool on one-side and the villa entrance on the other. I opened up the doors and walked in. The villa was big enough to house seven people, so we all took space. As we got settled in and did a little exploring around the property. Tanya and I decided to go get water from the small shop at the end of our road, before we headed into town. There was a burly man behind the counter that didn’t speak English and who I could feel didn’t care for tourists. Tanya fluent in Spanish attempted to talk to him in that language instead of English. She wanted to buy 6 bottles of water. He responded 40 euros. Now I had heard that it was expensive in the Amalfi Coast but I started to think, “wow, it’s really expensive”. That was the only time we were taken advantage of throughout our entire trip.

We left taking our waters and talking about how we’d get into the town center. Right across the road from that shop was a bus stop. The thing about the bus schedule is that it’s much like the rest of coast. The designated times are only a suggestion–what are you in a hurry for. You’ll get there when you get there. We got back to the villa and freshened up real quick and headed out. We started on foot walking along the single lane winding road until we came across the first curve in the road and realized this is where we’d die. We went back to the bus stop. We went into a nearby shop that sold the bus passes and waited with the other patrons. The bus passes were a couple of euros and took us down to town center. As we were riding down the hill, we heard two young women talking in English, so we started talking with them and found out they were on a semester abroad program. Where can I sign up for this?!? As we got of the bus and started walking into town, they shared all their favorite places from eateries, to gelato, to shopping. We walked down the narrow cobblestone roads. The first thing I noticed was a makeshift exhibit paying homage to Sophia Loren in an alleyway. As we continued to walk looking for one of the restaurant suggestions, Ristorante Fuoro, we came across so many lovely little shops from leather shops, beachy attire, souvenirs to everything lemon, we decided we would spend time exploring and shopping, but first, we had to quench our appetites. Unfortunately, we didn’t find Ristorante Fuoro but settled on a restaurant that obviously catered to tourists based on it’s menu with mixed Italian and American dishes. We satisfied our hunger and hit the streets again. Sorrento was alive with music on the corners and people everywhere. It was bustling, but since we in town on the shoulder season, it wasn’t as crowded as a few weeks before. We headed back to the hotel after wandering through shops and grabbing some gelato.

One Day You’re Headed to a Brothel and BOOM!

The next morning we arose slowly. Unfortunately, Shannon and Carisa did not sleep well because of a springy mattress in their pullout bed. The original plan was to find a beach and send the morning in the southern Italian sunshine, and then in the afternoon head out to Pompeii for a twilight tour of the ruins with an archeologist guide. Since we had a slow morning, we opted instead to follow the secret path next to our villa to see where it would take us and then head into town to find Fuoro for lunch before taking the train to Pompeii. Evelyn, Teresa, Tanya and I set out while Shannon and Carisa stayed back to get some rest and meet us later for lunch. We headed down the path to Bagni Regina Giovanna to see what was attracting everyone. It started as a beautiful walking path filled with greenery and others coming and going and slowly became quite the hike down the side of the hill until we came to not only a beautiful view of the ocean but incredible ancient ruins. After returning home, I went back to learn more about this secluded paradise. What I found according to a write up on the area stated, “As much as Bagni di Regina Giovanna draws the majority of its visitors for its natural beauty, it is also the site of a famous Roman Villa which dates back to the first century BC. Villa Pollio is named after Roman noble Pollio Felice and one can only manage the former splendour of the structure that’s now a ruin, with its fabulous position looking out to sea. 

This little area three kilometres west of Sorrento is now named after Queen Joanna I of Naples (1325 – 1382) who is said to have entertained illicit lovers in secret corners of the cavernous pools around the villa. Whether that’s scurrilous gossip or has any basis of fact we will never know but it all adds to the overall allure of the place.” from https://www.sorrentoreview.com/bagni-di-regina-giovanna

Of course I’m in one of the most beautiful landscapes with history, clear blue water swimming coves and endless blue skies, and I forget my camera. I took it all in and then asked for photos from the gals. After the hike back up the hill, we took the bus into town. We were dropped off near more Roman ruins and walked into the city center to music. Raki Gelateria was nearby and opted to start the day with a little bit of heaven. I chose the Ananas Basilico (or pineapple basil) and while you might think, “ahhh do those flavors go together?” I can tell you, “oh yes they do!” I didn’t feel guilty because of my morning walk. We continued into the alley way shops.

When I travel to Europe, I wear a crossbody that sits on my chest and that I normally hold with one hand at all times to be safe. I keep my wallet in the back pocket so no one has access to it. We stopped at a booth of a local artist to pick up some souvenirs, when I was approached by a delivery man. I guess he noticed that when I went to put my wallet back into the pocket it fell out as I continued on. He stopped me and returned it to me. He suggested that I keep a photo id in it because if it got lost again, the finder would return it to the police station and I’d have an easier time claiming it. Everything was in there. Just proves the good out there, but I did make sure I put my wallet back and zipped it up properly every time I pulled it out. After we hit the shops, we headed to lunch by this time Shannon and Carisa joined us. I had been communicating with the property manager to get a better mattress for them and he informed me there was one in the other sofa so problem solved. Lunch was incredible. The restaurant is known for its lemon cream sauce over pasta and served in a lemon shell. I was soooo down for that but we also started with the bruschetta and fried squash blossoms. Each bite was delectable. The meal ended with a shot of limoncello. It was time to find the train and head to Pompeii.

We arrived just in time. Got our tickets and boarded. It was packed on this older train so we weren’t able to sit together but grabbed open seats. It was interesting to see the countryside and small towns. The sun was strong and at one point I felt that I was going to get sunburnt sitting in my seat so I moved across the aisle. Upon our arrival I could see some of the ruins outside my window. The train station was a short walk to the ticket windows for the archeological ruins. We were greeted by our tour guide who had a sign with Shannon’s name on it to welcome us. I mentioned this before about Milan but the dress in Italy is on a different level and it’s AMAZING. She was smartly dressed in a blazer, jeans, t-shirt and the year’s biggest trend Adidas Sambas, but she also wore jewelry and had a signature red lip and matching nails. After we got our tickets followed her into the various areas of Pompeii. The thing I have found with tours is that you are lead by someone who truly loves the history found in these places. As an archeologist, she painted a picture of Roman life before it was covered in ash and pumice from Mount Vesuvius after an eruption in 79 A.D.. It was fascinating to hear how the different classes lived and to see so much well reserved after all this time. We found out the story behind the modern day Italian horn and it’s connection male genitalia. We also visited a brothel in which you could pick certain sexual acts from fresco paintings on the wall. It was sad to see the preserved bodies in their last moments trying to escape the asphyxiation of the ash raining down on the town of 20,000 to 40,000 inhabitants. Since I was a child, after watching I think it was a made for tv movie about Pompeii, I’ve always wanted to visit this piece of history. I was so happy that I was able to travel with friends who were interested in seeing it as well. We ended the tour as the sun started to set and walked back to the train station. We thought about staying nearby for a place to eat but it seems everything closed at the same time the museum did. All in all, I think we walked 18,000 steps so we were a little worn out. We took the train in semi-silence and found a restaurant near the train station in Sorrento. I was feeling a little under the weather or allergies were kicking in so I chose soup for dinner. The restaurant was busy and unfortunately as Americans we’re always in a hurry and I know we were hungry and tired so the slower paced service got to us. We got back to the villa about 11:30pm and in a half hour it was Tanya’s birthday.

You Say It’s Your Birthday

At midnight, she got on a three way call with her daughter and her best friend. Over the past couple of days I got everyone to sign a card and pulled out the birthday girl sash and tiara. The next day to celebrate we were heading to Positano for a sunset cruise and dinner. So around 1:00am we hit the hay. The next morning we woke up and headed into town. Teresa found this fun shop the day before so we spent some time finding beachy cute clothes. I bought a pashmina for the boat ride and we gathered for lunch at a lemon grove. For the past few months, I had been following a Traveling the Amalfi Coast group to get a better understanding on what to expect and suggestions on what to do, where to eat and all the things. Ristorante o’ Parrucchiano la Favorita was recommended over and over. As we walked to the restaurant, I couldn’t understand how a lemon grove restaurant could be in the town center, but as we walked in and ascended the stairs, there were lemon trees all around with high glass ceilings. We were seated in the center of it. The meal was delicious and our waiter was great. We found out there was a whole mediterranean garden housed in the building. It was beautiful filled with flowers, vegetables and other plants.

From there, we headed to the bus station for a ride to Positano. We needed to be down at the marina by 4:30pm so we were pressed by time and with the uncertainty of bus timeliness, we decided to hail a cab. We hit the winding road that was carved on the side of the cliffs on our way to Positano. We heard the story of the exclusive island that you could stay at for $20,000 a night which turned into a conversation asking if you had the money would you do it? We arrived in Positano shortly after. The van could only take us so far so we had to walk through town from the higher elevation drop off point down to the marina. We got the drivers information so we could call him back to take us back to Sorrento after dinner. We walked through the shops and quickly decided we would definitely do some shopping after the boat ride. We got down to the water and I found our tour guide contact. We were worried we’d be late but of course the Amalfi Coast is on it’s own timeline. Some of the group went into the nearby shop for gelato, while others including myself walked along the beach to see if we could find sea glass. The year before I took the sea glass I found in Nice and created rings for all my travel companions. The pieces I found in France were bigger in size but there were more colors, blue, green, orange and red, in Italy. The tour group started lining up the groups. Big, small and medium-sized boats made their way in to pick up their precious cargo.

Our boat arrived and I was excited to get on board. We made sure to inform our captain about Tanya’s birthday and he let her take the wheel while playing birthday music. Then the prosecco start to be poured as we moved to the front of the boat as sailed across the coast. Positano was in the distance so we got to really appreciate the beauty of the different colored homes dotting the hillside. We rode out to a small beautiful cove and as we headed out further into the ocean we stopped to watch several dolphins frolic in the water. It was simply amazing. I looked over and saw Tanya smiling from ear-to-ear. If you know me, you know I love birthdays and not just my own I love celebrating others and especially when I can help make it special. We headed back to the shore about an hour later. It was dark as we arrived and the colorful building turned dark with the lights brightening up the sky.

The next stop was dinner on top of the hill at La Tagilata. Again, I found out about this restaurant from the Facebook and as I researched further I found it was a true farm to table restaurant that offered cooking classes and was run by the family owners. The one the we’d miss at dinner would be the incredible views of bay. We took another cab up the winding road leading to the restaurant. We didn’t make reservations but they welcomed us. We sat at a long table and the food was served family-style. There were no menus instead there was a set price for four courses and house wine. The meal started with antipasti with freshly grown vegetables, cheese, meats, and pinto beans (gross but they were a cool NM connection). The first course consisted of pastas. When I say pastas, there were 5 or 6 options. This is a restaurant you go to if you haven’t eaten in weeks. It was DELICIOUS but also we stuffed by the end of the pasta course. The second course was the meats (I know you heard the Arby’s commercial in your head–lol). This course consisted of rabbit, pork and Florence steak cooked table side. It was divine (though I didn’t eat the rabbit–couldn’t do it). I was going to bust by this time but we had to have the fourth course, homemade cakes. especially since we were celebrating a birthday! It was the perfect way to end the evening. We headed back to Sorrento and then began to pack. In the morning, all but Tanya were headed to Dubrovnik, Croatia. When we started planning the Milan trip, Shannon said we had to go to Dubrovnik. So ADIAMO!

It was a rough morning, we filled our days with so much that sleep meant we were missing out on something. We didn’t even have time to utilize the pool beyond my nightly cold plunge for my feet and calves. It was the perfect reprieve after all the steps and climbing. The van was picking us up early in the morning so we hit the hay to Friends and woke up ready to hit the road. We flew into Salerno from Milan, but to get to Croatia we had to fly out of Naples. The gals headed out to the van while I made sure everything was in its place and locked up. I was the last one and we hit the road. Everyone was pretty much asleep as we made the drive to the airport. When we got to a fork in the road, where we’d turn left to go to Naples and right to Salerno, the driver took a right. Since Teresa was the one who had been working with the driver, I asked her what airport we were going to. She said Salerno. I informed her that she needed to tell him we needed to go to Naples. After a little exchange in conversation and the driver in frustration explaining that he doesn’t drive to Naples, he took us to the airport. Luckily we left early enough that the extra 20 minutes on the road, didn’t impact our check-in time too much. We gave Tanya hugs as we parted ways (she continued on to London) and grabbed a bite before we had to board the plane. The flight was a little less than an hour.


Evelyn, Teresa and I stayed in an AirBnB apartment in the city center and Shannon and Carisa stayed just outside of the city wall, so we had separate drivers. We arrived just outside the city wall and had to walk the rest of the way since cars weren’t allowed inside. If you haven’t heard of Dubrovnik, maybe you’ve heard of the HBO show Game of Thrones? Seasons 2 through 6 were filmed here. And walking under the gatehouse, I could see why they used this beautiful city as Kings Landing. I’ll try to describe it a different way. If you’ve ever been to Las Vegas, especially when one of the huge resort/casinos was recently built (and before all the cigarette smoke has set in)…I’m thinking Bellagio or Caesar’s with the faux marble and sparkling clean with the facade of a palace or castle. WELL, THIS IS DUBROVNIK, but it’s real. The sun was warm and beautiful in this coastal town yet I was feeling under the weather…still blaming allergies. We walked through the town, Teresa was navigating. We found the base to where we needed to climb steps to our space. It was probably 9 short stories up until we got to the door of our flat, stopping to catch our breath before knocking on the door. As we walked in, our host welcomed us and informed us it was two more flights up. As we reached the top, there was a door, our door for the next two nights. We walked into the cutest compact space. The small kitchen area was right inside the door follow by the bathroom and open space that includes a dinner table and living area and two separate bedrooms, I walked into the first room with a full bed and placed my backpack on the bed. There was a window that overlooked the tops of the Mediterranean tile buildings. Teresa and Evelyn were ready to explore. I needed a nap, so they headed out and I laid down and put on Emily in Paris. This show has become an annual tradition for us to watch on our down time. A couple of hours later, I got up and started to explore. I could hear music planning somewhere in the distance. It sounded like a music class which made me love where we were staying even more. I ascended the steps to the top level just under the city wall. There were artisans all along the path. Embroidery and lace were found everywhere and one with sunflowers caught my eye. I also found jewelry artists. And…the cats of Dubrovnik. They are everywhere stray and well taken care of at the sametime. I went down to the main level. I heard a busker playing the tamburica in traditional dress so I gave him a few euros tip and he called me to sit by him while he asked some to take our photo. It was quite charming. After enjoying the music for a bit, I texted Evelyn and Teresa to see where they were. We met up and they told me about their adventures taking the bus to a beach and other areas. We explored and shopped the local vendors before we met up with Shannon and Carisa for dinner. In my past travels, I knew what to expect for food options, but I always like to research local specialties and try to sample while visiting. Dubrovnik is known for seafood, beef and potatoes, and pasta. I was craving steak so that’s what I went with and it did not disappoint. We all were in awe with this beautiful place and did a little wondering around until we called it a night.

I slept with the window open and sometime during the night the heavens opened up and the sound of rain coming down made it even more magical. I slept in that morning. It was the first time since we arrived in Europe. There was no rush to do anything because as I explained earlier everything we needed to access would be view stairs and what I haven’t mentioned was the fact that there wasn’t railing throughout the town and as clumsy as I am, I wasn’t trying to break another ankle. We slowly rose and either Evelyn or Teresa braved the rain to get some breakfast. We were treated to some incredible delicacies: Krafna, similar to a donut, Zagorski strukli, finely rolled out dough and filled with delicious fresh cheese, and Lisnato s visnjama, phyllo pastry filled with cherries. We took our time as the rain subsided watching Emily in Paris, eating Croatian pastries and drinking coffee with the occasional working on the computer. Around noon, we left the flat and amazingly, there was no sign that it had rained. All the water must have drained into the ocean, so we headed up the steps and I showed the gals the area I found the day before. Unfortunately, none of the artisans were out from the day before so we walked around went to the local church and then headed down the “shame steps”. At the bottom was a market filled with fresh fruits like figs, strawberries and grapes, there were dried fruit candies and artisans selling their wares. We all found souvenirs and gifts for ourselves. We decided to eat lunch at the adjacent roof top restaurant.

I opted for the fish and vegetable dish. We talked about connecting with the other gals and we all wanted to get tickets to walk the city wall. The couple sitting next to us heard us talking and mentioned they were from Arizona. We talked about our travels and the places they’ve been. They also shared the travel broker they used. We left a bit later after great conversation and a good meal. We met up with Shannon and Carisa near the fountain, purchased our tickets and ascended the wall. Even with all the walking and steps climbing over the past week, I was still winded. This grand wall is over 80 feet high and 6,300 feet in length but there wasn’t a better vantage point for the ocean, hillside and town below. It was exquisite. We walked. We talked. We stopped for photos until we came across a little spot for drinks, but not what you think. They offered freshly squeezed juice and as you looked below there was a small citrus orchard. We ended our walk as the sun went down. We were famished. After walking into an Irish Pub and walking out after looking at the menu, the host at another restaurant waved us over. I am so grateful he did. I had the freshest salad I’ve had all this trip and truffle pasta. It was simply amazing. At dinner, both Shannon and Teresa mentioned they were feeling under the weather so we decided to head back to our rooms afterwards, but as we got up to leave I heard a familiar sound. There was a young musician playing on the patio and she was playing the theme song to Friends, I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts. It was the perfect way to end the evening…that and getting gelato, with no guilt.

We were checking out and flying back to Milan the next day, but before we left we planned to take a Game of Thrones tour throughout the old city. In the morning, we packed our bags and left them with our host. We split up for a bit because we all had a few last minute things we wanted to do. I went to the local museum because there was a Salvador Dali exhibit. It was a small exhibit but it included pieces I had no idea he painted: religious and Alice in Wonderland. We met up about 11:30am and started on our tour. Again, our tour guide dressed smartly. She talked about how Dubrovnik was chosen as the backdrop for Kings Landing after season 1, because she shared that Malta’s government (the location in season 1) was unhappy how the crew left one of the tourist gems after filming there. We stopped for a description on key scenes, but only after climbing up Fort Lovrijenac. Again the views went on for miles once we reached the top. We climbed back down and went into the old city. We stopped by the stairs of shame (which Evelyn, Teresa and I, climbed daily). Our tour guide mentioned that one of the shops had an iron throne replica and if you purchased something you could take a photo on it. As we wrapped up the tour, Evelyn and I decided we wanted a photo on it so we mentioned we’d meet the others for lunch after. We had a quick bite, then grabbed our luggage and headed to the airport.

Based on our travel schedule there wasn’t a direct flight back to Milan, so we’d have to take a connection through Naples. Our departing flight from Dubrovnik was scheduled for 6:00pm. We’d have a two hour layover and arrive in Milan just before midnight. We got to the airport and sped through the security lines. We looked at the departure boards to find our gate. It said B20 so we went through customs, got our Croatian stamp, walked up the stairs to the gate only to find it and all the surrounding gates completely empty. We went down stairs were there were people waiting for their departing flights and walked up to the gate agent. We were in the wrong place so she escorted us back to the customs post and the agent crossed out our stamp (but not really) and we found the right gate. Our flight was a little delayed but we made it to Naples in good time. In the airport, we decided we were going to get neapolitan pizza and I was glad I did. We also tried Kir Royales and I was hooked. We were sitting across an Italian cosmetics store, Wycon. Teresa had come across several reviews talking about the quality for a great price so we stocked up on a few items. It was time to find our gate, so we gathered our things. So Milan is a popular destination to fly to from Naples. We went to one gate and waited quite some time when things didn’t add up. Someone standing behind us mentioned the flight was Ryanair and we were flying Easy Jet. Shannon and Teresa were further up in the line, so as Evelyn, Carisa and I ran to find the right gate we jumped on our phones texting the gals to inform them of the right one. It was literally a scene out of Home Alone. We made it through with about a minute to spare. It was harrowing, but also a good story to tell. We all made it and arrived in Milan about two hours later. Shannon had checked a bag so we waited at baggage claim until hers arrived. Now when Evelyn and I flew in, we too the train and while I’m all about saving money but there I also didn’t want to arrive at the flat at 3:00am, so Teresa was in charge of ordering a taxi. However, with 5 people, at the time of night we were requesting it and where we were going, the taxis kept canceling on her. We finally got one and arrived at the apartment about 1:30am.

The next day was our full last day in Italy. All the gals decided they were going to do a tour of Lake Como, Bellagio and Switzerland. As exciting as it sounded, it going to rain and I really didn’t mind having a day to myself. I could sleep in, pack and check out the neighborhood, Brera, that I didn’t see early in the trip. Tanya said they had some great vintage stores. Early the next morning they left or I thought they all left. I got up and packed while watching Friends and attempted to use the washing machine (with no luck). I wasn’t quiet because I thought I was the only one there and then I went into the other bathroom to grab something when I found Carisa sleeping in the bed. I apologize profusely and said I was almost done and would be heading out so she would have the flat to herself. I headed out. Within the week we were gone, autumn had descended upon Milan. A light drizzle was coming down and the leaves were starting to turn. I took the metro to Brera and ascended the subway to find a little pink Prada booth covered in flowers. The woman inside was handing out Prada Paradoxe samples. I said grazie and moved on. Looking through the various shops I decided I was hungry. I popped into an Illy cafe and enjoyed Risotto alla Milanese which gets its vibrant golden color from saffron. I watched the patrons that came in. They looked like they worked nearby and dressed every so posh. I ended my meal with a caffe macchiato because when in Milan… While I was sitting there I looked up vintage stores near me. I found one a couple of blocks away. From the website they had Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Gianni Versace and vintage Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen. I was looking for something special for Cati and this seemed to be the perfect place to look. While the shop was cute and it included several vintage items. None of the items on the website were found within so I asked the salesperson and she said the website carries different bags than the store. That was a bummer. I decided to walk over to the Duomo and look in the shops there. I found a department store on the south side of the building. I explored each of the floors but stopped when I found Emilio Pucci. I found the perfect hand painted Italian silk (from Lake Como) scarf. It was like I was with the gals. I gather my purchases and decided to head back to the flat because it was starting to get dark. That evening Carisa and I had dinner at a nearby restaurant hotel.

Evelyn and I had a later flight out so we took our time heading out. We took the metro to the location where we to catch a bus to the airport. After wandering around a bit, we found the right pick up spot and we were on our way to the airport. Once we arrived and made it through security we found a little Lebanese restaurant for some nosh and then picked up duty-free items before boarding. Delayed, we arrived in NYC about 8:30pm and got to our hotel about 9:30pm. I had a 7am flight back to Albuquerque so we ordered room service and called it a night. I arrived back in Albuquerque around 11am. While I’m sure I experienced some travel fatigue, I was ecstatically happy for this Ms. Adventure. Milan Fashion Week made and indelible impression. I am so grateful for the friends that traveled with me, for the friends that helped me raise funds for the production costs in Milan.

With love and light,
Dara Sophia Romero

If you are looking for your own Ms. Adventures, here is my link of Tours we used throughout Europe


On Saturday, May 24, 2014, I was sitting at sports bar & grill with a couple of friends watching a Champions League Football game, when one of them said, out of the blue, “you should design clothing.” I was a little gobsmacked because this person had no idea I grew up wanting to be a fashion designer but went down a different road. At the time I had invested in a local clothing boutique and loved how my customers felt after I styled them, but hadn’t created anything in almost 30 years, so I responded by asking, “what makes you say that?”. He was candid in his response, “you’d make a killing. You have an eye for it.” I went on designing and creating social wear for myself and a few months later we talked again and when I wasn’t sure if I could do it, he sent me a message saying, “in 5 years, you will have showrooms in NYC, London, Paris and Milan.”

While it’s nearly double that time frame (damn business closure and partner divorce, marital divorce, worldwide pandemic and breast cancer…slowed my goals), I am excited and incredibly blessed to say I will be able to check off all of the above. My showrooms are the runways, like galleries where you’d find fine art. I am living proof that at any age you can achieve what you set your mind to.

A couple of weeks ago, I was in fifth gear sewing, planning, jumping on TV….pleading my case why the community should come out to see the show that I’ve dreamt of. I’m sure many of you were feeling like, “Oh God, here comes Dara with her reminders and her asks to purchase tickets for this show, don’t look at her.” I’m happy to tell you that you can look me in the eyes again. LOL. I am so incredibly grateful to my family and friends that believe in and are supporting me in this endeavor.

You have no idea how grateful I am. It is a second job to put on a runway show. Not only do I design the clothes, recruit models, beauty team, photographers, dj, volunteers and sponsors, but I handle the social media and updating my website, pitching the story to other media sources, cater, set the run of show, seating chart and swag bags, AND the most difficult push ticket sales. That is on top of my full-time job and being Macy’s Give Back Captain for our annual giving and volunteering campaign. Luckily for me, I have the best community.

About a month before the show, my sewing machine died. I wasn’t sure about buying a new one or fixing my old one, when my friend, Melissa, offered to loan hers to me (PIVOT). Every time I was concerned I was biting off more than I could chew, I would get a reminder that I was on the right path. I was so inspired and the stories I was building spoke more and more to me, but then I think I over did it.

Two weeks before the show, I was deep cleaning my casita and getting everything set to finalize the looks and host fittings the following week, when I stirred up some sort of bubonic plague. I spent the next couple of days trying to rest and get back on path, but the devil was winning. Instead of full throttle, I had to cancel my fittings the week before and sleep. I finally started feeling better, but I had missed several days of work, so I couldn’t use anymore PTO just to work on the looks. I worked on them in the early mornings and after work. I rescheduled the fittings for the Thursday and Friday nights after work and then again on Saturday from 8am to 4:30pm. Each model was to wear a look for each of the two acts. The first ACT: Moda di Milano was focused on the pieces I was considering taking to Milan and ACT 2: Stories. These were the looks created on stories that I’ve been talking about. They are: The Phoenix, Medusa, Joan of Arc, Cassiopeia, Icarus, Mary Magdalene, Susannah, Selina, Catalina, Eve, and Mary, mother of Jesus,

Friday night, I receive a text from my niece, who was one of my models, she asked me to call her. I did before I went to bed but it went to voicemail. I tried calling her again in the morning, before my appointments began but we weren’t able to connect. Her mom called later that morning and explained that she had to work the day of the show. She had been trying to get someone to cover her shift but had no luck. However, one of her best friends was available to model in her place. Luckily they were similar in size (PIVOT). I asked for her to send me her email and headshot so I could send her details and get the info over to the beauty team. And even though, I shut down ticket sales the Thursday before to properly plan for Sunday (remember seating chart, catering, VIP gift bags), I was still fielding ticket sales. While I was grateful for them, it just added to my already full cup. I finished fittings at 4:30pm, took a breath and then Isaiah joined me for shopping. I made a Costco run for bulk food, I had to pick up an order for Italian sweets from World Market, then got last minute notions from JoAnns. I got home just after 7pm and sat at the sewing machine.

All through the night….I literally sewed from 7pm to 7am fueled on espressos with first Gossip Girl in the background then Vanderpump Rules (don’t judge). At 7am, I took the dogs for a walk, took a quick shower and started loading up my car. I forgot how much I had to pack. I told the volunteers, the beauty team and models to meet me at the church at 8am. Unfortunately, there was a wedding the night before so we weren’t able to get in and set up prior to Sunday so all the things had to happen all at once. I was exhausted yet feeling my 2nd wind when I arrived.

My volunteers: Angela, Melissa, Eilene, Cathy, Carol, and Norma, were the BOMB.com. We started unloading my car and got to work. The beauty team led by Amanda, Stephanie and Yvonne and her students from Adorabella Beauty Academy got to work doing their magic. The models started arriving and once the church cleaning lady swept and mopped the floors we built out the seating chart, put together the VIP bags and I started writing Thank You notes that also served as seat assignments. I realized I had forgotten part of the swag and asked Isaiah if he could run by my casita to pick it up. There were a couple of other things that the team asked for as well. I went to work steaming the garments when Cati arrived to set up her DJ deck. I pulled the models together and we did a quick run through. And by 10:45am, patrons started to arrive.

Since I never get to enjoy the pre-game festivities, I truly hope all in attendance did. I wanted attendees to enjoy some of my Italian favorites like Caprese salad, cornettos, cannolis, charcuterie and themed drinks like Limoncello, Aperol Spritz and Bellini’s (but when I went back to purchase the bottles from Trader Joe’s they were no longer available so PIVOT to Prosecco). The team put on a beautiful display and while it was a warm late August Sunday, it was actually cooler than the past week because of the rain the night before. The 200-year old church doesn’t have air conditioning, so all the doors were open and electric fans were on. Each seat included a hand fan. I quickly jumped into Amanda’s chair and asked that she smoothe my “monica” hair that even in a bun couldn’t tame because of the kinky tendrils. Stephanie got to work on my face. I didn’t ask for full makeup but instead transform my look from a zombie to fresh, like I got six hours of sleep. The masters that they are, they both exceeded my expectations and as the patrons were taking their seats, the models and I got together for one behind the scenes photos. Then they lined up. During the first Act they would be walking to Royals by Lorde and Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine. It was a small runway so I directed the ladies to walk in through the church front door pause then walk up to wear the altar/stage, pause, walk back down and back up and out. Watching the video after, it was magic, like they were walking in from the light the wood floors, adobe walls and flickering faux candles created a heavenly backdrop to the fashion.

Bobby said he’d be floating around to get different angles and perspectives. I called on Bobby when I knew I was going to be showing in the Old San Ysidro church. His photography captures the heart and soul of all things New Mexico in the purest sense. We met through a mutual friend back in 2017 at my show and have been following each other since. He photographed my Paris ou Buste show last summer, so I was very grateful that he was available and interested to capture this event. I asked Amanda to stream the show on Facebook Live and she kindly obliged. Here we were ready to go. I stepped out to welcome everyone provide a quick overview and then I stepped out with the models and the show began.

The models sashayed down the runway and 10 minutes later the first Act was done. I invited the beautiful Ane Romero back to share her gift of music (if you recall last year’s show she paid homage to my gram by singing Buenos Dias Palma Blanca. This year I asked for gospel tunes and we settled on How Great Thou Art with a sound track and Amazing Grace acapella. Her soulful voice moved me so and as I was told many of the attendees, they were moved as well. These songs reminded me of my grandpo and my mom, respectively. This performance gave the models the time they needed to change for Act two.

I jumped into help where I could. I was helping Skye with the Eve dress…did you ever hear the story about the dress that Marilyn Monroe wore to sing happy birthday to President Kennedy, and how she was sewn into it? Well, we had something similar with Skye’s dress and the invisible neck strap snapped. I attempted to first tie it to her necklace but it didn’t work, so then I tried to sew it to the necklace and it snapped. so instead of having a wardrobe malfunction, we opted to make it a dramatic walk with her hand delicately holding the dress in place (PIVOT). Then, Sofi approached me asking where the Phoenix piece was and it was like I hit a wall. I purposefully didn’t put the dress in my garment bag because I didn’t want it to ruffle the feather detail and in that moment, I realized it was still hanging on the garment rack in my dining room. I was mentally trying to figure out how I could drive back to my casita grab it and come back in time for her to change. I knew I couldn’t make it work so we opted for her to wear the same dress from the first Act and she would use the bow as a prop (PIVOT). She performed brilliantly and the bow was the perfect prop built into her dance. Each of these stories were paired with a Sia song. Sia’s music has been instrumental in my design aesthetic and growth as a designer. Here is how the stories came together with each story’s look:

I joined the models for the final walk to Sia’s Immortal Queen and took the stage with a full heart of gratitude. I thanked my sponsors and volunteers.

I could not pull this off without all the support. And I am so grateful to everyone who attended whether you were there to support me (or supported me by buying a ticket but could not be there) or were there supporting your loved one.

I genuinely hope you had a wonderful time. I did. After we cleaned up and talked about the show, I drove home trying not to doze off. When I got home, I slept for hours fully content. Sometimes you are thrown curve balls, and you’ve got to either yell PIVOT or SHUT UP but make sure you build some lightness and laughter into the situation.

With all the twists and turns, it was my favorite show to date. When you get a text from a dear friend the Monday following the show that says, “You did a such a fabulous job! While last year was super fun, this year was magnificent.” Thank you, Serena. And when your bestie, posts on Facebook, “Your collection is a celebration of life and the power of faith! Your ability to blend different elements and push boundaries is a testament to your talent and passion for design. Your life stories, as told through your collection, remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope and a path forward. You are a shining light, and I have no doubt that you will make the 505 in Milan shine even brighter!” Thank you, Ang. These comments, all those who posted photos, and came to congratulate me after reminded me that all the hard work is totally worth it.

And if you missed the show, but want to see it, here is an edited version (just under 30 minutes). It’s got all the fashion and beautiful performances.

Now if you’ve read this far and/or watched the show, let me know, by commenting below, if any of the “story” dresses need to be in the Milan line up. And if you wanted to support this event but time ran out, you can still buy me a coffee or cocktail just go out to the events page to find my Venmo and Paypal settings.

On to Milan!
With Light and Love,
Dara Sophia Romero

A New Day Rising

How’s your week been? Coming back from all those Fifth of July, oops I mean Fourth of July celebrations ;)?!? It’s been a hot minute since I checked in. I think writing my last blog, creating the Phoenix Rising and a few special occasion dresses for clients while finding the perfect venue for the La Vita E Un Dono runway show, and spending so much time with my inspiring friends and family, my cup is overflowing with creativity. As best said by the Foo Fighters, “I, I’m a new day rising. I’m a brand-new sky to hang the stars upon tonight.”

The Phoenix Rising
Model: Sofia Jaureguiberry | PC: Tony Gallagher | Hair: Adora Bella Beauty Academy | MUA: Rochelle

What’s your story? Who is the cast of characters? …the protagonist (I hope you say yourself)? …the antagonist (I feel like sometimes we’re that too)? Is it a story of redemption, is it comical, is it filled with love, or does it fall in line with Greek Tragedy?

Ten years ago, over the Memorial Day weekend, I was watching soccer games with friends when one of the mentioned to me that I should start designing clothing. At the time, I was at the boutique and loved styling and buying the clothing for my clients, but hadn’t created anything for anyone in thirty years. This person had no idea that I grew up wanting to be a fashion designer, so I asked the question, “what makes you say that?” The response was to the point, “you’d make a killing; you have an eye for it.” This person continued to lift up this idea by saying that in five years I’d have showrooms in New York, Paris, London and Milan. I let it sit with me for a little while and then I tried my luck sewing, first, for myself.

Well, it has taken me a little more than 5 years to achieve the accomplishment of showing in all these places (Milan this September) and many other locations. I may be a little older than the traditional fashion designers, but I’ll tell you this: if there is something you’ve been wanting to do but there are barriers in your way, whether self-imposed or not, I say DO WHAT THEY THINK YOU CAN’T. Surround yourself with the people that believe in you (and even better those that believe in you MORE than you believe in yourself because they will keep you accountable). So it brings me back to the stories…

I have had a spiritual awakening in some ways since visiting the Old San Ysidro church and letting the fact that I will be showing in an Italian monastery built in the 1400’s (both are deconsecrated or no longer used for religious services). I felt like there’s stories that I’m fascinated by, whether mythological or from biblical history and this would be the perfect venue to bring them to life. As I’ve said before, I tend to be more inspired by what I’m experiencing in life and these stories resonate to me. Here’s a couple of examples.

In March 2021, two weeks before my mastectomy and during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I took a quick trip into NYC. I knew this was not the correct protocol to be traveling just weeks before my surgery, but there was a temporary statue that I needed to see because it was going to be taken down before I could get back out there. The sculpture, Medusa with the Head of Perseus, by Luciano Garbati was installed in Collet Pond Park and faced New York County Criminal Courthouse. If you’ve ever read mythology or heard the tales, you may have heard about Medusa.

In every mythology movie I remember seeing, Medusa was the monster with snake wielding hair and a stare that would turn you to stone. As I learned about this particular sculpture, I felt called to visit it. If you don’t know this tale, I’ll share a quick synopsis of what I’ve heard and read.

Medusa was a beautiful maiden who was raped by the sea god Poseidon in Athena’s temple. She, the victim, was blamed and turned into a Gorgon–a mythological monster–with a lethal gaze and a crown of snakes upon her head by Athena. According to Greek Mythology, she was beheaded by “the hero” Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danaë, with the help of Athena and other gods and her head was the trophy. What I loved about the sculpture, is it flipped the script on the story we’ve been told. In this version, she is carrying the head of the man sent to kill her in one hand and a sword in the other. At the time, I saw myself in that story. My Perseus was cancer.

Another story I’ve been delving into A LOT lately, is The Chosen. This television series is biblically based with a little creative spin to bring some humanity to the divine and tie the gospels and old testament all together. The story follows Jesus, His apostles and disciples. I love how it dives deeper into these followers lives as they grapple with things like forgiveness, doubt, faith and humility. I try to wrap my head around being alive at the time of Jesus and especially being one of His chosen. I love all the characters but I’ve always been drawn to Mary Magdalene. She had a troubled past. According, to Luke 8:2, “as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;” Yet, she was called out by name and the first to witness Jesus’ resurrection. Mary Magdalene’s story is about repentance, devotion and transformation. It is also about forgiveness—and even more so, forgiving ourselves. As I started thinking of my mood board for this look, the quote from Oscar Wilde came to mind, “The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has a past while every sinner has a future.” I think sometimes we forget that we are continually growing and evolving (or at least I hope so). That transformation reminds me of the butterfly which has also been a symbol in the faith.

I hope you see how I’ve been inspired. Those are two of the 11 stories that will play-out in the performative segment of La Vita E Un Dono. I plan to share more with you from Mary mother of God, to Cassiopeia, to Susannah. Stories of tenacity, audaciousness, humility, redemption, empowerment, growth and beauty. I can’t wait to share those with you along with the looks I will be taking to Italy.

I’ve got the venue, 11 models lined up, volunteers in place, a third of the tickets sold, and have added another incredible sponsor—thank you all for this tremendous support sooner rather than later. Thank you Jennifer Graham Realty for joining Alpha-Lit Albuquerque Santa Fe as presenting sponsors and All About You Events as an in-kind sponsor.

All that’s missing is you! Go to the EVENTS page for the details. Let’s share stories over a Limoncello Spritz on August 25th!

With light and love,
Dara Sophia Romero


Hi there! Remember me? How have you been? I know it’s been months and months since I last wrote. And honestly, I’ve tried, but I guess I haven’t had the right words. I’ve had several friends ask if they missed a post which made my heart happy, because they said they enjoy reading along my Ms. Adventures. I guess I’ve been in this weird purgatory type space where I haven’t had a million things going on, yet I guess I have. I’m a high-performing manic. The more I have going on the more I flourish, but when something gets in my way or I get in my head I become absolutely avoidant and check out from everything. 2024 got me feeling this way with a sense of uneasiness. I don’t know about you, but this hits differently.

2020 – the world pandemic;
2021 – I was diagnosed with breast cancer, underwent a mastectomy (5 weeks recovery) and radiation therapy (6 weeks of daily treatments);
2022 – broke my ankle and because of subsequent surgery was out of work for 6 weeks; and
2023 – had reconstructive surgery that resulted in 4 days ICU and 8 weeks recovery.

Yet through all these years I was excited to overcome these obstacles and live my best life. And, boy I did. I created beautiful memories with family and friends here at home, across the country and abroad. Since I last wrote, I traveled with my BF to NYC for the holiday season and celebrated NYE in Denver, and I survived another retail holiday season (if you’ve never worked retail, you have no idea what an accomplishment it is). I started January full of promise, big eyed and bushy tailed. I used points to book a flight to NYC for fashion week in February and a trip in April to Austin in April to be extra ears for a friend considering buying into a franchise and then my champagne dreams on a beer budget went flat.

Have you seen this? OMGEEE I can so relate. If you asked my brother, I bet he’d say that was me growing up…righting the wrongs. You go Marnie! Bloody Hell!!

Maybe it’s the economy? And the uneasiness of a presidential election year? And the potential of war around the world? Maybe I’m just old and pay more attention to these things than I should, but I’ve never cancelled trips before. January I got hit by major car issues and I think what I was most upset about is the fact that I was taken advantage of and paid for preventative maintenance to only find out that it wasn’t performed. At the same time I had past debt pop up…blah blah blah…we all have debt (well, maybe not everyone) but I feel like Dallas, the clairvoyant from NYC, profoundly stated years ago on 5th Avenue, “you constantly take 1 step forward and end up taking two steps back”.

One day when I was figuring out why I haven’t been ahead since 2020, I realized over the past three years because of medical expenses I’ve lost out on $25,000 in income (that doesn’t include estimated income lost from retirement savings). And don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful to be healthy, to have a job and healthcare and for some reason I am incredibly blessed because God always finds a way to provide. I was working overtime and gratefully had commissioned dresses to help pay one of my debts down quickly. I was working toward another when last week I was informed, that overtime is no longer available to me. Sometimes you have to go with the flow…but I also understand how, in this economy, someone can be severely impacted by one major expense like medical or automobile expense. So, when I am asked for help, I CANNOT NOT help.

There were fashion shows and drives. At times I feel like I am the richest woman in the world because of the incredible people in my life and the opportunities that have been bestowed upon me. 2024 has been no different. In February, I was approached by another production company to show in MILAN, ITALY (yes, for fashion week). After reviewing the proposal, the 10,000 euros in production costs was out of my budget. But what do they say, “what comes around goes around?!” Last month, I received an invitation from the production company that produced my Paris Fashion Week show in 2023. The proposed production costs were a third of the former and about 2,000 euros less than Paris. This really gave me food for thought (but more on that in a minute),

I’ve battled demons that won’t let me sleep
Called to the sea but she abandoned me

But I won’t never give up, no, never give up, no, no
No, I won’t never give up, no, never give up, no, no

Never Give Up, Sia

A couple of weeks ago, I had my annual breast MRI. And as any woman that has dealt with breast cancer or questionable scans, you know the feeling of apprehension and anxiety and want to get through the tests as quickly as possible. MRIs are uncomfortable as it is because the tube you are drawn into can lead to a feeling claustrophobia. Breast MRI requires you to lay on your chest balancing on a rod along your sternum while trying to stay as straight as possible. Added excitement for me happens when my veins hear that an IV is coming. They immediately hide (no matter how much water I drank the day before), so that just adds to the fun. The only redeeming factor of this procedure is that the medical staff asks if you’d like to listen to music while you lay as still as humanly possible. The first time I had an MRI, I was asked the same question and big dummy me said, “I’d like to listen to Lady Gaga radio”. That was the most difficult 20 minutes in my life (how can you listen to Lady Gaga and not want to dance?). But after that, I’ve learned I can listen to Sia radio because I listen intently to her lyrics and find solace in that thunderstorm. After clicks and strumming of the machine and praise for my ability to stay still, the session was over. The next day, I received a call from scheduling, the appointment I had with my breast surgeon for the next week needed to be rescheduled. I guess my mammogram wasn’t scheduled so it too needed to be added. The woman scheduled both for August, so of course I felt that the MRI must have went well since there wasn’t a rush to meet with doctor. I went on with the rest of my week.

That following Sunday, after a full day of activities, I stopped by the post office to pick up my mail because I had been told that I should have received an invitation. I didn’t find the invite within my mail bundle but instead a letter from the office that performed my MRI. In the letter, it stated that I had just performed my screening and there was something found within that required an additional look. The letter also included a note that said most of the time there is nothing to worry about (sure tell that to someone who’s been diagnosed with cancer). And what the hell, why didn’t they call (the letter was dated the day after I had my doctor appointment rescheduled). I think my heart fell into my stomach and anxiety set in. I tried with the best intentions to just go to sleep. Monday morning, I called to reschedule my mammogram to an earlier date because of this finding. The associate on the phone was kind and helpful. She scheduled me for the next morning. I wasn’t sure there was anything to worry about but the unknowing is the hardest thing, so I went on that day working on a commissioned dress. I have found focusing on something outside myself is the best stress relief for me.

I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don’t change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you’re taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived

Alive, Sia

I arrived at the appointment. The mammogram technician asked the obligatory questions about the visit, “have I noticed any changes in my breast or did I have any concerns?” I responded about the note I received. She read her notes and said there wasn’t anything specific noted for her to image and that the MRI scan came back benign, but she would do her due diligence. If there was anything that needed a further, they’d pull me in for an ultrasound. I went through the contorted smashing of my breast and then was ushered to the waiting room. The ultrasound would be next.

This waiting room…what can I say. It is set up like a spa waiting area with water and tea available, soothing music, art on the walls and tables and a big window overlooking the dirt parking lot next door. I understand the concept but as I looked around the room at the women who were there with me awaiting their next step, one was pacing and one was softly crying. I got up to get water and offered to get the woman next to me who was in her feels a drink too. About 10 minutes later, I was called into the dark ultrasound room. The sonographer remembered me from the year before, I guess when you’re asked what you do and you say you’re a personal stylist at Macy’s, and the only one in Albuquerque, it’s a lasting impression. Although, now that I think about it, none of my medical team has come into see me after they constantly say they need to. I guess it’s hard to go from scrubs to real clothes, but I digress. After each click of the machine, I couldn’t help to think what is she photographing, but a few minutes later she gave me a napkin to clean up the goop and said she was going to get the doctor. I sat there as I heard the two of them talking when the door opened the doctor was talking about his daughter getting a fellowship to Oxford when the sonographer redirected him by introducing me to him. He went on to introduce himself say something like, “everything is clear; see you in a year.” Who says bedside manner is dead. LOL!

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I put my armor on, I’ll show you that I am

I’m unstoppable
I’m a Porsche with no brakes
I’m invincible
Yeah, I win every single game
I’m so powerful
I don’t need batteries to play
I’m so confident
Yeah, I’m unstoppable today

Unstoppable, Sia

I left with a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. I got in my car and said a prayer of gratitude and texted the few people that knew what I was going through over the past 48 hours. I then realized, this is my life. I all I can do is live life to the fullest every day and pray for good results but you never know what’s ahead of you. If you are still with me (and I hope you are). I’m going to share a little more how this continued to hit home.

At a recent graduation party, I was asked to highlight a verse or scripture in the Bible for the graduate to take with them on their next chapter. I was stopped in my tracks because there is so many beautiful passages and knowledge found to share that I got overwhelmed and wrote a note instead. A few nights ago, I read this passage from Romans and I was overwhelmed with emotion (so intensely that tears streamed down my face) because I thought of the suffering and struggles of the past few years. I then remembered the suffering this love experienced and how there is so much hope for the future, so I sent a text with this passage and I explained my delay and asked that it be highlighted from me with love. 🤍💜🤍 I’ve said this before, but you can’t life a full life without suffering and as much as we all hate it (I know I’m generalizing, some sadists enjoy it), it softens us and makes us more human—built by perseverance and relishing in hope and joy. I have also found that it pushes me to do all the things even when I feel it’s not possible but all things are possible through my faith and the support around me.

This past week, I was once again reminded that Life is a Gift (La Vita e un Dono). Since I began creating under the label, Hopeless + Cause Atelier almost 9 years ago, I have been gifted with some incredible people. People who have become friends and family. Creative beautiful souls that I’ve been able to bring along these Ms. Adventures all over the world. Our lives have been connected with the thread to create beauty, confidence and self-empowerment through fashion and design. Sadly, this week we said good-bye to one of those beautiful souls. I met Jocelyn Lopez in 2017 through an introduction of a mutual friend. Jocelyn, who by profession, was a hair artist jumped in to help with one of my local shows and when I had my first opportunity to show for New York Fashion Week, she relished at the chance to join me and help me bring my creations to life. I still remember the morning she, another stylist friend and I met and talked about the looks. She assembled the team and not only did we rock the hometown preview but also took NYFW by storm. Last year, when she heard I was going to Paris she asked if she could join me for hair. I sent a request to the production company asking if she could join the local team. I wish I would have pushed harder because as I wrote before, the hair team showed up late and we ended up helping the models with their hair needs. As I read her obituary, her sister wrote that one of her biggest professional accomplishments was working NYFW and that made my heart happy that I could be part of that. Her excitement and zest for life and travel will be missed, but I think I can honor her by living life to the fullest and taking advantage of the opportunities presented to me.

Again the fragility of life, reminded me to go after all the things life has to offer. It will all sort itself out. It also isn’t lost on me that tomorrow June 10th, is the one year anniversary since my gram died.

So I did it, I signed the contract and am planning to do Milan Fashion Week on September 19, 2024. I am once again planning a hometown preview to help defray the costs and provide some fashionable entertainment to my friends and family in the Albuquerque community. I am grateful that Alpha + Lit Albuquerque Santa Fe has already committed to sponsor (thank you Tanya) and Carol Crist from All About You Weddings and Events has come on board as an in-kind sponsor helping with the planning of the event because this girl can use all the help she can get. I hope you will save the date for August 25, 2024. It is a Sunday and I am planning a brunch time show for the Atelier’s 9th birthday. Once I secure the location, I’ll share ticket information. However if you know any beautiful venues, a lovely garden would be perfect, please send those ideas my way.

Until then, you can catch Hopeless + Cause Atelier at Meow Wolf’s Absolute Rubbish: a Trashion Show on Thursday, June 13th in Santa Fe. I am partnering with my beautiful friend, Sofi, to bring to life the Phoenix…guess whose music she’ll be bringing to life the look to?!?

I hope to be back soon with more information and I’ll be remixing my obstacles to opportunities, my suffering into gratitude and my avoidance to action.

I’m goin’ to fly, goin’ so high
Goin’ to live, live my life
Goin’ to fly, I’m so high
Live my, live my life

One night in Milan is like one year in rehab
Let’s cancel all our plans, it’s a- (ah, pleasure, pleasure)

One Night, Sia

With light and love,
Dara Sophia Romero

My Favorite F Words

May it be Your will, G‑d, our G‑d and the G‑d of our fathers, that You should lead us in peace and direct our steps in peace, and guide us in peace, and support us in peace, and cause us to reach our destination in life, joy, and peace (If one intends to return immediately, one adds: and return us in peace). Save us from every enemy and ambush, from robbers and wild beasts on the trip, and from all kinds of punishments that rage and come to the world. May You confer blessing upon the work of our hands and grant me grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us, and bestow upon us abundant kindness and hearken to the voice of our prayer, for You hear the prayers of all. Blessed are You G‑d, who hearkens to prayer.

Telfilat Haderech, The Traveler’s Prayer in English, translation from chabad.org (my dear friend, Emet, left this voice message for me in Hebrew years ago–I listen to it every time I travel)

If you’ve known me for a while, you’ve heard about my desire to do a fashion, food, football and faith tour of Europe. Challenge (mini-challenge) accepted. Here’s how these F words and more made it into this trip…

I felt like I had just fallen asleep when my alarm went off at 4:15am. I had packed and repacked, took a shower and laid out my clothes the night before so all I had to do in the morning was dress and brush my teeth. I wasn’t even going to put my contacts in because I knew I’d try to sleep again on the first leg. Isaiah arrived at 4:25am and sent a text asking if I was awake just a few minutes before he unlocked and opened the front door. We loaded up the car and headed to the airport in a silent drive as I’m sure we were both still asleep. As he approached the Southwest drop off point, I recognized the people who were parked at the curb. Shannon and Teresa, my travel companions, had also arrived. Isaiah unloaded my bags, gave me a hug and asked me to send him text updates throughout the next day and a half of my travel.

DAY 1 & 2 – SEPTEMBER 20-21, 2023 – FLIGHTS

If anyone is Christmas shopping for me, I’m a size window seat in plane tickets.

Then it hit me, right there at the airport on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, we were on our way to Paris for my latest Ms. Adventure for Paris Fashion Week. The excitement fed my adrenaline and it made me so happy to see that Shannon and Teresa were just as excited. We checked our bags at the counter and worked our way through security. It seemed like half of Albuquerque had also decided to travel on this morning, as the lines were the longest I had seen in quite sometime. We got settled and talked about the adventure ahead of us when Shannon pulled out little travel bags for each of us filled with face masks, lip balm, hand sanitizer, motion sickness patches, hand bag hooks and hat holders….such incredibly thoughtful things that set the mood to the entire trip.

Our Southwest flight would take us to Dallas for our connection to LaGuardia in NYC. We got on the plane and took what became our customary selfie, it’s what we would do throughout our travels. We had a short layover before boarding the next leg to NYC. We arrived just before 3:00pm and our international flight was departing from JFK, which with traffic could be a car ride anywhere from a 45 minute to 1.5 hours depending on the traffic, so we grabbed fries from Shake Shake (the best burger and fries joint there is…In-n-Out fans, come at me bro!), grabbed our bags and ordered an Uber. I wish we had time to grab lunch in the city or see anything more than Manhattan skyline from the traffic we experienced going from the Flushing neighborhood of Queens to the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens (and there was a lot). We checked in with more photos and packing adjustments.

We got to our gate and had a proper meal from Shake Shack. We had a little bit of time so we checked email, talked about the upcoming days and just rested. As we started to board, I could feel the excitement rising even more. After grinning ear-to-ear, as I saw Shannon and Teresa in their seats, I took mine. The captain announced all the details as the on plane safety video went into effect. I was ready for take off but our plane was not. It felt like we did a couple of laps around JFK before we finally took to the air. I started a conversation with my seat mate (I always grab a window seat for red-eye flights so I can try some sort of contorted sleep). He asked what I was going to Paris for. I explained I was participating in Paris Fashion Week. I could see the wheels turning in his head. I do not have the stereotypical look of a fashion designer. I was wearing my jogger jumpsuit, a NYC sweatshirt, and my Adidas (I know you’re singing Run DMC right now) with glasses and hair in a bun but I was also dressed this way because this was also my red-eye sleeping attire . As he asked questions on what it took to show in Paris fashion week, I explained all my accomplishments from NYC to London to major magazines like Vogue and Elle and how I received an invitation from this particular production company. I continued the conversation and asked about his travels, after we landed in Paris he was continuing on to Berlin for what I had read just hours earlier is a marathon that draws close to 50,000 participants. It was a great conversation about accomplishing goals. Dinner service started and then I attempted to wind down and hopefully get a little sleep. Sadly, I’m not one of those travelers that can fall asleep in any setting. I did get an hour or two until the pilot announced that we were on our descent. EEK we had arrived! We gathered our on board luggage and headed off the plane to a eerily empty gate. We walked for a while before we to border patrol and got our stamp for France (on my last European Ms. Adventures, I only received a stamp in France as England had gone to biometric scanning for passports). We gathered the rest of our luggage and hailed a taxi to Noisy-Le-Grand, our home away from home (and home base) for the next two weeks.

Our home base for the two weeks (kind of looks like Emerald City from Wizard of Oz, doesn’t it?!?).

I was nervous about being in Paris. If you recall the last time I went, I was afraid that I’d have cigarettes flicked into my hair because I didn’t speak French. Since 2019, I’ve been learning the language off and on through Duolingo and watching as many French sitcoms and movies to get a better feel for the language. I definitely didn’t have a comprehensive vocabulary, but did know a few helpful phrases. When we checked in, I asked, in French, if the front desk attendant spoke English when she obliged, we got checked in and she informed me that our room wasn’t quite ready yet, but they could hold our bags while we went out for breakfast. Luckily, the front desk mentioned there was a mall just across the street…less than a 15 minute walk away. The mall, Les Arcades Centre Commercial, included a grocery store (it reminded me of my youth, going to Juarez supermarkets with each area carved out like shops within a marketplace–produce, cheese, bakery, meat, wines, etc), post office, florist, wine shop, lots of fabulous clothing shops and American favorites like Starbucks, McDonalds, H&M and Zara. However, we were seduced by Paul’s and their delectable case-line filled with pastries like Tarte de Pommes, Beignets, Croissant and Pain au Chocolate, which is what I settled on, plus a Cafe au Lait. I WAS IN HEAVEN!! After exploring a bit, jet lag set in and we settled into our room and talked about our plans for the next couple of days: Friday–Palais du Versailles and Saturday–Les Puces flea market.


Queens twirl in palaces…that’s all.

The weather was cool and a little dreary with spots of rain, but it looked like the afternoon would be clearing up. So based on the weather, we decided to get tickets for 13:30 (it’s military hours in Europe, so not only did we have to translate to PM hours but when we were talking to folks back home we had to remember we were 8 hours ahead–yes, it got confusing at times). I had predetermined a few of my looks for this trip. I had come across a pink tulle skirt at work and I thought I could make it more edgy with a muscle tee (avec shoulder pads) and kicks. When going to a palace one must twirl in a “coquette style” pink skirt. So we headed out to Versailles.

Somethings to know about Paris: 1) traffic is horrendous and 2) there is graffiti everywhere. Most of the time our Uber drivers avoided Paris proper but still it seemed like we were always stuck in traffic. We arrived to the grandeur that is know as Palais du Versailles. It drizzling and we had to get in line for our time slot, which was long, but moved rather quickly. The palace or Chateau was celebrating 400 years and had recently renovated Petit Trianon, or Marie Antoinette’s villa away from court life. I was so excited to see this and the Hall of Mirrors. We chatted with students in front of us and Americans behind us. Knowing me, you know I like to stay behind the scenes not drawing much attention to myself, but our new friends asked what brought us to Paris and Shannon, who is such an incredible cheerleader for her friends, brought up the fact that I was showing for Paris Fashion Week and Teresa was walking for me. Again, that imposter syndrome set in I just blushed in gratitude.

The palace was incredible with room-after-room of extravagance and beauty and the view of the gardens from each window was breathtaking, but the Hall of Mirrors stopped me in my tracks. It was grand and lavish and so many important world events have taken place in this room. It was one of the reasons I wanted to visit and it was well worth it. We worked our way through the military halls and other museum spaces until we came to the end and were quite famished, luckily Angelina was on the premises and we settled for a late lunch. I learned early on that wine is cheaper than water in Europe. And, it’s gooood stuff. After we ate, we decided to walk the grounds. We started out but the gardens alone seemed like it went on forever (according, to the Versailles website the palace, gardens, buildings, park and Trianon are 800 hectares or 2,000 acres).

There was so much to see and so much we weren’t able to fit in (until next time).

Shannon made the right decision for us to jump on the train to get the most out of the gardens and park. As we were riding, the driver talked about certain areas that were closing. I overheard that the stop we were currently at was the Petit Trianon, or Marie Antoinette’s apartment home. I hoped off and quickly ran through the beautiful space with brightly decorated rooms filled with champagne, billiards tables, busts of the queen, even commode rooms decorated regally, and of course they had a staged “cake”. Besides the Hall of Mirrors, this was my other MUST SEE and I’m so happy I did. Friday, I’m in love…with Versailles.


I may work in fashion but I’m a thrifter at heart.

When I decided to do a 10-hour trip to Paris in 2019, I reached out to two friends whom have family in France Sofi and Jamie, They gave me great tips to fill my hours, so when I returned I asked Jamie again about a place she has lovingly posted about over the years, the Paris flea market or Marche aux Puces. We took another Uber to Saint Ouen just north of the 18th arrondissement. We were dropped off under a bridge filled with parked cars and for a half moment I thought we were walking in China Town, NYC. The first few rows of vendors were the type I think of going to flea markets: faux luxury brand goods, electronics, and household items, but the deeper and deeper we walked the more wonderful it became. Antique shops. Shop owners sitting al fresco at their bistro tables with lunch and wine ready to make a deal to the patrons walking by. Beautiful secret gardens and historic finds like WWII badges and early 1900’s French made ceramics. I travel with my mini Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Jude retablos and I found the perfect St. Michael the Archangel to add. We visited this sublime vintage Chanel store. It was quite lovely to see all the jewelry, bags and clothing by the house of Coco as well as the other designers contained with in.

We had our own lovely lunch al fresco. We started with dessert–a fig tart that was divine then moved on to wonderful French dishes and of course wine (it was Rose all day, pretty much everyday for me). Shannon had found a beautiful quilted Chanel bag at another vintage shop earlier in the day when she decided she must have it so we went back and it was fun to see her so giddy about her purchase. We continued on to a quaint antique shop and the shop keeper asked what brought us to Paris and Shannon talked about our upcoming days. The shop keeper shared some great ideas to continue the fashion momentum like the Musee D’orsay, Palais de Tokoyo, Musee de la Mode and Musee Yves Saint Laurent. They all sounded amazing. It would be a matter of fitting them in on our few days with nothing planned. Next, I wanted to take Shannon and Teresa to Galleries Lafayette Haussmann. Which was my introduction to Paris in 2019 and the place I got my bearings. The rooftop provides an incredible 360 view of Paris.

Of course it was quite crowded for a Saturday afternoon and my friends got a little distracted by the luxury shops: Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, etc on the first floor, then again on the eighth floor when they spied all the fun souvenirs they could take home, but I finally got them to the rooftop and the breathtaking view of Paris. On September 11, 2019, I arrived alone to the rooftop and shared a little video that I had made it to Paris, so of course I had to do something similar. We took a few photos and then made our way back down. It was a shopping mecca and once again Shannon was drawn to Chanel. The gals bought lots of goodies. I left with my favorite, macarons from Pierre Herme. For dinner, we settled for a local chain, Hippopotamus, known for their steak options. Shannon was thinking aloud about this option, “STEAK DE CHEVAL CLASSIQUE”. Immediately, I was glad for my Duolingo and asked her if she wanted to eat horse. She cringed and said, “no” and I was glad I didn’t have to witness that. I don’t recall what she ordered, but I chose the salmon. We returned to the hotel and packed for Rome and Nice.


Life is short, do all the things.

When we got back to the hotel, Teresa and Shannon wanted to wash some clothes for the next leg and after packing and repacking, I don’t think they crashed until after 1am. I am a light packer, planning to take only my backpack for the next 4 days. Our flight out of Orly to Roma Fiumicino was departing at 7:10am so we caught an Uber at 5am. We checked into our gate and grabbed a bite to eat and coffee and as we were sitting there I realized that the flight attendants that were waiting to board “our gate” were wearing Portugal uniforms, when I looked up to see that the gate had changed. We rushed over to our new gate just in time to board. The two hour flight got us into Rome a little after 9:00am as we deplaned, we looked to go through customs to get our passport stamped. No such luck but as we stopped and looked a man asked if he could assist us. We explained our situation and he mentioned since we traveled from France we were traveling through the European Union and wouldn’t need to go through customs. At the same time another man approached us and asked if we needed a taxi, as Teresa and I started talking to him, another man approached and started taking pictures of her. That freaked us all out. The first man gave us some more advice. He said to only accept rides with the white taxis and go to the official taxi line outside. It was great way to wake us up and prepare for the time in Rome. As we drove, from the airport into the city the landscape went from fields and farms to a city filled with ancient ruins and newer buildings. Cars were parked every where…in the medians on the side walks, like Paris, the vehicles were much smaller than the US. And also like Paris, graffiti was everywhere.

This was our view from our bedroom window in Rome.

I had been communicating with the hotel over the course of the last few weeks through WhatsApp. The hotel and suites, Little Queen Suite, only has an attendant from 8am to 1pm, so I made sure to let them know when we landed and were on our way. We arrived at our non-descript hotel (really, it was a large door with a buzzer and no sign overhead). I was a little nervous about what I had booked. As we walked inside, we came across the smallest elevator I had ever seen. The three of us could squeeze in there like sardines, but there would be no way luggage would fit, so I opted to take the stairs since Teresa and Shannon had small roller bags. We checked in with Marta. She mentioned that the room was being cleaned and would be ready in about an hour and suggested we grab a bite to eat. We left our bags there and headed out across the Torre del Papito piazza dei Calcarari we found a little pizza shop. The nice thing about being in Italy is that Italian is close to Spanish. Teresa is fluent in Spanish and Shannon and I know enough to get by. We settled on Arancini (heavenly fried rice and cheese balls), zucchini pizza and wine/Aperol Spritz (because when in Rome).

“Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.”

Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat. Pray. Love.

Sitting there it hit me, “Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.” As I looked at the ruins around us it got a little heavy as I thought about the beginnings of Hopeless + Cause Atelier and I remembered after I delivered Jennifer her first look for Diner en Blanc how I went home and watched, “Eat. Pray. Love.” and how this line impacted me. And as I watched it again, how the word “Tutti” (Italian for everybody) came to play in those that I’ve been blessed by supporting me and those I have been able to bring along for the ride. This would be the first time I would cry on this trip, not of sadness but instead deep gratitude knowing I was meant to be there in that moment with my friends. It was still early in the day and we had received a map from Marta. Realizing that the Pantheon was less than a 10 minute walk, from there the Trevi Fountain was another 6 minute walk and less than 10 minutes was the Spanish Steps. We went back to the hotel. Our room was lovely, but the view, breathtaking. There were three of us throughout our travels so the rooms were typically a queen bed and a twin or sofa bed. Since I move so much in my sleep, I told them I’d take the later. The thing about this room is that the shower area was open with glass walls. I didn’t understand how anyone in a room that accommodates more than two people (so more than just your lover) could take a shower as it was, so we made a make shift wall out of towels for privacy. A very European addition in the water closet was a bidet. I had seen them before but hadn’t stayed in the room that had that option (and for my 50 new things goal this year, I made sure to use it). We freshened up and set out on our walking adventure. Sadly, the day before Shannon did something to hurt her knee and we were in the walking capital with thousands of stairs, but she was a trooper through it all.

It was the first Sunday of autumn and the streets were bustling with people. The weather was warmer that we had planned for. We had heard from friends and family about pickpocketing so we made sure to keep our wallets close (I wore a crossbody where the bag laid across my chest). I plugged in our destination in Google Maps and put an earbud to guide us. We arrived at the Pantheon in sheer awe. The building is thousands of years old and the magnitude of the columns and dome was incredible to believe that humans built it without modern tools, and as the YouTube link, contained within, states has been copied throughout the world through the Neo-classical style.

Unfortunately, the line was so long that we opted to move on to the next wonder. However we could feel the heat and with all the shops and restaurants, I suggested we get gelato. Now before this trip. I had no idea there were differences between the gelato in Italy. Teresa educated us on what she learned from TikTok (#fakegelato). Authentic gelato comes in metal tins to keep the right temperature and aren’t piled in mounds. Also, the colors are natural. It was funny to see us pop into the shops to see if they were authentic or not. We decided we’d find one after Fontana di Trevi. But there is so much to see along every street, we popped into Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola, and was amazed by this 17th century Roman Catholic Church featuring trompe l’oeil ceilings (deceiving the eye–or illusionistic ceiling) & frescoes depicting St Ignatius.

We arrived with the crowds to Fontana di Trevi. Again, the incredible beauty of this man made water feature. According to Trevi Fountain Facts, “The legend holds that a coin thrown into the fountain will ensure a return to Rome. This tradition also dates back to the ancient Romans who often threw coins in water to make the gods of water favor their journey or help them get back home safely. Throw in a second coin if you’re seeking love – or even a third for wedding bells!” (https://www.walksofitaly.com/blog/art-culture/9-surprising-facts-trevi-fountain-rome). As we worked our way through the crowds, we made it to the edge to toss in our own coins. I stopped at one–LOL! After a few more photos, we worked our way out but not before we were stopped by street vendors trying to sell electronics and selfie sticks. Shannon haggled with one and got one at a good price. Though out this time, Teresa jumped back on TikTok to find an authentic gelato shop, The Gelatist, and it was on the way to the Spanish Steps. We stopped in and each got our favorite flavor. I opted for Tiramisu. I could eat gelato every day and not feel bad because I knew I’d be walking it off. As we got back on track, we stumbled upon a Sephora, realizing early on I had forgotten my signature red lipstick, I asked if we could pop in.

Spanish steps were made famous by Roman Holiday featuring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.

We made it to the Piazza di Spanga. All around us was so much to see: the Spanish Embassy, in front of us Fontana della Baracia, to the left all the luxury brands you could imagine, and to the right the Spanish Steps. There were people, people, people everywhere. I had read weeks before that you couldn’t sit on the steps, let alone stop and stand on them without the police asking you to move or citing you. Maybe they gave breaks on Sunday? Because there were people sitting and standing everywhere. Shannon’s knee was not playing nice, so she stayed at the fountain as Teresa and I walked up all 135 of them, pausing at each of the three terraces (referenced to the holy trinity) and going into Santissima Trinità dei Monti. Another beautiful and awe inspiring church. I have to admit when we got to the top I wanted to throw my fist up in the air like Rocky, but I refrained.

When we left the church we looked down to see if we could find Shannon before we made our descent. As we got to the bottom, we decided to head back to the hotel. We were all tired so we thought it would be nice to relax for a bit before we headed out. We figured out we had access to Netflix so I opted to start MILF. It’s a French story about three best friends who go to the French Rivera (une petite coquine). After a little rest, we decided to have dinner at Pasta e Vino Osteria. There was one right out side our hotel with the front door man selling the menu but there was no outdoor seating so we went to the one that was on the other corner of the street (they were literally less than 100 meters away from each other). We were sold by the hand made pasta being made in the front window and the prices. We started with Burrata (which became a must at each meal through out our Ms. Adventures) and wine and then each of us ordered a different dish to share family style. I have to admit I LOVE PASTA and BREAD, but after doing Keto for a few years I have found that I can no longer eat it because it does not love me. This was not the case in Europe. It’s freshly made and I feel like there is less genetically modified wheat used. The food was amazing and the service was exceptional, but I think that’s because our waiter was in love with Teresa. We went back to the room to finish watching MILF fully content.


Say a little prayer for me.

I could write a series of books on all the history we saw on this day, but this is a blog and I don’t want to loose you, so instead I hope to inspire you…so here I go.

As Shannon got ready for the day, Teresa and I went to the cafe around the corner to get espressos and pastries. The neighborhood was already buzzing. We had a scheduled tour of the Vatican and according to google maps, it was a 23 minute walk. As we got half way through Shannon suggested we take the bus or catch a cab. We got an Uber and glad we did as the route was over the River Tiber and the Vatican sits atop a hill (and we still had more that 16,000 steps ahead of us). We were dropped off at the steps of the entrance. It was filled with vendors selling scarves and other items. Dress code for the Vatican required modest dress with arms covered and if wearing a dress or skirt, midi-length and no shorts. I had brought my cardigan but it was already warm so I haggled with the vendor for a beautiful floral scarf. We were a little early for our scheduled time so we walked around and found a cute shop filled with Italian trendy fashion. We shopped for a bit and were able to hold our packages there until after our tour.

We got to our meeting site and met our tour guide, Jag. There were a dozen of us in the English-speaking group, but it was fun that not all of us were Americans. I thought the Vatican was big but I definitely underestimated the size and how much beauty was contained with. As I’ve been telling friends about this trip, I say we visited Paris, Rome, Nice, Monte Carlo and Reims, but I forgot that the Vatican is a city-state and the smallest country in the world…but oh so worldly.

Our tour guide shared that as you walk by this tapestry of Jesus his eyes follow you….yes, they do. Simply amazing.

We walked through the square and before we walked into the museums, our tour guide first talked about the history and the story behind the Sistine Chapel. Again, there were crowds (according to what we were told, there are nearly 30,000 visitors daily). As we walked through I was in awe of the juxtaposition of Egyptian and Roman influence against center of Catholic leadership. There were beautiful sculptures, tapestries, paintings and of course the ceilings. The ceiling frescos amazed me because I couldn’t fathom how they were painted. It’s not like Michelangelo could paint Adam take a step back to see the proportion to God and easily make the edits…from a 66′ ceiling. I was like a kid waiting for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and while the museums were breath taking, I was SO excited when our tour guide said the next room was the Sistine Chapel. We were told there was no speaking (holy space) or taking photos (flash could damage the paintings) while we were in there or we could be escorted out by security or even worse, banned.

Our tour guide may or may not have shared a way to take photos and I may or may not have got a few (you’ll have to judge for yourself in the video). We moved onto St. Peter’s Basilica. Again, I was moved by the massive yet beautiful church. As we walked around, we found that a rosary was going to be said while we were there. What a blessing! We joined in the Italian prayer. It was followed by mass, but because we had a scheduled a twilight tour of Rome. We headed out. But first, a quick shopping stop. The gals found all kinds of good things. I grabbed a few postcards and rosaries but it was so beautiful out, I grabbed a gelato and enjoyed all the traffic in the St. Peter’s Square.

We walked back to OVS, the fashion shop, to pick up our purchases and grabbed an Uber back to the hotel where we quickly freshened up and went to Museo Nazionale del Palazzo di Venezia, our meeting spot for the next tour. We met under the balcony in which Mussolini gave many of his famous speeches. Our tour guide greeted us and there was a dozen people in our group. We walked across the street to Piazza del Campidoglio which was designed by Michelangelo. As we walked up the Cordanta through the towering twin statues of Castor and Pollux. I started geek-ing out. While I am a Catholic by faith, I’m a total Greek and Roman Mythology history nerd. We continued through as our tour guide gave us the incredible history of the area. We reached the back side and paused at the Capitoline Wolf and we heard the story of the founding of Rome. The sculpture is of a she-wolf suckling twins Romulus and Remus and like any good Roman story there is a power grab, murder and intercession by gods.

As we walked down the cobblestone path, we were met by one of the over 2,500 nasone (or Roman drinking fountains) with with cool, clean water straight from the aqueducts. After watching our tour guide quench his thirst, I decided to add drinking from a nasoni to my 50 new things to try this year. Once I got a drink, I caught up with the group to arrive at Mamertine Prison. This is where St. Paul and St. Peter were said to be incarcerated in Rome. It was a somber experience. A stop me in my tracks view of the Forum was right around the corner. The Roman Forum, aka ancient city center, was incredible to witness as I took photos, I also took mental notes to learn more about this area when I returned home.

We continued walking along the historic Monti neighborhood. Currently, it is considered a hipster area, however in ancient times it was the seedy, red-light district of Rome, and I did see some of those moments when a fellow tour participant almost tripped over a dead rat as we began our ascent up the the Borgia Stairs. According to legend, “they lead from Via Cavour to Piazza di San Pietro in Vincoli (Saint Peter in Chains). The stairs pass under an ancient building associated with the notorious Borgia family (in particular, Vannozza dei Cattanei, the mistress of Pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia, and the mother of several of his children, including Cesare and Lucrezia). Legend has it that this was the site of the ancient Vicus Sceleratus (evil street) where Tullia ran her chariot over the body of her father, King Servius Tullius, in 509 B.C.E. Years later, Juan Borgia was assassinated here after leaving the Borgia property, perhaps by his own brother, Cesare. Despite association with these violent events, the staircase is very pretty, with ivy draping down from the building.(https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g187791-d11864837-r478680963-Scalinata_dei_Borgia-Rome_Lazio.html)”.

It wasn’t an easy feat and by this time we had walked 18,000 steps. I know Shannon was feeling it but I’m sure she had the same reaction as me when we reached the top and saw the Coliseum. OMGEEE the incredible magnitude and beauty of this graphically haunting place. We descended the hill and arrived front an center of this world’s wonder. It was glorious at night. Our tour ended there and I highly recommend the twilight tour vs. a daytime tour. It is less crowded and hauntingly beautiful. After some confusion about Uber pick up spots, we finally got our ride for a late dinner date at Harry’s Bar. We arrived around 10:30pm and it was quiet. I thought maybe we were shutting the place down, but once we took our seats it seems we drew energy in and within minutes it was bustling. It was a lavish dinner before we headed back to our hotel. Our Uber driver got stopped randomly by the police…kind of scary but we got back to the hotel to pack for our next leg.


Day 6 Rome with the Vatican, the Colosseum, ancient history and dolce vita #msadventures #roma #coloseum #vaticano #cornetto #dolcevita

♬ De Novo Adagio (Intro) – Alicia Keys


Life’s a beach.

After a very late night, I still don’t think we’ve acclimated to our European time zone, Shannon and I slept in. Teresa was determined to go to mass and have the rosaries purchased the day before blessed. She came back to the room around 8am. I was up by this time and the two of us headed out to do some souvenir shopping. We headed to a religious shop that caters to priests. We stocked up on rosaries and other gifts. Teresa gifted me this beautiful sacred heart ornament. We grabbed pastries and coffee and brought it back to the room before packing up and heading to the airport. We left Rome about 11:00 am and arrived in Nice, France about 1:00 pm. As we stepped off the plane, I knew we arrived in a coastal paradise. We grabbed a cab and road along the Promenade des Anglais. The blue sky and blue waters went on as far as the eye could see only dotted by boats. We arrived at our hotel, La Villa Nice Promenade, and checked in. Josie and Jocelyn arrived earlier in the day and were on the beach taking it all in. We only had a couple of hours, at most, before we had to catch the train to Monte Carlo. Teresa and I decided to take a little walk to get the feel for our neighborhood and to see the beach.

We walked along the Promenade de Anglais and Teresa was inspired. She shared with me that her dad had gone parasailing on his honeymoon with her mom in Acapulco, Mexico. In that moment, she decided had to do that while we were there. We didn’t have time that evening so the next morning she made her reservation. We continued on and walked into Hotel Negresco. My friend, Rachel, who visits Nice often, suggested we walk through the hotel because of the amassed collection of artwork and the elegance of the building from the early 19th century. It was one of the many suggestions she provided for our visit (I just wish we had more time). Sadly, we weren’t allowed further than the lobby since we weren’t staying at the hotel. There was a hotel bar but we decided we’d come back when Shannon was able to join us. We continued down the road pass several shops and eateries. I even found a tattoo shop, but we didn’t have time for me to inquire about a mastectomy tattoo. We landed at Gelato D’Amore Nice and had a lovely conversation with the owner who was one of the few people we encountered in Europe that knew New Mexico was part of the United States and not part of Mexico. We got some gelato for ourselves and Shannon and headed back to the hotel.

We started to get ready for the evening and I had texted Josie we’d meet her and Jocelyn in the lobby. Shannon and Teresa were still getting ready when I decided to head down to meet them. As they finally came down, we ordered an Uber to get to train station. We arrived just minutes before our train was to depart so we ran through the train station and luckily got on before the train took off. Thirty minutes later we arrived in Monaco. The terrain of Monte Carlo is rugged and hilly, so upon departing the train station we heading to the casino. It was a 12-minute walk descending the hill side. While normally it wouldn’t be much of a walk, but everyone, except me, were wearing heels. We walked through the Casino Garden and the luxury shops were surrounding us. I knew high rollers lived here. We had a problem. We were probably about a 100 yards from the Casino, but there was a line to get in. It was close to 7:00 pm and Uber is not permitted in Monte Carlo so we tried to order taxis with no luck, so we were going to have to walk to La Mome for our 7:30 pm reservation. I made the reservation before we left Paris and had to guarantee it with a credit card. Late or no-show reservations would incur a 50 euros per person charge, so unfortunately we didn’t go into the casino and started our trek to the restaurant which according to Google Maps was a 23-minute walk with a steep decline and switch back. As we walked, I took in the view and imagined Grace Kelly driving down these sloping roads.

Google maps showed the path heading down hill and then switching back to the entrance but just a few minutes into our walk, I saw people in front of us duck into a space and as I looked over I saw it was the menu for our restaurant. The directions were pointing us to the entrance of the hotel that the restaurant was on the top floor of. I could feel a collective YAY as we walked into the restaurant. We were about 15 minutes early, but the hostess sat us with the incredible view of the bay in front of us.

Dinner was wonderful and the views were amazing (both the water and the waiters). We wrapped up just in time to figure out how to head back to the train. We stopped at the hostess station to see if they could help with a taxi. The hostess couldn’t assist us, so she suggested we go down stairs to the hotel front desk. We arrived and I walked up to ask for assistance. The agent informed us that the trains were on strike. We were dumbfounded and asked what do you mean? We just came in on the train. I asked if we could get a taxi back, there were 5 of us, so we’d need a van. He said he could help but couldn’t guarantee an arrival time for the taxi. It could take 10 minutes or it could take 2 hours, it just depends when the few taxis that work the area would be available. Lucky for us, a van arrived about 15 minutes later.

We jumped in when the valet asked if two young men who also needed to get back to Nice could join us. We had room and welcomed them in. We chatted on they way back the two of them were from NYC, one a corporate attorney and the other a corporate auditor. Shannon was intrigued to hear all the places to go when she and Teresa continue on to New York after Europe. We arrived outside our hotel about a half hour later. The two offered to pay for the trip it was 150 euros. The kindness of strangers.


Of anything about this trip I wish there was more of, I wish had more time in Nice.

We got up and ready for the day and Teresa made her reservation for the parasailing adventure. I suggested we spend the morning at Marche aux Fleurs Cours Saleya. It was a lively farmers market filled with flowers, plants, baked goods (the most incredible macarons and langostino tails–sweet pastry that looks like a lobster tail filled with flavored cream, OMGEE delicious), olives and oils, cheeses, meats, soaps and other gifts. It was a great place to get wonderful souvenirs at great prices.

The late summer sun was bight and cheery, but even though we sampled a few goodies from the market we were famished for lunch. With most of the restaurants touting fresh produce and ingredients from the market. As we walked along, I found the perfect restaurant (it was like someone was guiding me). It was another incredible meal. We decided that we’d walk along the shops to do some more souvenir shopping and so Teresa could find a bathing suit. I bought a hat and pair of slides because I was roasting and could walk along the beach and put my feet in the water (I actually tried on a suit but then decided that no one wants to see that). We walked out to find Fontaine du Soleil and as we were about to get an Uber I noticed an ATM so I told the gals I was going to get some more euros. I set my pin and began the process of withdrawling money and the screen timed out to an error message in French. I left not thinking anything more that the machine was down until two days later I was charged $171 (for the 150 euros I did not get–yeah, that’s a story for another day).

We arrived at the take off spot for Teresa. She changed and got light instructions of what to expect. Shannon stayed in the shade. I walked over to the water and sat on the edge putting my feet in the cool, clear water and I was in heaven. I smiled from ear-to-ear as I watched her take off and soar through out the sky. I know she was loving following her father’s footsteps. Her ride through the sky lasted approximately 20 minutes before she plunged into the water. We gathered our things and headed back to the hotel. We didn’t have enough time to really do much else so we got drinks from the bar and some nosh. Josie and Jocelyn came down for their scheduled car, they had spent time at the casinos. Like I said, I wish I had more time in Nice. I would have liked to explore more and actually spend more time on the beach (although I did get tan after the 45 minutes out there. LOL). We arrived back in Paris later that evening.


Nothing more romantic than a Seine River cruise with four of your friends.

Thursday was a catch up work day. It was filled with washing clothes, catching up on emails, completing tasks and binge watching Emily in Paris. Shannon hadn’t watched the series before so it was fun watching it through her eyes. We had a scheduled dinner cruise on the Seine that evening. So once again we got dolled up and headed into Paris, after a little mis-navigation and some fast running we made it to the boat for a front row view of the banks of the Seine. We enjoyed a very French meal with wine and 1980’s American music. The views were spectacular and the weather was quite warm for late September. After dinner we moved outdoors and watched the beauty of the lights from the Eiffel Tower and caught the Statue of Liberty (yes, Paris has one as well).

Once we returned to dock the boat, we found that the Eiffel Tower was a 15-minute walk so we headed that way. The streets leading to the tower were filled with vendors selling key chains and blinking miniature Eiffel Towers. We stocked up and headed through security and on to the base. It was late and the Tour de Eiffel was closing soon, so we only went up to the second floor and took a bird’s eye view of the area before we had to head down again. We left the park and got into our Uber back to the hotel. As we were sitting in our room we had to figure out travel arrangement for Reims, France the next day. After our issue with the trains in Monte Carlo we opted not to go that route but an Uber was going to be $200 one way after much consideration, we thought we should rent a car, so Teresa reserved one. We decided she and I would walk over in the morning to get it.


You got me poppin’ champagne.

We got up early and headed out to the car rental shop. It was a 15 minute walk and we had to get to Reims by 11:00am for our tour. As we arrived, we found that no one working could speak English and our French was limited. One of the agents could speak Portuguese and Teresa had a limited understanding of it, so they tried but then landed on using Google Translate. It took us a while to process the car because they wanted to put a 2,000 euros hold (which was returned once the car was returned). Luckily, Josie came to rescue and put it on her card. We got in the car and ran back by the hotel to pick up Shannon and hit the road. Now there is crazy traffic and roundabouts everywhere in Noisy-Le-Grand but once we hit the highway it was smooth sailing beyond the occasional tolls. The countryside was picturesque dotted with fields of crops and chateaus. We all voted Teresa to drive and I was her co-pilot. We arrived at Maison Veuve Cliquot within minutes of our appointment. YAY us!

We met with our tour guide, Clementine, and the descended into the belly of the champagne cellars and learned all about the history of the house and especially The Widow Cliquot (Veuve Cliquot) who was the driving force behind the champagne industry.

Emily learning the technique of sediment reducing established by Madame Cliquot

Madame Cliquot innovative ways of turning the bottles removed sediment from the champagne bottles and her blend changed the murky champagne to a clear liquid we drink today. Becoming a widow at the age of 27 years old, she led the company until her death at 89. She was a bad ass! The tour concluded with a tasting. It was fabulous and of course the rose was my favorite. We got a few suggestions for lunch and headed into town. We went to a bistro with French favorites like, coq au vin. We headed back to Noisy-Le-Grand and dropped off the car.


Into the Theater of Dreams…

Football or as you, Americans, call it, soccer, was ruined for me for a hot second. I brought my family into the realm of this sport as I had grown up around it. I was the one to take PTO to watch World Cup games and for decades, Manchester United has been my team. The last time I visited the UK, in 2019, I looked to see if I could make a quick escape to watch them play, but at the time the only time I could see them while I was there coincided with the day I was showing in London Fashion Week, so when I saw that they were playing at Old Trafford on September 30th, I mentioned it to Shannon and Josie. Shannon kept pushing so when I confirmed that there was no PFW obligations, I said let’s do it (this was just days before our departure to Europe). I’m so glad she pushed me, this was definitely a highlight of this trip. We had a mid-morning departure from CDG but when we arrived we found that our flight was delayed.

As I pulled up our tickets, I saw an email from the booking agent that said, “Please do not be concerned by the names on your ticket, each ticket is assigned to an individual or business name at the start of each season which cannot be changed. However, if you are asked by a steward where you obtained the ticket, it’s best to say they were given to you by a FRIEND FREE OF CHARGE. because the seller of your tickets that you bought the tickets from has enabled you to use his tickets for this event. Please do not contact the club directly regarding your ticket as this will result in your ticket becoming void.” I thought, “OH, FUCK” what did I buy. I jumped on the booking agent’s chat and asked that question. The agent responded that I shouldn’t have a problem. So I said a Hail Mary and asked God to let us in.

This trip was a same day fly-in, fly-out. We literally were there just for the game. So when we arrived in Manchester (sadly, no UK stamp) we hailed an English cab and headed toward Old Trafford. It was Teresa’s birthday, so we mentioned it to our cabbie and he played some fun birthday related tunes in her honor. As we arrived, we could see and hear the crowds readying themselves for the game. We popped out of the cab and hit the souvenir stands (I knew Isaiah was going to be mad that I went without him, so I made sure to get him a game day scarf). As we packed up with souvenirs, our driver had mentioned the Christian Ronaldo mural at one of the pubs, so I asked the gals if we could make our way there for some Instagram-able moments (LOL). I did take a photo with the legend, well, at least his mural. It’s England, so of course it was cloudy with one hundred percent of rain, but it was heavenly. We headed over to get the most delicious fish-n-chips. As we indulged, we took our surroundings in before heading in.

I was nervous but we had no problem accessing the building. Thank you, God! We were early so we did a little walk about to take it all in and grabbed a drink before taking our seats. Based on the prices for the tickets we got, I thought for sure we were going to be in the nose bleed section in the 74,000 seat stadium, but we were 6 rows behind the goal. THEY WERE INCREDIBLE!!! We watched the teams practice, the Red Devil come onto the field, and then the teams line up before the game started. When we took our seats there was a landscape of red (for all the open seats) and when the game began I could not see one open. We cheered ManU on like it was our home team and bummed when Crystal Palace got one pass the goalie. We left 15 minutes before the game ended to make sure we missed the crowds and made it to the airport in time. We found another English cab and made our way back to the airport. While we made it back in time, we hit the duty free shops. I was looking for drop earrings to add to my liquid metal dress rope ties and the gals were looking for souvenirs. Teresa had been collecting chocolates for her mom from each of the cities we visited and Shannon was looking for fun gifts to take home. We thought we had excess time only to find out that we needed to rush to our gate. This flight we had to walk out onto the tarmac and then climb the stairs to our seats, Shannon cussed a just little bit. We arrived back in Paris just after 8pm. Now it was time to prepare for PARIS FASHION WEEK.

By the time we got back to the hotel, I decided I wanted to edit one of my dresses. I had originally wanted create a cut out in the liquid metal mini dress but since my niece was wearing it for the hometown preview, I didn’t feel comfortable making it that sexy. So when I returned to the hotel I grabbed a bowel and my sewing kit (I opted not to bring my sewing machine) and copped a squat to sew, I also found some fun crystal drop earrings that I sew into the rope detail. Shannon and Teresa asked if I wanted to go out for dinner but I figured I needed all the time possible so they were thoughtful enough to bring me back some soup. Josie and Jocelyn stopped by to be outfitting in Hopeless + Cause Atelier for the show. Got them set, finished the edit and went to bed in order to be ready for the next day.


This is it. This is what you came for.

I can’t say I slept well that night. I think it finally hit me that I was participating in Paris Fashion Week and at once it was overwhelming. I mentioned feeling imposter syndrome, but it finally hit me. I am here and I deserve to be and there are so many at home that supported this incredible opportunity, so the excitement set in.

I thought it was fitting that we drove past the Arc de Triomphe–like a reminder, that “yes, you’ve completed another goal”.

The show producers said we needed to be at the venue, Les Salons Hoche, by 8:30 am, so I figured we’d leave at 8:00 am since the traffic should be lighter early on a Sunday morning. Teresa, who was modeling for me, had to be there at the same time and I was grateful when Shannon said she join us so she could help me backstage. After the beautiful morning drive we arrived at the venue and checked in backstage we grabbed our table talked to the model coordinator and set up shop. We found Sofi a few minutes later. She had arrived two days before but this is was the first time we saw each other so after a big hug we talked runway.

The models started to trickle in and I would start outfitting them accordingly. Just a few days before, I heard from Carmen, the third model friend I was bringing with me, notified me that she hadn’t received her updated passport and was not going to make it. I sent a message to the model coordinator to find me a replacement, so as they made the rounds they updated my casting list with the models that didn’t make it and I mentioned again that I needed another model added to my line up. They obliged and I had one added just a hour before the show. During this time, Shannon jumped into action steaming the garments that had been in my bag while I was doing the outfitting. Just a few hours before the models were to take the runway, we found out there was only one person there to do hair and a dozen there to do make-up. Shannon was in disbelief with the chaos. This is not my first rodeo so it didn’t affect me as much, there is only one production company, Fashion X, out of Austin that is completely organized. Luckily, Shannon and I brought our hair tools because we had planned to get ready there. The models took them over and got ready near our station.

As I always do, I looked over to appreciate the other designers and their creations. Paris is all about Haute Couture and Avant Gard designs and they were present in this show. My design aesthetic is simple beautiful designs with unexpected elements. They are more sustainable in the way that I don’t overuse material to get my creation across. It’s social wear with a social conscience. A half an hour before the show started, the coordinator asked for all models to take the runway for a run through. Shannon and I took seats at the end of the runway and I suggested that she, Josie and Jocelyn sit there so they’d have the entire view of the runway. Shannon was going to live stream the show on Facebook for anyone who happened to be up at 6:00 am local time.

After the dress rehearsal, it was time to line up the designers. We were third on deck. I asked Teresa to open and Sofi to close. All the models were lined up when I realized I was missing a model, I grabbed as staff member to find her. She had beautifully full hair with curl and was trying to get the hair person to tame it. They were trying to send out the models when I put a halt to it until she could get dressed. It changed my line-up a bit, but everyone was set and sashaying down the runway. At the end the models lined up along the edges, like they did in the Albuquerque show and I was planning just to step out, wave and go back in, but because Shannon, Josie and Jocelyn were at the end I couldn’t see them so I curtseyed and walked out. As soon as I saw them, I was like the Cheshire Cat with a ridiculous smile from ear-to-ear.

It always seems like it takes years to get to the show and it’s done in an instant. But boy, does it feel powerful to achieve dreams. Riding on the high, we decided to go for a bite to eat. We walked around the 8th arrondissement to find one with patio seating. We grabbed tables and started talking. We had a glass of wine to celebrate friends, travel and living life (and grandmas). Sofi talked about getting to Paris and I cried the second time this trip. It made me so happy to have her there and for her to feel good about being there. We ate drank and laughed the night away. We walked Sofi back to her hotel as she stayed near the venue. She showed us the park she wanted to do the photo shoot in and she pointed out a neon sign that made me smile because I knew my angels were with me.

We got an Uber from there and headed back to Noisy-Le-Grand. It was a good day, and I can honestly say I slept well that evening.


Make the most of every opportunity.

Josie and Jocelyn were heading back to the US so I met them downstairs in the hotel about 11:00 am. We had decided to do a photo shoot in Parc Monceau. We spent most of the morning working binge watching and washing clothes. We had two days left. We decided to take the metro into Paris and that was an adventure in itself getting to the right trains, but we did it. We met Sofi at her hotel. She and Teresa changed and we walked over to the park. Sofi is an incredible photographer but because I also wanted her to model we all took turns playing the photographer.

The purpose of this shoot was, well when in Paris you got to take some fabulous editorial photos that will be submitted for publishing. It was golden hour so and the park was filled with nannies and kids, older couples, younger couples and lots of people but we were able to carve out the space we needed with the gorgeous backdrop.

After the gals changed, we walked to a bistro for dinner and more conversation about our trip. We then headed back to the hotel via the Metro and Sofi left the next morning.


This day was 30 years in the making.

There were two things I told Shannon and Teresa I had to do: 1) Paris Fashion Week on Sunday, October 1st and 2) I had to visit La Basilique du Sacré Cœur de Montmartre on Wednesday, October 3rd.

In May when my friend, Tony, died, I pulled out a box from the shed that contained old yearbooks and photo albums. Two of those photo albums were filled with photos from my mom’s trip to Europe. When my grandma died the following month, the kids came over for brunch and Cati asked if she could look at them and I said, “of course” as she was going through the pages, I stopped her on the page that contained a Mass Missal and I got chills as I read the date, October 3, 1993. When I realized I’d be in Paris on that date, I knew I had to go.

Now that we figured out the Metro I figured out how early we’d have to leave so we could make Mass. However, Shannon wanted to stop by the post office in Les Arcades Centre Commercial to find out how much it would cost to ship back some of her purchases to New Mexico. We then headed on the Metro into Paris. While we were sitting there Teresa was reading headline with her earbuds in and screams out there’s an Outbreak. Shannon and I looked her, eyes wide open and I think shushed her. She didn’t realize she was talking loud. When she took out her earbuds, she told us about the bed bug outbreak in Paris (this is something I would hear about daily from then on out until I returned home–luckily we didn’t bring any unwanted visitors home with us). We arrived at the Montmartre exit and the view from the bottom of the hill was incredible.

As we reached the steps, I asked Teresa to take a photo of me with the program and as I stood there, a flood of emotion hit me. I was at the place my mom was 30 years ago. After I pulled myself together, Shannon and I took the tram up and Teresa walked the steps. I got in the very long line to go in the church, while Teresa and Shannon were taking photos. Thinking it was going to take a long time to go in, I sent them a text letting them know. It moved much quicker than I thought and I got inside before they responded. Sadly, but luckily, I came in at the end of the service but I got to witness some angelic voices of the nuns singing. After mass ended, I went on to explore the basilica until I reached the front pews, then I went in to pray. I felt at peace and extreme gratitude wash over me. As I looked over, I saw printed missals so I grabbed one to take home with me. I then saw Shannon and Teresa and we continued on. We grabbed lunch then shopped for souvenirs and the heaven opened up for about 15 minutes of heavy rain.

After it cleared up we decided to head over to the Louvre Museum. We didn’t have time to go in as it was closing soon by we took photos outside and then headed over the garden. It had changed so much since I was there four years before. Teresa had promised to get yarn for a friend so we headed over to these quant shops found in an alley before heading back to the hotel.


Day 14 Basilica of Sacré Coeur de Montmartre et Musée du Louvre 30 years in the making #louve #montmarte #paris #mom #love #msadventures #travel #doallthethings

♬ Autumn Leaves – Timothy Cole


Wednesday we woke early to head to the airport for our 11:00 am flight back to New York. I checked my phone and found a text message from the airlines, Delta, stating the flight had been delayed to 2:00 pm, which meant that the previous arrival time of 2:00 pm EST was now changed to 4:30 pm. We talked about what we should do and decided that we should still get to the airport early just in case the delay was shortened. We couldn’t get a large Uber, while there was only 3 of us our luggage wouldn’t fit in a smaller vehicle, so I took one and Shannon and Teresa took another. Because of morning traffic, I arrived at Charles de Gaulle about 45 minutes later. During the commute, I was texting Delta customer service to find out my options because I was flying back to Albuquerque that evening. My time between flights went from 6 hours to 3 and a half hours. I wouldn’t think much about it except that I was coming in from one terminal having to go through customs, get my bags, go to another terminal, go through security and get to the corresponding gate. I remained positive and checked-in my bag and proceeded through security. I arrived earlier than the gals who had to process their tax credits and Shannon was looking for another suitcase for her goodies.

I walked through the duty free areas and did a little shopping that I could pack in my carry on bag. I found that Veuve Cliquot was about $30 cheaper than in the states so I bought a bottle and some other treats. Then I passed the fragrance section and was stopped in my tracks. I looked at the yellow and white striped bottle and had to walk in to smell the signature scent of my mom…Giorgio of Beverly Hills. I remember being in high school and at one point I think she experienced olfactory fatigue because she couldn’t smell the scent but boy, I could. LOL! Smelling the tester I was immediately transported back in time.

I moved on to Paul’s for my last Pain du Chocolate and lunch. I gave them the meal ticket provided by Delta as an apology for the delay (dear Delta, a 15 euro pass is not enough of an apologize for the inconvenience…I’m just a little bitter, but you’ll find out why). Hours passed and our gate changed twice. As we were sitting there ready to board, the departure time changed to 2:30pm. I couldn’t help to notice that the crew was sitting with us, our plane wasn’t even at the gate. We started to board about 2:45 pm. I finally got to my seat after 3:00 pm. My seat mate was from NYC and returning from a food and wine tour of Italy (maybe next time?!?). I settled in and prayed that I made it in enough time to make my flight (Shannon and Teresa were staying a few days in NYC). We arrived in NYC after 5:00pm. I jumped off the plane waving good by to Teresa and Shannon, as I ran down the gate to get to customs, only to find the longest line ever. Then I saw a note to download the customs app for quicker processing. I did just that and jumped the line went through the corridor to another serpentine line. I made friends with the people near me as we were all flabbergasted by the non-moving line. The TSA agent mentioned that one line was moving quicker than the other, but I think he was playing a game with the travelers because when we moved to the other line it remained stagnant. I had made acquaintances with a couple when I told then of my desire to make my flight in time. The boyfriend and I stayed in the line while the girlfriend moved to the other one. She moved through through her line quicker so we popped out and joined her, when I found Teresa ahead of us. She and Shannon had downloaded the app and got into the global entry line instead of listening to the agent. I joined her and we got through in another 15 minutes. It was now after 6:30 pm and I had to get my checked bag and get to terminal 5.

By this time, our bags were no longer on the carousel but instead piled in between them. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Again, I lost Teresa and Shannon. Assuming they found their bags, I called Teresa to see where. She directed me and within 5 minutes, I found my bag went to the information desk and asked how I get to the air train to terminal 5. After a 15 minute, run/walk I jumped on the train and a few minutes later got off at the terminal. I descended the escalator and decided I was going to check both bags so I could make it easier to get through security since I didn’t have time to repack after my champagne purchase. I got to the bag check and was sweating profusely. I had been wearing my black NYC sweatshirt. I took it off to find I had black fuzz all over me…I’m sure I looked like I had the bubonic plague. I checked my bags and paid an additional $60 to check the 2nd bag and headed to security. Luckily, the line wasn’t as long as I was expecting. I got through and it was 7:15 pm. I walked up to the gate, just before they started boarding. I was excited to see that the arrival time listed was going to be earlier than originally scheduled. Yay! Something going my way on this return flight. I had already been up for 20 hours and I was ready to be home (funny the last trip I was up for over 36 hours but it was also filled with fun in NYC). As we were ready for take off, the captain came on over the speakers to say there was an issue with the air conditioner and maintenance had been called. Let’s just say we didn’t arrive earlier than expected. After, I got my bag and met Isaiah outside baggage claim to was after midnight. I had been up for 24 hours and was going to work the next day (dumb me scheduled an appointment for a new client…who ended up being a no show).

I’ve been asked over and over about my favorite parts or moments of this trip and it was so life enhancing, but here are a few of my favorite moments:

  1. walking in my mom steps 30 years ago to the day
  2. experiencing this trip with friends (thank you Shannon, Teresa, Josie, Jocelyn & Sofi)
  3. participating in Paris Fashion week (truly grateful for all who helped me achieve this)
  4. watching ManUtd in Old Trafford after riding in an English Cab and noshing on fish and chips
  5. walking in awe and reflection of the work and craftmanship of our ancestors
  6. sitting on the beach with my feet in the clear cool water watching my friend check off something from her bucket list
  7. twirling in a palace
  8. Paul’s pain du chocolate
  9. praying, reflecting and meditating in so many beautiful places
  10. moments when I knew my angels were with me (Bistro Jennifer, Giorgio of Beverly Hills in the airport)

I recently watched “Eat. Pray. Love.” for the billionth time. This time something new resonated with me, the line, “we must always be prepared for endless waves of transformation.” I have found this through my travels, the people I have met in these Ms. Adventures and loved ones who’ve taken this journey with me, and this all is possible because of Hopeless + Cause Atelier. Thank you Shannon, Josie, Sofi, Teresa and Jocelyn.

Next stop, Milan Fashion Week. Who’s in?

With light and love,
Dara Sophia Romero

PS here is the photos and video from the trip (there’s a LOT)

Dreams, Take 2 or Maybe 3 or 4

“I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
And they’ll come true”

Dreams, The Cranberries

I am currently sitting at a work table with my friends, Shannon and Teresa, in Nosiy-Le-Grand, France, a suburb of Paris. I am writing between episodes of Emily in Paris, while the other two are working. It is a dream come true to finally be here after setting my intentions over 4 years ago. It has been a little over a month from my hometown preview and now, Hopeless + Cause Atelier will be showing in Paris City Fashion Week in just two days. And I’m continually asked, “how I’m feeling about it?” I’ve got all the feelings: gratitude, excitement, a sense of incredibility that this is really happening, and deep felt gratitude. Then when I start REALLY thinking about it, I want to throw up. As I mentioned at the hometown show, “How does this happen to girl from New Mexico?” Easy. It takes a village.

On Friday, August 25th, the 8th birthday of Hopeless + Cause Atelier, I hosted a hometown preview for friends and family who came out in wonderful abundance to support my dream of showing in Paris during Fashion Week. I have loved seeing all the wonderful photos of everyone enjoying themselves at the show and of course, the beautiful videos and still shots they took of the models on the runway. If you’ve ever hosted an event, you will understand that putting on a fashion show is no easy undertaking…especially with champagne dreams on Papst Blue Ribbon budget, I was the promoter, web developer, accountant, cater, volunteer coordinator, set and seating designer, director and program master, cat wrangler, oh and fashion designer. I’m pretty good at organization because I’m kind of a control freak. However, the hardest part for me is that I have no control over ticket sales (especially, since I live in the land of manana) and it’s super stressful to guess on seating layout and food when people are texting you the morning of the show looking for seats (and when every single day throughout prior week, I post over and over and over that ticket sales are ending two days before the show 🤪🤣), but I digress. I went into this show with the assumption that the audience didn’t know about my little atelier and that I would take them through journey with me. I also wanted to take the opportunity to honor my grandmother and her impact on this passion project of mine. And because I try to weave community in everything I do, there were added moments. Before I talk about the twists and turns of the event, I’m going to take it back a few weeks.

The last time I wrote, my gram had just died. I went through all the emotions and then some. Her funeral service in Albuquerque was beautiful, filled with her family’s involvement, a slide show of wonderful photos, a moving eulogy, special music, a priest that knew her and a reception filled with stories, laughter and good food. I know she was watching from above with a smile on her face. But it wasn’t enough for me, I wanted it make sure everyone in the audience knew her and her impact on me and this atelier. I also knew she would want me to live my life to the fullest. And living your life to the fullest means bringing others along with you. The production company I am working with provides the models for the show. I had three models, who became dear friends, that were willing to travel to walk for me. After weeks of asking, bugging and pleading, I woke up one Saturday with an email from the organizer saying they could not only walk in my show, but he’d put their comp cards in the rotation for the possibility that they could walk for other designers. I remember feeling as happy if not happier that I could tell them that they were in. I think it impacted me so much was because I could help others live their dreams too.

Ticket sales were trickling in. Wonderful sponsors were supporting me (thank you Carla Aragon and Allen Lewis, Esther Otero-Martinez, and my wonderful anonymous sponsor and again to Tanya Robinson & Alpha Lit). During this time I celebrated a milestone birthday, traveled with friends to Nashville, Santa Fe and San Diego, and participated in my grandmother’s funeral mass. Again, I have not witnessed anything more beautiful. All these life events bleed into my ideation for the event. The overall theme of the event focused on dreams and the dream makers that made this a reality. The VIP seats’ swag included custom soaps, lavender sachets, candles, and face masks to help the attendees “curate their own dream”. I created the videos to tell the story of the last eight years (and beyond) because the dream of becoming a fashion designer began in high school. As friends and family members purchased their tickets, it made me happy to bring together an audience of such amazing people that I believe should know each other. My models were made up of different ages, ethnicities and sizes, just like the women I design for. I was so grateful that I could have two of my loves model for me for their first time: my niece, Athea, and Averie (that was a last minute add that made my heart happy). Some great photographers came through and my prayers for a beautiful voice to sing “Buenos Dias Paloma Blanca” were answered by Ane Romero.

As asked weeks before if I was ready, my customary response was, “I will be”. I know as a control freak I should have said “yes, I’ve been ready for months” but that’s where my creative side kicks my butt all over the place. I may have an entire collection ready but as I get closer I nix it and start all over again. But the night before, I had the collection set and program done, so at 2pm I was joined by Allison, Eilene, Natalie and Stephanie at the venue and started to set the scene for the show: putting together gift bags, prepping the clothing, placing tables and chairs to the seating chart. Alpha Lit and Blown Balloons showed up to start the decor. At 3pm, the models and beauty team started to arrive and got to work putting together the hair and make up based on the look book. I started outfitting the models for their three looks. About 5pm, my brother arrived to figure out the best way to utilize the A/V and my daughter arrived to set up her DJ booth (I told you it was a family affair–Isaiah and Brianna, were there in spirit as they were finally taking their honeymoon in Seattle). We started setting up the food and Leola was picking up last minute items. Guests started to arrive just before 6pm. I asked that guests arrive before 7:15pm to ensure that no one was arriving during the show. Mercury was in retrograde so of course there was technical and communication difficulties, but we just rolled with it (and I included the links for the videos if you want to see the story).

I designed the program to be in three parts. The first part, Story of My Life, showcased my beginnings in design, how I almost walked away and the inspiration and support of those around me to create and celebrate.

The second segment focused on my gram, Catalina Romero, her influence on my life and the atelier.

This segment started with video. Then, Ane took to the stage to sing. She was such a blessing to this event. I had put out a request for mariachi singers but the ones who responded were sadly a little too rich for my budget, when Sofi suggested her cousin, Ane. We connected immediately and there were so many coincidences from her last name, her family background and the fact that she had wanted to learn this song, so much so that it gave me happy chills (especially, when she arrived wearing a lilac dress–one of my gram’s favorite flowers). She was perfect. I just wish I could’ve been sitting in the audience with you for this.

The final segment, Dreams Take Two, took the audience on a journey with me when attended London Fashion Week and spent 10 hours in Paris. That was when I made the decision to try for Paris. This was 2019. I started the process working with another production company, when the pandemic hit…and then my cancer diagnosis…and then my broken (and surgically corrected) ankle…so when I received the invite and sought feedback about a show supporting the production costs was overwhelming supported. I knew this was the year (especially, since I had already planned to go to Paris). But I had no idea how wonderfully supported I’d be. My incredible friends and family outside of Albuquerque, friends of friends, friends who brought friends, and incredibly generous sponsors. I am tearing up just thinking how truly blessed I am–THANK YOU!!

As I spoke of my own journey, I asked Allison Hendricks-Smith the founder and ED of Pink Warrior House to share her own, and how the organization supports warriors on their own journey. Then the models took to the runway for the last time.

As they all headed out for what is know as the carousel walk, I joined them to a standing ovation. It was such an uplifting experience, with so many people I love in my presence. I hope everyone felt it to and enjoyed the evening.

Thank you to the models, beauty team, photographers, volunteers, sponsors and patrons for an evening that took my breath away. In TWO days, I will be living this dream. If you would like to come along, I am asking Shannon to live stream the show (6am Mountain time on Sunday, October 1, 2023).

I am so grateful for all of you! Merci beaucoup!!

With light and love,
Dara Sophia

Together Again

Everywhere I go, every smile I see
I know you are there smilin’ back at me
Dancin’ in moonlight, I know you are free
‘Cause I can see your star shinin’ down on me

Together Again, Janet Jackson

As I walked from the pool back to our hotel room, a butterfly fluttered up and around me as I reached the lobby doors. In that moment, I was taken back to Isaiah and Brianna’s wedding last year, when as we awaited the start of the ceremony a butterfly flew in and out of my view. Now like then, I knew it was my mom reminding me she was there.

Just a few minutes before, I received a text from my aunt Lisa informing me that they had started a regimine of morphine for my gram. This was Wednesday morning and I was in Phoenix, AZ for a quick escape for the Janet Jackson concert.

I gained another guardian angel on the morning of Saturday, June 10, 2023. Just two days before, I knew she wouldn’t make it through the weekend and I shared my gratitude, love and let her know it was okay to go. I asked my mom to guide and welcome her home. But still, when I received that text while I was volunteering at the Albuquerque Pride Parade my heart sank and I couldn’t help to think, “What the ACTUAL f*ck…WHY?!?” I left within minutes to say my last good-bye.

The Monday before, my aunt had arranged for the priest to offer her Last Rites. My kids, uncles, aunts, cousins and I were present for this Catholic sacrament. My grandma was propped up with pillows and blankets on the couch by this time she wanted to either hold the person’s hand next to her or curl up into their arms. It was a gift to hold her as she held me all the years before. I’ve thought about this intensely over the past week….we are born into this world and tightly held in the arms of a loved one. I was not there during her birth, but what a blessing that I could hold her tightly yet gently in her last days.

Sometimes hear you whisperin’, “No more pain”
No worries will you ever see now

Together Again, Janet Jackson

One of evenings before, I sat in front of her trying to paint her beautiful finger nails. She just wanted to hold my hand. After rubbing her hand with rose oil and humming to her I was able to paint them a lovely sheer pink. In the last few weeks, she didn’t speak much, but her last words to me will always stay with me. She said, “You look beautiful” and “You’re already leaving?”

The trip to Phoenix was planned the month before. I decided to drive because I wanted to stop at the Grand Canyon, since I hadn’t visited before, and because road trips always help me clear my mind while enjoying the beautiful countryside. My friend, Lalaine, took me up on the invitation and she was great company. However working in real estate and the start of the summer season, it almost didn’t work for her. I’m so glad it did! Janet was amazing. The Grand Canyon was breathtaking. And the company, was perfect. It was a quick trip but it gave me the space to think about all that I had going on. After the last blog, I immediately sold 8 tickets (thank you Emet, Amanda, and Laurie) and within days had another friend, Tanya, agree to sponsor. Once I sent out the social media post about Alpha-Lit Albuquerque/Santa Fe’s sponsorship, I had another three VIP tickets sold (thank you, Denise, Leola and Cathy) and had another friend offer her communications/marketing support (thank you, Nancy). It will definitely take a village to put on this show.

Once Upon a Dress, Hotel Andaluz, February 2017 – PC: Bobby Gutierrez

Last week, in a bit of haze, I put a pause on following up on sponsorships and pushing ticket sales, but then I remembered how supportive my gram was of this passion project. I loved seeing her front row at my shows. I appreciated her guidance as I took up the thread and needle again after almost 30 years since I first had her instruction.

When I feel that I don’t belong
Draw my strength from the words when you said
“Hey, it’s about you, baby”
Look deeper inside you, baby

Together Again, Janet Jackson

If you’ve been reading this blog throughout the years you know how much of an influence she has been on my life. I know she was 93 years old and lived a full life and I’m so glad I had her a part of mine for so long, but I’m still so heartbroken without her. I plan to honor her at my August 25, 2023 show because I know she will be looking down and smiling upon me . You might see the looks inspired by her life.

I’m still trying to figure things out while awaiting my gram’s funeral service informaiton. If you’d like to support Paris Ou Buste runway show on Friday, August 25th, there are a few ways to help: 1. buy your tickets sooner rather than later and/or connect me with potential sponsors (go to www.hopelesscauseatelier.com/events for event information); 2. volunteer (I need models–please keep in mind I really need sizes 0-4 and minimum 5’7″–hair stylists, makeup artists, photographers, and a team to help with set up through tear down (email me at [email protected]), and 3. share the posts to your network/tell your friends about the event.

Always been a true angel to me – now above
I can’t wait for you to wrap your wings around me

Together Again, Janet Jackson

Side note: I had used Together Again for the background of the trip photo montage then after I returned from work just days after my gram died, I was walking the floor before the store opened. The song played over the sound system, and for some reason I really listened to the words for the first time. I couldn’t help but cry; it is the happiest–sad song and speaks perfectly about my gram. We’ll be together again, my baby!

With light and love,
Dara Sophia

Heart Break and Manifestations

So close, no matter how far
Couldn’t be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters


I was mindlessly scrolling Facebook last week when I came across a photo posted of childhood friends. The caption simply said “Brothers Forever”. I didn’t think much of it just a little love from one friend to the other. Then later that evening, I saw another post, claiming that one of these friends had died, and while not outright saying it, a hint that the cause of death was related to a motorcycle accident (what is sadly ironic is that May is motorcycle awareness month).

I hadn’t seen him in years, if not decades, so I’m not quite sure why it impacted me so, but I felt unsettled. I had seen his younger brother and mom, when they came into Macy’s for a special occassion outfitting last summer. I asked how he was doing and I shared my memories of him and his sister, whom I was super close to growing up. We grew up together in Alameda, first meeting in kindergarten. He was athletic but not a major jock. He reminded me of 1980’s Matt Dillion in so many ways. Later, he was the definition of a bad boy always in a Metallic t-shirt strumming air drums on any device. Girls LOVED him and he loved them right back. I think he was every north valley girl’s crush. We were like cousins (not the kissing kind) and his older sister was one of my best friends. You may have heard this story before because it’s definitely impacted my life to this day…she committed suicide my freshman year; her passing and visit in my sleep the night she died. Tony and I became even closer in our shared grief, ditching school and becoming complete delinquents until I changed high schools. After that I didn’t see him much. Upon hearing this news, I was transported back decades to all our shenanigans and to be honest, I was shocked that this man, whom I witnessed so many times cheating death, when he was younger, would be gone at a young age. I thought he’d live forever with his sister as his guardian angel. I was still heavily living in disbelif because I hadn’t seen any news segments on his accident or an obitary. It wasn’t until this week when my friend said his body was released from the office of the medical investigator that I broke (just typing this breaks me). I have found some comfort that the and his sister are now reunited.

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don’t just say
And nothing else matters


And maybe, it impacted me so because I was already in my head. This year I am reaching a milestone birthday. Don’t get it twisted, I am truly grateful to be on the path of celebrating another birthday, but SOOO much has happened in the last decade that this year, I am manifesting it to be filled with travel, self and professional growth, and deepening relationships. One of those manifestations is to travel abroad. I’ve been talking about Paris Fashion Week since 2019 after a 10 hour visit and showing in London Fashion Week. For the first time this year, it’s a real possibility.

I started by looking at flights to Paris. I found an incredible deal for the timeframe of late September to early October. Since, I’ve been saving my commissioned piece fees, I decided to book it (“if you build it they will come”). I sent a message to my friends whom have stated they wanted to travel with me. I’m not afraid to travel alone, but I must say it’s more fun with friends. I then started looking at production companies’ decks for fashion week. The one I think would be most beneficial for me hits just under $5,000. Five thousand dollars would be more than I was budgeting for the entire two weeks in France. I thought it was out of the question until an idea popped up.

I had an idea, but I knew I had to be succinct, but also gleam as much from a brief request. I built a four-question survey and sent out the link to a few friends, and although, it was anonymous, I wanted to get feedback from an audience that might not necessarily be “my people” (who would be supportive and excited for me) so I also posted it on social media. These were the questions:
1. I have the opportunity to show Hopeless + Cause Atelier in Paris, France. The production costs are just under $5,000. I can cover transportation and hotel, but the production is just out of my reach, so I thought I’d host a hometown (Albuquerque) preview to help raise funds for for that cost. Please answer the following questions, to help guide me. Would you buy a ticket for this event without there being a charity partner? Possible answers: Heck YES; No; Depends on the ticket price; Other
2. Just for fun, let’s say you responded with, “Heck Yes”. What would be a reasonable ticket price? Possible answers: $100; $75; $50; Other
3. If VIP Tickets were to be offered, check options you think would entice attendees. Possible answers: Front row seats; Complimentary glass of champagne; Swag; Acknowledgement in program; Exclusive pre- or after party
4. Please share any other ideas you think would be helpful.

I was surprised by the number of responses and SOOOO incredibly happy that no one selected “no” in the first question. I received wonderful feedback on ticket prices, and what would be the right “perks” for VIP. What I loved most is was not only the cheerleading section that told me “Go for it girl” and “Do it”, but even more so, the responses that stated they help (I really loved the ones who told me who they were). I was expecting maybe a dozen responses; I received 57.

So this is it…life is too short and opportunities like this don’t happen every day, I decided I would go for it with a hometown preview in order to fund the production costs for (say it with me) MOTHER F*CKING PARIS FASHION WEEK. And if you would like to travel with me, let me know…it definitely will be a crazy, fun Ms. Adventures.

Hopeless + Cause Atelier will be celebrating 8 years on August 25th. This year it falls on a Friday. I think that is the perfect day for a hometown preview and party. H+CA was born out of ruin and lifted up by an earth angel. In those 8 years, I have created for brides, mothers of the bride/groom, graduates, proms, and individuals that want to make an impact. It has been my muse as I’ve navigated divorce, cancer, accidents, death, and professional loss. It has taken me to the pages of Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, and locally in the Albuquerque Journal, and Albuquerque the Magazine and the runways in LA, Austin, NYC, San Francisco, and London, and I have been able to support over a dozen charitable causes. It makes my heart happy that so many want to help me live my dream. I also decided that money raised beyond the Paris Fashion Week production costs, will be donated to Pink Warrior House, an organization that has been a partner in my journey over the past two years. So here we go…

Please mark your calendars for:
Friday, August 25, 2023
Location: TBD
Sponsorship/ticket details: Events (hopelesscauseatelier.com)

If you’d like to help (I’d REALLY REALLY appreciate it), please let me know (you can comment below, send an email to [email protected], or shoot me a text). Ticket sales and sponsorship opportunities are ready (just click on the link above. Just make sure you are subscribing to this blog for more information in the coming months (sign up at the top of this blog). If you are truly interested in helping this girl make it to Paris ou Buste, please buy your ticket early and invite friends. The event is just under three months away.

I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don’t just say
And nothing else matters


Life can be bittersweet, I choose to live in the sweetness. I’m heartbroken that I lost a friend at such a young age and sadly, that I hadn’t seen him in years. If I’ve gained anything from Tony’s death, I think it’s to live life on your own terms because you don’t know when you’ll be called home.

With light and love (I will miss you, Tony, and please give Cindy a HUGE hug!!)
Dara Sophia

Closer To Fine

I’m trying to tell you something ’bout my life
Maybe give me insight between black and white
And the best thing you ever done for me
Is to help me take my life less seriously
It’s only life after all, yeah

Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

If you know me you know I’m like the Energizer Bunny, always going. In my professional life, I am a self-identified high functioning Expressive (according to the Merrill-Wilson Personality Type) and underlying Driver. Expressives are outgoing, multitaskers, storytellers–turning disasters into humor, and while others may see them as disorganized they know exactly where everything goes. At work and through the Atelier, I keep myself involved in multiple projects, with a series of goals to achieve. While most people’s idea of a vacation is going to a mountain retreat or a beach getaway…I am drawn to places like NYC where the energy frequency is sooo high; it’s soothing to me. When I’m stressed, I retreat and and my interactions become short if not non-existent.

It’s been a month and a half since my surgery, and oh boy, the first couple of weeks I was figuring out how to walk, sleep, and not sneeze, laugh, or cough, so I wouldn’t pop stitches. I was unable to drive for myself until I got my doctor’s okay around the third week and still can’t lift more than 10 lbs, do repetitive motion, nor exercise beyond walking and stationery cycling. In the mornings, I almost feel human, but by the end of the day I feel like Violet Beauregarde, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, ballooned and ready to pop.

Because of lingering winter weather, my only out of the house activities were being chauffeured to doctor appointments, short grocery shopping trips, and afternoon walks with Isaiah and Coco…I tease him when I ask if he’s coming over, saying, “are you walking Coco and me today?”

Well, darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable
And lightness has a call that’s hard to hear
And I wrap my fear around me like a blanket
I sailed my ship of safety till I sank it
I’m crawling on your shores

Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

I have continued a small routine which includes morning mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral via YouTube, practicing French on Duolingo, reading The Gift of Influence, by Tommy Spaulding, working on Fashion Design Management coursework. On days that Isaiah came over, it pushed me to make sure I showered, dishes were washed, and I had meals ready to prepare. His visits have given me purpose more than getting sucked into binge tv. Although, I have him hooked on Ted Lasso.

“Because when you find beauty you find inspiration” -Ted Lasso, Season 3, Episode 6 – Sunflowers

Around week four, I struggled. I opted to not participate in the fashion show for Locker #505. I came to the realization that I wouldn’t be able to schlep the garments to the event and back home. I wouldn’t be able to do the the steaming (up and down repetitive motion) and help the models with the outfits. Plus during that time in my recovery, standing for more than a half hour meant major adominal pressure and swelling. So a week and half before the show, I reached out to the producer, explained my situation and gave my regrets. I was bummed because I love this organization and have enjoyed participating in the past. My struggles weren’t only physical but also mental because creating and showcasing my art raises my endorphins.

On top of that I was dealing with my denied FMLA/LOA and trying to get the corrected dates from my surgeon and was hitting automated systems and lack of urgency from both sides (finally, at week six I was able to get it approved). I received my medical statement of benefits and was stopped in my tracks, when I read the claim for two of the days I stayed at Lovelace ICU wasn’t medically necessary and was denied. This mean’t I would be responsible for the $25,000 bill. No joking here. I called my insurance to see what I needed to do to get it paid. The insurance representative stated the denied claim was sent back to the hospital to resubmit. However as back up, I have it on my list of questions for my surgeon at my next appointment. And the cherry on top, was stress related to me not being at work and a sense of FOMO…not so much a fear of missing out on fun but instead of opportunities for sales. It’s a reality check when you are at home seeing the world move on without your presence. Depression is no joke and isolation feeds it…“darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable and lightness has a call that’s hard to hear”

Brave Enough, Cheryl Strayed

Before having surgery, I joined a Facebook group, Tummy Tuck & Cosmetic Surgery Support Group and it was great in helping me prepare for surgery and in some ways in what to expect after. However, after surgery I found what I needed was different. The women in this group were electing to have their tummy tucks, boob and butt lifts, liposuction and muscle repair. It made me think back when I had decided that I was going to use my own belly fat for breast reconstruction rather than implants. I had several friends joke, offering their own tissue if I needed it, or commenting how I’d have a flat stomach and new boobs on the flip side. I know it wasn’t mean-spirited, but those coments have impacted me. I did not choose cancer. I have been cut up and stiched back together. While this type of reconstructive surgery was my choice, I wouldn’t have chosen it if this wasn’t my journey, So, I slid down the slippery slope of body dysmorphia, not feeling flat on the otherside, instead looking like Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas, Sponge Bob or a balloon about to pop–just feeling so swollen, boxy, and unappealing, I became more reclusive, opting to say, “no” to visits or going out to see people, because I didn’t feel comfortable in anything other than my yoga pants and sweats, I couldn’t make a meal for visitors, or even clean my house beyond hitting DJ Roomba to quickly sweep the floors. I questioned what was going on and didn’t feel like I could talk to anyone in my immediate circle in detail because I knew they wouldn’t understand. How could they?!? Luckily, I found another Facebook Group specifically for women in their DEIP Flap journey. Things I was feeling and thinking were commonplace here.

And I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains
I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains
There’s more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive
(The less I seek my source)
Closer I am to fine, yeah

Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

Being reflective and trying to understand why I was in this place, I started digging deeper and found that depression can be a side affect of surgery, so I started acknowledging my feelings. I remembered something a friend told me. Maria texted to check on me and stated, that I should accept the offered help of everyone around me because it is their way of showing love and is just as meaningful for them. So I started saying, “yes” when friends asked me to go out. A change of scenery and some vitamin D really does a body good.


Thanks Kristen for including me in this Saturday get-away to Santa Fe and Altar Spirits. 💜 Check it the ecelctic space space and the fabulous crafted cocktails. #altarspirits #santafe #mixology #msadventures @kristen.olguin

♬ Summer – Instrumental – Devinney

Eventhough I easily tire, walks with Isaiah have helped tremendously. I’ve had a weekly standing dinner date with Cathy to watch the new episodes of Ted Lasso. I needed to do something creative, so when More Than Turquoise blogger and friend, Jamie, asked to video segments for her new ambassador campaign, I jumped at it. Anyone who has been a loyal reader, or just knows me, knows how important travel is for me. You have no idea how much a recent train ride and the day in Santa Fe planned by Kristen was good for my adventurous soul and when we missed our original train back, well it just added my Ms. Adventures. Getting out for lunch or happy hour and saying, “yes” to my gracious friends and family who wanted to bring over a meal and have a conversation, has helped to provide some excitement to fill those monotonous days. I appreciated, the “hope you are well” or “hope you are healing” but especially when I was asked how I was doing text messages. However they hit differently. The former are closed ended texts, while the later message prompted a conversation.

Not having dozens of things going at once was hard for me. I pulled out my calendar and set deadlines. I had been comissioned to create A’s prom dress with a deadline the week of April 22nd. My mom’s annual memorial scholarship awardees were due before April 13th and the last of Fashion Design Coursework was due by April 18th. I needed some purpose and some patience with myself. Plus looking at the calendar helped me realize what day it was…I know sad. I looked at my first week back at work and how I could drive some immediate support while ensuring that I made work-life balance a priority (I know my body will remind me). I booked a couple of group shopping events. I receached out to the producer at KRQE and pitched a few ideas. She loved theam and I have segments booked for the next three months. I’ve got another commissioned dress to work on and I’m studying to take an insurance licensing exam. I co-lead Macy’s Coronado’s Colleague Resource Group. Reading, The Gift of Influence, has given me so many ideas for programing when I return because influence is not how you get someone to buy or go somewhere you promote, but instead how you positively impact everyone you meet.

My friend, Leola, had hosted a pre-op gathering for a few friends and it really helped get me in the right mindset before surgery. She offered to host another one before I returned to work and a few weeks ago, another friend, who works for Heading Home asked if I could host a drive for new/gently used handbags filled with goodies like toiletries, beauty products, candies, candles and/or jewelry to be gifted on Mother’s Day to mother’s experiencing homelessness. I asked Leola if we could incorporate it into the evening and she was as excited by it as I was. Because I know my clients have bags in excellent condition that they no longer use, I decided to continue the collection drive into the first few days that I’m back at work.

There’s more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive
(The less I seek my source)
Closer I am to fine

Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls

I return to work in two weeks. I’m not feeling myself physically but closer to fine mentally. I know I still have 6 to 12 months of physical healing, and I’m hoping the return to work will help me socially and mentally, but I am truly grateful for all the love and support during this time. And, if you are looking for binge worthy tv programs, I have become the expert. Here are my choices: Ted Lasso (you can join Cathy and me for our weekly dinner and an episode meetup), Shrinking (I may or may not have used the 15 minutes method), The Chosen (great balance for the trash tv I watch), Vanderpump Rules (said trash tv), Jack Ryan, Marvel movies and Tiny Beautiful Things. TBT included a version of Closer to Fine by Ingrid Michaelson, that inspired this blog. I won’t lie. You will cry, but it may be cathartic, as it was for me. It is loosely based on Cheryl Strayed’s, book with the same title (and one of my favorites, it was SO good).

With light and love,
Dara Sophia