Deja Vu

You remind me, yeah
You remind me of such sweet memories
OhI saw you before baby
It’s a deja vu honey
Don’t you know that you remind me

You Remind Me – Mary J Blige

I have been traveling to NYC in February every year since 2013. It has been a constant for me and a savior from the winter blues, even when it’s a blizzard or lowest temperatures on record. I feed off the energy and it fuels my creative juices. I don’t know why January always seems so brutal but this year was no different than any other, just a new set of challenges. I was looking forward for this trip especially when my round-trip flight cost $5.20. And, after a few conversations, I was able to convince my friend, Sofi to go with me.

I headed out early because the Jet Blue red eye only runs Monday and Thursday during the week and I made a commitment to back on Saturday for La Noche Encantada. Beyond attending Fashion Week shows, I wanted to meet with my tattoo artist to talk about collaboration for Paris Fashion Week, have dinner with Amanda and Andy, fabric shop and get my brows done at Macy’s Herald Square (yes, I go to NYC for my brows, don’t judge). However, a HUGE opportunity was presented to me the week before my departure. The Louis Vuitton team from Herald Square reached out to the Stylist team to talk about the opportunity to sell to Louis Vuitton (yes, Louis Vuitton) to our clients when they use their Macy’s card. I was ALL over the opportunity, so I explained I would be visiting and we set up a time for training on the process and an overview of all the offerings.

Sofi would be joining me Wednesday night so I scheduled all my engagements before her arrival. I worked Monday; went home packed and headed to the airport at 10pm. I was pretty exhausted so I knew I wouldn’t have a hard time falling asleep…the only issue would be whether or not my row would be full or I’d be able to lay out. Thank you, God, I had the whole row to myself so strapped into the middle seat belt I laid horizontal and soaked out as much sleep as I could squeeze out to the 3 and a half hour flight. Arriving to NYC about 5:30am, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was on a pretty tight budget for this trip and since Super Shuttle, formerly, my inexpensive way into the city, was no longer in operation, I put on my big girl panties and decided to take the subway to my hotel in lieu of an Uber or Lyft ($10.50 vs $40). I really had to wake up now and pay attention to where I was going. I had to switch trains once but made without too many issues in getting there (it was morning rush hour so the train from Jamaica Square was a little tight).

I arrived at the Doubletree Metropolitan about 7:30am and was able to check into my room with warm cookies about 9am. Exhaustion took over so I took off my clothes and climbed into bed with Vanderpump Rules on the tv as background noise. I came in and out of consciousness, finally waking up at 1pm. I was planning on meeting Amanda and Andy in Hoboken, NJ for dinner about 6:30pm. I jumped into the shower and dressed in layers because I know how cold the weather along the waterfront in NJ can be. I wore a sweater dress, nylons, over-the-knee boots, my North Face zip up hoodie and my faux fur coat and headed out. I decided I would head out to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, as I always do to say a prayer for me. Luckily, it was three blocks west. However, I noticed my hotel was caddy-corner from the historic Waldorf-Astoria, the grand dame hotel, and the first place I stayed in NYC back in 2005. Currently under a remodel, I couldn’t go in to see this beautiful art deco designed hotel but it started the chain of deja vu moments throughout this trip.

After a few prayers at St. Patrick’s in being in awe of the beauty this holy place hold for me, I decided to get my energy infusion and sensory overload from Times Square. I walked through and moved on to Herald Square. I wanted to find the Macy’s employee entrance before my meeting in the morning (I had been smiling ridiculously the week before at the thought that I was going into Herald Square to learn about Louis Vuitton…wait, did I tell you about this already…lol).

I continued on to the Path Station on 23 street. I was dying. The weather was gorgeous and I was wearing too many layers. As I walked up to the station, deja vu hit again. I had been there a year before, having problems with the ticket booth and being introduced to a ginormous subway rat, so as I descend into the bowls of the city, I was alert of what might pop out to say, “hello”, while having both cash and card ready to purchase my ticket. I arrived earlier than Amanda and Andy, so instead of hanging out in the train station with all the “real cool” people, I decided to walk to the restaurant since it was such a beautiful night. As I walked through the neighborhood, I asked myself if I could live there. The streets were quaint some still with charm like cobblestone streets and full gardens in the front patios with easy access to the city, I thought I just might.

I arrived a little bit early and got our table. They arrived and I greeted them with big hugs. I was so happy they could join me for a dinner early in the work week. Amanda asked about my plans this trip and we talked about life since I last saw them in December. I think I finally convinced them to come out to NM in May (fingers crossed). I loved that I was with them as their daughter shared her wedding video, so I got see it as well as Amanda’s emotional response to it–it was beautiful.

We continued to eat, drink, converse and laugh, especially at the Exit sign that was covered with a simple piece of paper that said, “This is Not an Exit”. They both said, “only in New Jersey”. We walked back to the train station embraced and headed our own ways. I boarded the train and got off at the 33rd street station, this time it was early enough that I wasn’t afraid I was going to be locked in underground. The night was so incredibly beautiful, I decided to walk back to the hotel (5 miles walked).

I crashed into a deep sleep but woke up a few hours later and made myself go back to sleep. I woke around 8am and realized I needed to leave the hotel by 8:30am to get to Macy’s by 9:00am. Walking traffic was a crowded as the subway the morning before. I envisaged walking to work and thought about where I’d live and my ideal job in the city.

As I approached the Macy’s entrance on 35th, I joined the mass going in and I got the goosebumps. I was so excited and felt like I was walking into Miracle on 34th Street. This was it the flagship store and I was training with the Louis Vuitton team (did I already tell you that?). The entrance was different than my own at Coronado. I checked in and presented my ID. I called my contact when I was informed that I would need to be picked up from this area. My colleague, Imran, came a few minutes later and took me over to the store within a store. I met Amanda the store manager and we started from the 3rd floor and worked our way down.

The top floor was a museum of beautiful hand panted trunks, women’s shoes and accessories. The two of them talked about how I would get an assist credit on orders placed with the Herald Square location. We talked about the seasonality of the product offerings which added to the exclusivity of Louis Vuitton.

We moved on down to the 2nd floor and the men’s offerings. I already had a client waiting for me to come back and work with him on a few accessories, so I asked a number of questions about the products.

We continued down to the first floor. I learned about the latest spring offerings and the luxurious fabrics, the design and the desire it all created. I snapped photo after photo building my portfolio for social media to generate the excitement that I could be the key in New Mexico for Louis Vuitton. Right now you can by fake ones, previously used ones or order on-line but I could help curate your collection directly. That made me happy and I really want to overachieve this goal as well as make the team aware of it so if the opportunity arrives in NYC…just sayin! After being given a goodie bag of the latest scents and some more photos, I headed upstairs to start the posts and grab a coffee. I loved saying, “I’m a Macy’s employee for my discount at Starbucks.” Around 11am, I made my way back to the hotel. I was planning to meet Anna, my tattoo artist at the Whitney for a conversation on creation and collaboration and to view the exhibit on Mexican Murals.

On my path back to the hotel and literally across the street from Macy’s is the Desigual flagship store. New York Fashion Week began for me in 2013 with a ticket to see Desigual at Lincoln Center. It absolutely changed my life in so many ways. I am grateful for heartache and the heartfelt life I’ve lived because of it. Thanks for reminding me La Vida es Chula and Sex. Fun. Love. ♥️💋

The weather was still incredibly mild for February so I decided I’d walk to the Whitney, which is on the westside near the Hudson river. As I walked through Chelsea, I stopped at a few mom and pop shops to look at fabric and such.I walked down the street of the Doubletree I normally stay at and smiled, I looked over to my favorite local coffee shop to see Malcom Gladwell step out. Now, I didn’t stop him to talk about his writings or ask for his photo, but knew it was him and smiled. I received a message from Ana saying it was looking more like 3pm, so walked around the corner I popped into the FIT museum to see the latest exhibit and to kill some time.

I guess I’ve visited so many times that the pieces I saw were from previous collections, yet I was still inspired. I continued west through campus and dreamed what it would be like to be a student. As I walked down 8th, deja vu hit me fiercely, but I had been there just a year before. As I walked past Dallas BBQ, I was reminded of my first official NYFW visit and being stopped on the street by a clairvoyant named Dallas and every time I see a reminder of Dallas, I want to reach out to her and find out what she currently sees in my life. I walked south past Momofuku Nishi and remember getting flustered when I couldn’t find it and having a smiling face peer out to great me and the wonderful dinner of pasta, wine pairing and conversation a cold February night, just the year before. I smiled and continued on.

Checking off my 3rd Eduardo Kobra mural…I absolutely adore them and hope to stumble upon all of them in my Ms Adventures in NYC

As I walked through the meat packing district toward the Whitney, I looked up and saw familiar lighting coming from a building in the distance. This trip I had a different view. Last June, I was enjoying cocktails from that view above wondering what was on the lower level. Today, I was there. I was early for our meeting time so I decided to visit the high line. I had been talking about going there every trip and especially when I was there last April when I thought I was going to be doing dinner solo on a beautiful spring day. I walked through the path and enjoyed the views the flora and the art that dotted the landscape.

Can you see the lights at the Top of the Standard?

I finally got in contact with Anna and we met on the 8th floor cafe. We started talking about our day and slowly moved into ideas about design and how to incorporate her designs into what I would create. I looked through her sketch book with intention from woman figures, to script to clowns, there were beautifully sketched pieces that I thought could be incorporated into a printed pattern or free-formed painting on fabric. We talked about out the options. As we wrapped up our discussions, the view from the windows called to me so I stepped outside to take it all in.

sketch by Anastassia Menshikova

We descended the stairs and went into the exhibits. Unfortunately, I paid the $25 ticket and the Mexican Mural exhibit wasn’t up yet. However, I saw a familiar New Mexico artist and the painting that my mom had a print of. We also appreciated a number of fashion based sculptures. We walked out about 20 minutes later.

As we walked we talked about tattoos. Anna mentioned how much tattoo artists hate getting them. I laughed because I assumed because of the sheer number of them each artist, I’ve seen, tends to have. Walking down the road she blurted out, as a pothead I feel it my responsibility to offer you some. I smiled thinking she must feel comfortable with me to offer. I declined but it brought up the discussion on pot and whether it had been legalized in NYC as I smelt it around every block in the city. She stated it hadn’t but it was decriminalized. That discussion went on to include whether or not you can drink or smoke before getting a tattoo. She said really it doesn’t make you bleed more if you drink but tattoo artists don’t want to deal with your drunk ass. She also highly recommended not smoking before going in for one if you don’t smoke on the regular because you don’t know what reaction you will have. I just figured I’d ask in case I want to take a shot of tequila the next time. LOL. We parted ways a few blocks down the road. Famished I stopped by Cava for a kids meal and made my way back to the hotel to prepare for Sofi’s arrival. Along the way, I stopped by a wine and liquor store. It was one on Madison that I had frequented two years prior when I was staying with Laura for my AW showing at NYFW and we stocked up on wine because a bottle for $9 is better than a glass for $10. As I write this blog, I finally googled why beer and wine aren’t sold in the same store. I guess beer is considered a bread product and can be sold with food. Wine and spirits are considered alcohol and alcohol and food can’t be sold under the same roof. HUH?!? Well, ok.

I saw you before baby
It’s a deja vu honey
Don’t you know that you remind me

You Remind Me – Mary J Blige

I got back to the hotel and relaxed for a couple of hours. Checking and responding to email; reading messages from colleagues whose positions have been eliminated from the company and feeling a little melancholy about it all. I was watching Twilight New Moon (the absolutely BEST one of the series) when Sofi arrived, around 8:30pm. As she was freshening up, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a post from our social media team that the Style Crew members in NYC had a chance to see Jessica Simpson today at 6pm. AGAD!! I was just there earlier and wished I had seen it, so I sent a message to the team leaders saying sharing my bummery. It was a total missed opportunity.

The original plan was to go to dinner at this fabulous Chinese restaurant I had been introduced to in the East Village but after realizing we’d be leaving about 9:30pm and the restaurant closes at 10:30pm. We opted to stay nearby. I had told her about the igloos on the rooftop of 230 5th and since it still was a lovely evening we opted to go there. Of course I made Sofi walk, because it was only 23 blocks away and since we’d be noshing on appetizers and sipping cocktails it would be a great way to get our metabolism going (I don’t think she entirely believed me). When we arrived it was a little after 10pm and for a Wednesday night there was a good mix of people but it wasn’t super busy. We found an igloo to ourselves which was a nice break from the light breeze filling the air. The last time I had been here was 5 years ago, during the day and in May and the views are absolutely phenomenal with the Empire State Building within reach, around the other corner, the golden gilded Woolworth Building (sorry, Sof I thought it was the Met Life Building), and just a little further, the Freedom Tower. When we realized there wasn’t table service we got up to order at the bar. Fried foods and cocktails were on the menu tonight…OH BOY! With cocktails in hand we walked back to the igloo and found there were a handful of people there, both of us being wallflowers we opted to sit under the heaters in the open space. It was really nice until the breeze started picking up, but we had a great conversation about work and what we hoped to do for the next few days. We headed back about midnight, Sofi made me take the subway. Back in the room we drank more wine and continued our conversation until drifting off about 2am (10 miles walked).

dreamy gray day in NYC

I woke the next morning around 8am. I had an appointment at the brow bar at Macy’s. I tease that I fly out to NYC to get my brows done (I do but sometimes it’s months in between and I really am looking like a uni-brow…lol). Walking, I arrived just minutes before the store opened. I love the way Herald Square welcomes its guests with music and clapping. I made my way to the Benefit Brow Bar, saying a warm “hello” to Kosima, aesthetician. She asked about my trip and what shows I’d be seeing. We talked about her recent vacation to Jamaica and how warm and beautiful that was. After 20 minutes, my brows were separate and quite lovely. I asked her were the Last Act formal dresses were because 1. I was on a tight budget and 2. I still didn’t have my dress for La Noche Encantada.

As I was perusing the beautiful dresses and realizing Last Act pricing at Herald Square was not the same as Last Act Coronado, I realized I had a direct message from Noura Barnes, one of the leads for Macy’s social media. She mentioned there was another event happening on Friday and if I was in town she would share the invite. I asked her to please share. I also mentioned I was at Herald Square and if she had time I’d love to visit with her. She did but mentioned she was in the building across the street. I headed her way.


As I went through security and received my temporary badge, I had a reminder from someone that I was in the right place at the right time. I went upstairs and had a lovely conversation with Noura. She talked about the background of #MacysStyleCrew, about upcoming opportunities, and some changes within the organization. And like any good leader, she asked for my ideas and input taking notes she offered to look into it more. We talked for about 45 minutes and then like social media mavens took a selfie together. I headed out and realized that I needed to check with my team back home because they were taking on the fitting for the emcee of La Noche. I’m glad that I did because nothing was in place as I had asked, which totally frustrated me because I took the time to ensure that everything was in place. It ended working out smoothly and the emcee didn’t end up wearing the clothing, but I hate not looking professional and that could’ve been a reflection on me and my work. Because of that I needed to walk it out, so I headed back to the hotel on foot.

As I arrived, Sofi was ready to hit the town. We were both hungry so opted to go to Urbanspace, a cafeteria like concept that you could choose between several different restaurants in one location. We walked to the one near Grand Central Station (later realizing there was one right across the street from our hotel). The only event we had planned for the evening was the ASC Fashion Week Industry Party at Celon on 40th. I did want to continue to look for a dress and accessories so I thought I’d try Buffalo Exchange and Sofi was down. We headed west, but like every start to your trip in NYC, you need to go to Times Square for that energy rush. We did and I got a few great photos of her soaking it all in. We then headed down fashion avenue.

As we approached, FIT I asked Sofi if she wanted to she the exhibits. When she agreed, we went in. Unfortunately, the ballerina one I wanted to see wasn’t open yet…what the heck NYC two exhibits I’d miss out on this trip. We walked through the clothing as armor (me for the 2nd time) and then the black history month exhibit. We picked out our favorite looks in each. Outside the FIT was a coffee and tea pop up shop for the new CW show airing that evening, Katy and Keene. As I’m sure it was targeted for fashion college students what a great way to remind them to watch it that evening.

We continued a few blocks south when we arrived at Buffalo Exchange. I’ve shopped here so many times and love the selection I always find. I was immediately drawn to a black lace and leather Diane Von Furstenberg dress, a brightly colored animal print Kate Spade dress and then I almost fell over when I found a Halston Heritage dress on sale from the $40 asking price. The only problem, my boobs. Could I get a reduction in the next two days? Probably not, so after I found that it was only going to cost $30, I thought I’m going to have to get shapewear, which made me throw up a little in my mouth, but the dress was perfect…I needed to suck it up. Sofi found this fabulous off the shoulder black dress with a slit up to there and a fun black acid washed jean dress right out of the late 80’s. We took our purchases and started to make our way back to the hotel. We stopped at jewelry wholesellers along the way. She found some fun brightly colored earrings and I couldn’t make up my mind on what would be the right accessories for the dress.

It’s crazy to me how much negative attention Shakira and Jennifer Lopez received for their performances during the Super Bowl half-time show. They are strong, beautiful women who showed that being older is powerful when you are comfortable in your own skin and own who you are. YASSS QUEENS!

We made it back to the hotel and started to get ready for the evening ahead. I had started a conversation with a friend back in ABQ earlier in the day when I had come across a meme of Jennifer Lopez that said, “Latinas be like 132 years old”. I thought it was hilarious because no one ever believes I’m 46 years old which is a blessing. He didn’t understand my humor (I know it’s not for everyone but I think I’m flippin hilarious). We were ready and calling for an Uber. I opted to wear my over-sized, black waffled tunic with over the knee boots and my grams squash blossom necklace and Sofi wore her recent find with skyscraper booties (like she needed to add height next to me).

We got to the club and a dj was playing. As both self reported wallflowers, we opted to go to the bar and get a glass of wine before settling down at an open table. After a few photos and another glass of wine, we decided to hit the dance floor and danced until well after 11pm (HAHAHA I’m old).

We were hungry and since the bartender ignored our original order for food I told her we were way too close not to go to Shake Shack. Oh my heavens there’s nothing like it after dancing for hours. We got back to the hotel and continued our conversation. The plan was to do a guerrilla photo shoot in the morning and I suggested the Flat Iron Building. Let’s see if we’d make the 9am call time (8 miles walked).

“Today, I get to play photographer…let’s see how that goes.”

I dragged my butt out of bed about 9:30am. Sofi immediately mentioned we were pushing out the start time to 10am (that later became 10:30am). I was to be the photographer and we were being joined by one of her model friends that she met at the Coco Rocha camp last year. I threw on my athletic wear, hightops and put my H+CA hat on. No time for a shower. We took the subway to Madison Square Park. Now I notice everything that happens around me in this busy city but also in life…so this city can become overwhelming….the sights, the sounds, the smells, the closeness of it all. However, I love being that “fly on the wall” taking it all in and using it to inspire my creativity. This morning, I played photographer and can’t wait to see the “official” photos but for now, here are my behind the scenes.

And yes, I am officially adding photographer to my resume.

Luckily, Sofi has published one and it’s so fun! She entitled it “You can’t sit here” total Mean Girls reference…but I see power in it and the black and white filter makes it even more so. After grabbing a bite to eat, we took the subway back. I needed to get ready for the Cocktails and Corsets event at Herald Square and she was going to go to a casting for an upcoming show. I got dressed in my dungarees, white button up, red handkerchief, leopard print booties and red lips and took my Halston dress with me to see if I could find the right minimizing shapewear. Getting off at 33rd street, I arrived at Herald Square just as it started to rain, I walked in and headed up to the 7th floor where the event would take place in intimate apparel. I walked in at 2:38pm (the event began at 3pm) to a line so I took my spot and waited for a little over a half hour, talking to the other attendees and hoping my phone, which had been tweaking out the entire trip wouldn’t die on me). I checked in on Sofi and like me she was in a long ass line. However, I was indoors and she was outdoors, mentioned it was snowing at one point.

Once I approached the entrance, I received a swag bag that I kid you not weighed 10-15 lbs. I then proceeded to the selfie station to take a photo and post on Instagram thanking Noura and the Style Crew for the invite.


I proceeded to the lingerie and shapewear and realized I didn’t need an expensive sausage maker, I needed a minimizing bra. So I grabbed a pair of fishnet stockings (Roaring 20’s theme, plus I think they are super fun to wear) and a minimizing bra that was on a super sale. With my Macy’s employee discount and no sales tax, both would cost just over $20 (WINNING). I put on the bra and tried on the dress and viola it smoothed me out and made me look a little smaller. I loved the dress and the flow making it feel flapper-esque plus the color was absolutely fab. I’d just have to decided on shoes and accessories. After making my purchase and watching an impromptu lingerie fashion show, I headed downstairs to see if my contacts at Louis Vuitton were working because I had a client interested in making a pre-sale and wouldn’t it be AWESOME to make my first sale while still in NYC. He wasn’t there so I headed back to the hotel. The rain had returned to a drizzle but it was a little colder. I held my coat tight with all the extra weight and walked back to the hotel. I stopped again at the neighborhood wine shop and got a white this time to drink while we got ready for the NYFW week shows we were about to see as part of the Art Hearts Fashion production. I walked along the west side of Grand Central Station and was completely reminded of the opening scene in Before We Go, where Chris Evan’s character tries to help Alice Eve’s character get a cab (I adore this movie and exploring NYC with a stranger and realizing you need to own your shit even when you don’t know the outcome and “being okay with not being okay”). Since the show was in the East Village, I thought for sure we’d go to Szechuan Mountain House for their namesake caldron of soup and then around the corner to Angel’s Share so I could show her this fabulous Japanese speakeasy and we could enjoy a cocktail before the show.

Everywhere I travel, I people watch and make up stories about where they are coming from and where they are going.

We took the 6 and got off at Astor place. It was right outside a Starbucks I had frequented quite often in the past year. We walked along St. Marks and ascended the stairs to the Chinese restaurant. I had totally forgotten how crowded this restaurant gets and in that moment realized I should have made reservations, but in my attempts to see if we could be seating in a timely manner, I went to the hostess station only to be informed it was going to be an hour wait. We didn’t have the time so the next best option was Shake Shack across the street…just kidding. I had been told about Joe’s Pizza at Union Station and only 5 blocks north we walked and talked. I mentioned the demographics of the area with NYU nearby. It was Friday night and the streets, restaurants and bars were overflowing with college students. We got to Joe’s placed our order and as luck would have it, a table freed up. We sat down and started to enjoy our NY style pizza.

I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pure delight when a reporter and camera man walked in. She mentioned that the official Twitter account of NJ exclaimed that New Jersey was the pizza capital of the world just in time for national pizza day. She asked if we would share our thoughts. I guess she thought two chicas from NM were New Yorkers…not gonna, I loved it. Later, we found out we made the news.

After our bout with fame, we walked back over the Angel’s Share to see about that cocktail and again I forgot it was Friday night. Grrr!! I did have Sofi peek in and then we grabbed a Lyft to the NYFW venue, Angel Orensanz Foundation. We arrived on the scene and retrieved our press passes. My phone was dying and while I brought my backup portable charger, it seemed it wasn’t charged so when we entered the venue, I set up shop in the corner borrowing Sofi’s charging cord and plugging it into the wall outlet. I stood back and soaked it all in. From the formal gowns to the everyday wear to the street wear. There was something for everyone. I photobombed at every opportunity and exhaustion was starting to set in. Sofi wandered around the venue taking photos and seeing if she could vye for space in the photographers rafters.

We took our seats about 45 minutes later. This was the first time Sofi had been on this side of the runway shows and for me, this is where fashion week began for me, as an attendee. I do miss producing my show but it was nice to just enjoy it with an attendee’s perspective.

The three designers in this block told their own story which I loved. I thoroughly enjoy when you can see a vision, context and a narrative in a cohesive collection.

As we talked, I watched it from my designer perspective and Sofi watched it through her modeling perspective. I was happy to see Hunter in the audience. She modeled for me on a couple of occasions and was featured in my designs in the December 2018 issue of British Vogue.

The show wrapped up close to 11pm and it was our last night in town…that fact was starting to set in and honestly, was depressing. We thought maybe we’d get a night cap but then stumbled upon a corner wine and spirits shop we went in and decided bubbles would be the best way to celebrate another phenomenal evening. I loved the character and personality of the shop.

We grabbed an Uber and made our way back north to our hotel. We stopped at the counter and asked for a cookie on our last evening the staff gave us TWO each. We headed upstairs got comfortable and talked and talked until after 2am. At that point I knew I wasn’t going to make it back to Macy’s or to the jewelry shops in the morning and thought about plan “B” (5 miles walked).

one last glimpse of my fav building

I woke close to 10am and before I forgot, I sent KK, who was house sitting for me and picking me up from the airport, my list of items I’d need to change in the car on the way to the convention center for La Noche Encantada. I reached out to my event partner in crime, Lee, and double checked she had everything needed to get our booth set. I jumped into the shower and tried how I was going to pack my already full carry-on suitcase and carry-on tote with the additional two dresses, bag filled with goodies and boxed treats from Louis Vuitton…time to sit on my suitcase. I made it work and had one additional carry-on tote. Luckily, Sofi was checking both her bags so I asked if she wouldn’t mind carrying on my tote. She graciously obliged. We arrived at the airport with our first stop in Dallas, TX. Luckily, we didn’t have to switch planes and could move up to easy accessible seats off the plane.

We arrived 10 minutes earlier than our scheduled time. KK was there to pick me up with and I changed in the car. I arrived at the venue 10 minutes before the opened the doors for dinner. As I was walking through the event talking with people, I was inspired to see the fashion. Especially those that I personally dressed. I loved hearing the comments from friends who had been following my adventures via Instagram and Facebook and their surprise to see me. We had a lovely evening going from dinner to the entertainment to the dance party after and boy, did we dance. After tearing down the step and repeat and pulling together all our goodies, Lee gave me a ride home. I fell into a deep sleep when my head hit the pillow. It was after 3am EST (20,000 dance steps).

Every day I try to spend time journaling what I am grateful for. On this trip, I am grateful for:

  • $5.20 cost for a round trip ticket
  • an empty row on the red-eye
  • early check-in
  • beautiful weather in NYC in February
  • spending time with friends–long-time and new ones
  • walk-able cities
  • taking a chance for new opportunities (and remembering to not play small)
  • being reminded that I am in the right place
  • food that nourishes the soul
  • dance floors

Today, as I complete this post, invitations are still coming in for shows this week…next year, I will stay for the entire week (I say that every year). I love that I’ve shown so many loved ones my New York. I’m totally down for anyone else that wants to go…just know I’m kind of non-stop, except for shopping and a cocktail. I like to walk and plans are totally fluid. Thanks for following along on another Ms. Adventure and remember life is a gift…enjoy it to the fullest!

With light and love,

Dara Sophia

I needed a fix.

Oh, when my heart go b-boom b-boom
B-b-boom, b-b-boom boom
My heart go b-boom b-boom
But I like, my eyes already like you
Baby, you

Sade, Love is Found

For the past seven years, I have visited NYC in February during New York Fashion Week. I have spent more time in this city, during this month, than any other time of the year. My friend, Amanda, who lives in New Jersey always teases me that I visit during the coldest time of year and typically around the Valentine’s Day (which I always forget, and makes for difficulties in meeting up for dinner without making reservations). I was there for the “Blizzard of 2013” and the “lowest temperatures on record” in 2016. Yet, when it calls, I’m there. As I told a friend, “like a junkie and I need a NYC fix.”

“So I went to New York City to be born again.” Kurt Vonnegut

Because it’s the heart of my work, sourcing and inspiration, I planned a quick weekend trip for the start of Autumn/Winter 2019 Fashion Week. I had been approached by Vancouver Fashion Week to show with them so I wanted to see how their production played out for the Global Fashion Collaborative (it’s an opportunity to show in Tokyo…read my lips “Toe-KEY-oh”). I also received a press pass for Art Hearts Fashion and an invite to ACS Productions industry party. I also wanted to see friends. It had been 3 years, since I last saw Amanda and had overcome my repulsion of GINORMOUS subway rats in order to travel to NJ. I also was excited to catch up with a childhood friend, Lucas, who was now living in the city. As someone who plans to live in NYC, I so wanted to hear about his journey. I also needed to shop for fabric and embellishments for a Bat Mitzvah dress, a gala dress, a wedding dress, and a rock star worthy jacket. I also wanted to use this time to source materials for the inspired drawings I had received Through Your Eyes and if I had time to fit in some people watching, saying a prayer, museum cruising and sketching (oh and maybe a blog or two).

So with all this crammed into my wintry weekend, it looked like this (Before you read, you may want to get a cup of coffee, set your phone to the side with DND in effect. I hope you find moments of laughter, thought, and at least a smile.):

Thursday – the Ms. Adventure begins

I was packed and ready to go for my 11:57pm Jet Blue flight at 8:23pm (okay so I packed and unpacked–I was taking a small carry-on bag for 4 days, but packed like I was staying for a week and a half, with all the winter accessories). And yes, I did have to sit on my suitcase to zip it up.

I’ve spent 3 February Fashion Weeks with Jamie (from L-R Clockwise – 2017 freezing our tushies on top of the the Empire State Bldg (we always have fabulous stories); 2015: Introducing Jamie to Fashion Week…fashionably from the Empire Hotel (XOXO. Gossip Girl); 2018: NYFW AW18 — can you tell I’ve only had 5 hours sleep in 48 hours (a smile and baseball cap hide it all).

I was mentally ready to go about three weeks before, but the excitement really set in on Wednesday night when I was catching up with one of my BFFs, Jamie, at her home. I hadn’t seen her for months, so we played catch up on each others lives, and she asked about my plans for NYC. As I was about to head out, she and her husband gifted me with much love (I bawled like a baby of course). It was an incredible blessing for NYC.

I completely understand the inspiration travel brings… Through Your Eyes courtesy of Sofia Jaureguiberry

Isaiah dropped me off at the airport about 10:45pm. I went through security quickly and took a seat at the gate. I love the Jet Blue flight this time of year, I can typically get a round trip ticket for less than $200. It’s non-stop and the red-eye flight out doesn’t really bother me (especially, if I’m lucky enough to check into my room early). This time, I opted for a seat in the very back. I didn’t have anyone sitting in the middle seat, which would provide the extra room for me to catch a couple of hours of sleep. I took my seat and set up my coat as a pillow; the flight attendant passed out sleeping masks and ear plugs, but I tucked them away thinking I didn’t need them. I easily drifted off to sleep until the baby sitting in front of me couldn’t get comfortable, so in and out of consciousness I went, finally putting in the ear plugs.

The man that was sitting in the aisle seat moved into the middle seat to make room for his friend sitting next to the couple with the baby…there went the extra room, but I made the best of it in my contorted Innovasana pose for sleeping (not really it just felt like it). When all of a sudden, a hand landed on my knee. I jolted ready to punch someone in the neck, when I realized the guy next to me was asleep and I believe his arm just accidentally fell on me. I lifted and put the dead weight back on his torso. I tried to go back to sleep, putting my tray down to use as a resting space and providing an additional barrier in case the hand slipped again.

PSA time here for you….don’t get the back row seats for a red-eye flight. This is where the flight attendants sit and where the snacks are kept. The team is bright-eyed and chatty in the wee hours of the night and doesn’t care about the noise they make. So when I finally fell asleep, I was catapulted awake by the captain announcing we were on the descent into JFK a half an hour early. Like a zombie, I attempted to rub the non-sleep out of my eyes, and popped Altoids into my mouth. I gathered my items and headed out to grab a shuttle. Typically my commute into NYC, with the shuttle stops along the way, is about 1 and a half hours, so I thought I could grab another nap. This time I was the first stop. Still dark, I said a little prayer that the hotel would have a room for me to check into. I walked up to the front desk, with my sad, tired puppy dog eyes and kindly pleaded (okay, begged) for a room…the representative took pity on me, and HALLELUJAH was granted one. I gratefully entered my room, I threw off my clothes, and climbed under the sheets.

Friday – notice the beauty in everything

Noise is always loud
There are sirens all around
And the streets are mean
If I could make it here
I could make it anywhere
That’s what they say
Seeing my face in lights
Or my name in marquees
Found down on Broadway
Even if it ain’t all it seems
I got a pocketful of dreams
Baby, I’m from
New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
There’s nothing you can’t do
Now you’re in New York
These streets will make you feel brand new
The big lights will inspire you

Alicia Keys, Empire State of Mind

I woke about 11:00am, checked email, did yoga, set my IG posts, journaled and read (Daring Greatly, Brene Brown…more to come soon). I looked at my calendar and the first round of shows with Art Hearts Fashion Show weren’t to begin until 6:00pm. Knowing they might start later and I had made a commitment to meet Amanda in Hoboken, NJ at 7:10pm, I opted to stay nearby instead of heading to the East Village. I had wanted to see the latest exhibits at the Museum at FIT, which was a block away, so after I showered and dressed, I decided to walk on over. Walking over to 7th, a.k.a. Fashion Avenue, you can’t help to notice the landmarks at every turn.

I had Alicia Keys playing in my ears, my head held high and my stride fierce…because baby, I’m in New York. I quickly arrived at FIT and was happy to see it was open (wasn’t sure if they’d have “Fashion Week” hours). Stepping in and taking of my layers I opted to walk through the Fabrics in Fashion exhibit first.

The immense collection included a bold history of fabrics from silks, to cottons, to wool, to denim, to baroque and damask fabrics, to furs and plastics.

I went on to peruse the Exhibitionism: 50 Years of The Museum at FIT exhibit. So many pieces in this collection were garments I was already familiar with. Incredible looks from Alexander McQueen to Versace’s playful ode to Marilyn Monroe. I loved how my camera pulled the metallic gowns…which created radiated prismatic light.

Fashion capitals captured above, old and new…a goal of mine is to hit them all.

I spent about an hour absorbing every minute in the exhibits, so it was fun to step outside to see the street fashion in full force. Because it’s difficult to not be invasive when photographing on the street, I opted for mental images as I walked along Fashion Avenue. I think a big reason I love NYC so much is because I perfectly fit in as an introvert. I can blend in and play the role as the observer in an energy intensive environment. As I walked along the garment and whole seller shops, I went into a few thrift shops and looked for a sweater or two. As much as I packed, I packed for fashion week, carefully crafted Hopeless + Cause Atelier with boots and accessories, but not for the cold weather moments outside of the shows.

After an afternoon of exploring, I got back to the hotel about 5pm and decided I’d take my time getting ready for my excursion to New Jersey. I had planned to meet my friend, Amanda, and her husband, Andy, at the Hoboken train station at 7:10pm so we had plenty of time to get to our 7:30pm reservation (I think Amanda did this to accommodate me). Last time we met, I had issues: the first being the mutant rat, then going to a pay station that only took cash (and not having cash), which lead to trying to find an ATM for said cash (and having issues opening the vestibule)…finally, getting on the train and arriving 20 minutes late (reservations during V-D weekends are the worst). I’m a mess, but a fun mess (and I just gave you something to make you shake your head or laugh, so you’re welcome).

To avoid a repeat, I decided to head out a little early. However, the train station was only two blocks from my hotel and my train arrived right as I walked up to the platform. I jumped on and took my seat. I was 20 minutes early this time. I texted Amanda and told her due to the cold, I’d wait for her in the train station waiting area.

Let me tell you, there are some INTERESTING humans that hang out in the waiting area. As soon as I got her text she was there, I jumped up and embraced her with a hug (because I was happy to see her and because I was happy to escape the crazy sitting next to me). Amanda, Andy and I decided to walk to dinner. It was cold but it was great to walk through the town. All along the way she and Andy, provided commentary and history of Hoboken. Even though I was frozen like a Popsicle, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I just meant more wine to warm me up, right?!?

courtesy Elysian Cafe

When we arrived Elysian Cafe, I was immediately attracted to the historic building, etched glass windows and an oversized double-door that welcomed you in. As you pulled away the velvet curtains, the bar area was revealed. It was filled to capacity with after-work patrons crowded around the bar and a few televisions on the wall reminding you it was the 21st century and not the turn of the 20th as the decor indicated. We were seated immediately and I continued to look all around. The ceiling particularly caught my eye with the ornate detail and painted angels (of course after leaving that evening I had to find out the history: opened originally as Dillenger & Jeffson’s in 1895, it continued through prohibition as an ice cream parlor and as a hair salon–link above provided so you can do your own exploring, SO COOL).

After receiving our drinks we spent the next few hours catching up from 2016….and boy, so many changes! I talked about my life and fashion and this passion project called, Hopeless + Cause Atelier. She gave me an update on her kids and informed me that her daughter was getting married in December. She began to ask more in depth questions about the process of my bespoke work and the costs. She started to softly say she thought she needed a custom outfit for the wedding. It kept getting more and more confirming until at the end of the night, she commissioned me. Oh shoot dang–another reason to come back to NYC/NJ soon…the life of a designer is rough.

We met over 10 years ago, she was in non-profit work–I was in corporate. She went to UNM for a bit before moving on to NMSU (I try not to hold it against her). We’ve since flipped professional roles and I keep trying to convince her to come back for a rendezvous at the Frontier.

We walked back to the train station and said our good-byes. I was happy that my work was going to give me the opportunity to see her sooner than three years (like the spread in our last dinner date). As I sat on the train, replaying the evening in my mind it made me think about the subway photo I had been inspired by a few weeks before.

courtesy of Lucas Swallows

I thought about the people on the train and what they had just experienced: where they were coming from, where they were going to, what was on their minds. I arrived at my destination, 33rd street station, within 15 minutes. As I exited the train, I followed the crowd to try to reach the upper level. We were under the Manhattan Mall and they were locking up all the exits. I thought to myself, “of course, they are!” There was no way in Hades that I’m getting stuck down here. Yet, every corner I turned the gates were locked. I kept my outwardly composure while having a tiny internal panic attack. Fortunately, a security guard walked up and I asked about exiting, he provided directions, and I made it to the surface. I laughed all the way back to my hotel…it would not be a Ms. Adventure if I didn’t have some sort of train story (#361 why I prefer walking than mass transit, but since I can’t walk on water yet…). I stopped by the hotel bar and ordered a glass of wine and went up stairs, watched Friends and worked on the Through Your Eyes blog until I fell asleep.

Saturday – love and power

Love to see you shine in the night like the diamond you are
I’m on the other side, it’s alright, just hold me in the dark

Khalid, Better

I woke from a good night of sleep (oh my GOD, it was absolutely delicious). I must of slept so hard because I didn’t hear the sounds of the city below as I normally do. Once again, I followed through with my routine: yoga, reading, journaling and setting up the IG posts. However, there was something I WANTED to do before heading out. It was the birthday of someone who has been very important to me throughout my life. Yet, a little over a year ago, I sent him a message of warning about someone. However, it wasn’t received as I had intended it to and I hadn’t talked to this person about it for over a year…which bothered me quite a bit, but as a pride-filled woman it took me a while to address the void. Until, I thought maybe if I sent birthday greetings and an apology, it would be the best birthday present…for me, that is.

I probably should have taken the time, sooner, to provide clarification, but I didn’t. I went on with life, but felt the void throughout. I was no longer willing to have that absence, so I wrote out the email. Read it. Re-read it. Read it once more. I asked for forgiveness, that it wasn’t my intention to do anything more than to provide a warning. I added a heartfelt happy birthday with a hope for a reconciliation and hit send. Whether or not it was accepted wasn’t the point (well, except in my heart of hearts I hope it was); I wanted make sure this person knew I had no ill will, only love. However, thank the Lord I received a return response…and it was a good one.

Never underestimate the power of good morning texts, apologies, and random compliments. /: #inspirationalquotes

Two thousand miles to the Southwest, back in Albuquerque, another kind of power was taking place. For a few weeks, I had been conspiring with Sofi to do a photo shoot around the Friends and Lovers Balloon Rally. Sadly, the weather wasn’t playing nice, so the team opted to go downtown. While the fun, light, flowy, colorful shoot didn’t happen this time around, I LOVED seeing the images of power and self-love of strong and confident women come through. I can’t wait to see the images beyond the behind the scenes.

Center photo courtesy of Terrance Clifford

As I was texting my ideas from afar and sharing instastories of the FAB behind the scenes shots, I was getting ready to head to the East Village for a few Art Hearts Fashion Show. NYFW, here I come, baby!

I arrived and they were just wrapping up the children’s shows. This was the first time I had been to this production company’s show. I was in awe of the venue, Angel Orensanz Center. I had all the feels. I’ve talked about my venue “wish list” and I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO want to show in a church (back in NM wouldn’t it be cool to see Hopeless + Cause Atelier in the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe or St. Francis de Neri in Old Town–ok squirrel moment, perdon).

Angel Orensanz Center served as the venue for Art Hearts Fashion runway show, formerly
the Anshe Chesed Synagogue in the East Village.

It’s funny, patrons at fashion shows don’t realize the flurry happening backstage. I’m going to be honest here, from personal experience, it’s a shit show. Many times I’m sewing models into their outfits last minute…some shows I’m finding out who my models are, minutes before they hit the runway. You can’t be shy or reserved backstage. You just go with the flow. I wasn’t surprised when the 5pm scheduled show didn’t start until 6:15pm. And, I didn’t mind except I was standing in 4 inch heels on concrete. I tried to take my mind off of the pain by standing back watching “influncers” take selfies or pose for the photographers. It’s fun to see people really get into it. The show I attended was all about emerging designers: students. INIFD & London School of Trends presented a collection from students in India. From the press release:

The India based Inter-National Institute of Fashion Design (INIFD) in association with The London School of Trends (LST) will
return for a 3 rd season to New York Fashion Week powered by the Art Heart’s Fashion platform with their show
A Portrait of India (Vibrant India)
This seasons runway to retail collection will consist of specially curated garments designed by the leading talented students
across INIFD’s vast network of centres across India.

I love watching emerging designers because they are so willing to color and create outside the lines and they get a pass because they’re students!

There were 3-4 students that participated in this collection

The collection was more representative of a Spring/Summer collection than an Autumn/Winter one because of the bright colors, light flowy materials and whimsical designs. It was fun to see. And I absolutely loved this dress, but opted to pull the photo from Getty Images because I couldn’t get all the detail. It was vibrant and dainty…I wanted spring!

NEW YORK, NY – FEBRUARY 09: A model walks the runway at INIFD & LONDON SCHOOL OF TRENDS At New York Fashion Week Powered By Art Hearts Fashion NYFW at The Angel Orensanz Foundation on February 9, 2019 in New York City. (Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images)

I debated about staying for a second show, but then I didn’t want to wait around for another hour and a half until it started so I called a Lyft and made my way back into lower midtown. I chatted with a friendly and talkative driver. At one point, he offered to let me drive in which I kindly declined, knowing I’d either have a heart attack with the craziness of NYC drivers or kill us.

Earlier in the day, the “all telling Instagram” informed me that my friend and model, Noelle, was walking again for The Society Fashion Week show and encouraged me to pop by and say, “Hello” and get a hug. I had planned to but this show ended up being a longer than expected. I also tried to work the team to get a press pass, but no such luck, so I told her if she didn’t have set plans maybe we could grab a drink or go to the industry party that I was secretly dreading. Remember, this designer is an introvert. I like designing, I put my work on the stage. I like writing, I put my efforts out there for you to read. I like small intimate conversations vs. “Hi my name is such and such and I do such and such and we should do such and such” to person after person….THIS shortens my breath and makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it.

Bad ass (that’s all)

However, going with someone to these types of events makes me a little less anxious. We decided to play it by ear, but by the time I got back to my hotel I decided to stay in (a shared Lyft ride means tour of the city, thus 10 min drive = 30 min adventure and it’s cool when you’ve got time to kill) . The only thing I was considering was walking to Shake Shack for a double cheeseburger with a lettuce bun, or walking across the intersection to a little market and get snack-y foods. I opted for the later because it was cold, getting windy and my dogs were barking. So I grabbed a Greek salad, an avocado and a bottle of wine (decided to get an $8 bottle in lieu of the $8 glass back at the hotel–not a smart investment after all, threw out $8 bottle of wine instead of drinking $8 glass of wine). I sketched, wrote and crashed.

“Kiki, do you love me?” Thought you could use a quick intermission…back to reading

Sunday – fun, flow and a reminder of worthiness

Nothin’ feels better than this
Nothin’ feels better
Nothin’ feels better than this
Nothin’ feels better, no, no

Khalid, Better

I once again slept SO WELL it was unbelievable, but it’s my story, so believe it! I woke and did yoga (I’m on this 30 day journey with Adrienne, can’t let her down), read, journaled, and figured out how many blocks I’d be walking in the cold to get to St. Patrick’s Cathedral. I bribed myself saying if I braved the cold and walked, then I’d burn enough calories to justify Shake Shack before NYFW (3 mi walk for an approx 900 cal burger?!?). Easy, deal!

Trio Los Amigos performing a Catholic Hymn “Pescador de Hombres”. Location: San Jose Parish in Albuquerque NM. The version at St. Patrick’s was organ based in lieu of strings.

I decided to attend the noon Mass, well because I didn’t drag my butt out of bed earlier and because there was a choir for this Mass. It was February 10th and another very special birthday (there was a LOT of summer love in my family). After I sent my birthday greetings, I headed north to one of my absolute favorite architectural and spiritual creations. I arrived just as Mass started and took my seat. The readings, gospel had me Godsmacked. I try not to be overly religious in my writing, but when something speaks to me, I feel the need to share it.

Through Your Eyes courtesy of Sal Christ – Quote by Dr Seuss

The first reading was from the Prophet Isaiah and spoke to the fact that while we might not be in the “right” place, it might be the right place for us to do what we were meant to, and that little nudge pushes us to do what we are destined to. The next reading was from St. Paul to the Corinthians. Paul was a prosecutor of the Christians and church. So many times when we make mistakes or really just fuck up, we question how can we be representative of what is good or needed, yet in that is exactly what is needed…not perfection but imperfection. Finally, the gospel was from Luke and it was about Peter and his doubt. Yet, still through that doubt he was shown he was worthy to serve. Today was about worthiness. While we may not feel that we are worthy of the life we are meant to lead, it’s God’s check to say, “Ummm…no excuses, you are!” This was the first powerful message and it reminded me of one of the inspirational quotes (featured above) from the Through Your Eyes project.

The second was within this Irish-based Manhattan church, the Spanish song, “Pescador de Hombres” was sung accompanied by the haunting sound of the choir loft organ. In that moment, I knew my great grandmother, Ermelina, was wishing Lisa a Happy Birthday and my heart was full.

I left church praying to St. Jude, patron saint of hopeless causes and feeling spiritually fed and ready to enjoy the day ahead of me. I walked through Rockefeller Center, to Avenue of the Americas, over to Broadway and down to 36th. It was cold. It was windy. I was fine. I entered Shake Shack, ordered and waited somewhat patiently, but totally willing to bite off the arm of anyone that tried to grab my bag. After exchanging my vibrating buzzer for my burger, I headed south 7 blocks to the comfort of my hotel room before the flurry of the afternoon.

As soon as I finished licking my fingers, I jumped into the shower and started getting ready for the Vancouver Fashion Week show. This time the look was a bodycon, high turtle neck, charcoal gray dress with my gram’s squash blossom necklace in turquoise and silver. I added chunky stacked suede gray boots and navy tights and an empire waist charcoal gray peacoat to finish the look. I grabbed another Lyft and headed west toward the High Line and Chelsea Pier. Pier 59 was the location for this show…Vancouver Fashion Week was courting me to show with them so I was excited to see the production. We stopped and picked up another two riders at the FIT and made our trek westward. Upon arrival, we knew we were in the right place because the crowds emerged.

The first line was to check in. Then, I headed up a flight of stairs for the waiting area…let me restate, then I SLOWLY ascended up the flight of stairs in my 4 in boots praying that my generally uncoordinated self wouldn’t trip and fall (bonus: I didn’t). The venue was great. You could wait in line until the seating opened or grab wine from the hosted bar and go outside to see the Hudson River view. Again, I stood back and observed all that I could take in (starting to feel a little like a National Geographic photographer, blending into the landscape and not interacting with the natives, lol). I did, actually, strike up a few conversations along the way. The wait time was less than 5 minutes and we took our seats.

The shows were incredible. The venue was triple star and as I scrolled through Instagram afterwards…I saw the below post and it sealed the deal. Not only were the shows incredible, but the legit press hand me asking, “where do I sign?”

After the show, I grabbed a glass of wine and took a seat outside to sketch, solidify the evening’s plans, and people watch. As much as I wanted to stay for the second show, it was getting too crowded so I flagged down a cab to head back to get ready for the evening. On the drive back, I came across Eduardo Kobra’s tribute to Mother Teresa and Gandhi. We drove by it so fast I only got a blurred photo that didn’t do it justice, so I reverted to my Through Your Eyes photo.

courtesy of Maria Zamora

I returned to the hotel, changed and ran down to the gym. I was meeting Lucas at 8pm at one of the restaurants in his portfolio, Momofuku Nishi, and I was told to come hungry so I figured, I probably should give my metabolism a little help.

I started on my way and because I dress like Johnny Cash, I opted for black jeggings, a black sweater and black booties and you guessed it…a black faux fur jacket. I did however wear my Louis Vuitton Denim Pleaty on a cross body chain as a statement piece. I only tell you this because after I started my trek to the restaurant, it peeped out of my jacket, and I wasn’t sure if that was the attention I wanted. For this trip I stayed in Chelsea, because it was close to the shows I was attending. Even though the hotel I stay at is great, the area surrounding is probably a little grittier or dodgier especially based on what corner you turn, so immediately after my first turn, I experienced some uncomfortable comments made my way, but I picked up my pace and walked like I owned the place. I had Google maps in my ears directing my route and it was really a hop, skip and a jump to the restaurant. However, at one point I heard incorrectly and I turned down 22nd instead of heading south on 8th. I was in a residential neighborhood, paused to find my way, and shot Lucas a text asking if there was a secret entrance. I figured out what I did wrong and reached the restaurant seeing a familiar face in the window which made me smile.

We took our seats at the table. Lucas introduced me to the team. We were given menus and I was asked if I wanted a drink. I pushed my menu forward and said, “this is your area of expertise, I’m leaving all the ordering up to you tonight.” So he ordered me a Negroni and the first appetizer came out. I swear I had died and went to foodie heaven.

After two rounds of appetizers, Lucas suggested the pasta tasting and wine pairing. Italian is my absolute favorite and to play with fusion in the dishes, perfection. In that moment, I was grateful for exercise and jeggings.

The first round made its way in front of us as the meal and wine was explained. Before we started, we talked about his cousin and one of my childhood friends. I mentioned that she wanted us to Facetime her at dinner. He jumped on it and I made a face. I am not a fan of talking on the phone and even more so, video chatting (I know I make faces when I talk. I just don’t like be conscious of them, and I am when I can see them on the screen), but we did and I survived (barely, but I did).

As we were indulging, I asked what I had been asking him for almost a year about his nomad lifestyle (I was ghosted the first time…in which he apologized). I wanted to know his “why” and “how”. We grew up just down the road from each other. I was fascinated by his move from Albuquerque to Las Vegas to Singapore to NYC, and visiting all over the world in between. I sat back and soaked up every word. I am so in awe of and admire people who chase and hustle to achieve their goals. As the next round came, we talked about future plans and what we are currently working on.

The third round stopped me in my tracks. The risotto melted on my tongue with its richness, but even more so I fell in lust with the wine (if you can lust an inanimate object). The aroma was so delicate, floral and honestly, seductive. I kind of wanted to dip my finger in it and rub it behind my ear, but I refrained. As I sipped the wine, it was buttery, crisp and delicious. The vine came from Sonoma, but had roots in Italy. I constantly brought the wine glass up to my nose just to inhale its aroma. We continued the evening talking, laughing and learning about the food and wine presented to us. I told him I needed to walk after and asked if he had time to go get a drink. Before we left, he gifted a bottle of the Arbe Garbe.

As we stepped out, we walked past a Dallas BBQ. Every time I see that neon sign in NYC, I am reminded of the woman with the same name who stopped me in my tracks in 2013 to tell me what she saw about my life; the changes that were going to occur and again when I called her 2015, she shared more of my life’s journey. Have I told you about her? When I see these omens or signs, I wonder if I should reach out to her again, but then I wonder, what else can she tell me and this time, do I want to know? I shared the story with him. We continued talking and walking. Getting lost in the conversation, we ended up off course near Penn Station, so we made a turn and started heading east. I had a perfect view of the Empire State Building, so I started taking photos.

We were planning to check out the igloos at 230 5th, but as we walked by the Nomad Hotel, and the fact that he was sick for the past two weeks, we decided it might be better to go into the hotel bar. We continued to talk about family and life and lipstick. Lipstick led to conversations of Marilyn Monroe and a signature Manhattan drink with a cherry lip mark on it (that should be credited to a certain designer, named Dara Sophia…I’m just saying). The conversation led talking about Jennifer and how I used the kiss mark to honor her in a British Vogue and in my last Albuquerque show.

Photograph by Malik Daniels | Model: Kristen Olguin | Beauty Team: Aveda Institute of NM

If I was smooth and quick to think of things, I would have offered to leave a blue print for him to work off of on his cheek, but as friends, I didn’t want it to get awkward. We continued the conversation around what to do in NYC and some activities, like riding bicycles in Central Park, I still want to do when the weather gets warmer. The bar was closing so we gathered our things and started heading out. My hotel was a only a few blocks away, but he offered to walk me back. As we arrived, a cab drove up and we said our good-byes. I love evenings when you feel completely yourself, smiling, laughing, no awkward pauses and time is a blur. I was blessed to have two within the weekend with dear friends.

Monday – pull it together, work it

I woke knowing it was my last day. It was getting colder and windier. A storm was making it’s way to NYC, but today was my work day. I had mapped out all the textiles and accessory shops I wanted to hit before catching a ride back to the airport. Luckily, they were all within 6-8 block radius. I purchased embellishments and fabric. I took pics of fabric for customers and gathered business cards, so I could order if and when the design was approved.

I asked and received a late check out. I got back to the hotel and stuffed everything I could in my suitcase and luckily had purchased another carry-on for my overfill. I headed downstairs and called a ride to the airport. I went through security and found a spot. I finished the Through Your Eyes blog. I then when back through my photos from the trip and found a blurred version of the Empire State Building. Instantly, I new what I would create. My own printed fabric, paired with sequins and a sunny yellow flowy halter.

“I came across this photo from last night’s adventures. It speaks to me of the magic of the city and when you are enjoying the right company, time’s a blur.” IG: hautenmgirl

I pulled out my sketch book and started reviewing the photos I had been receiving over the past month. Here is a hint of my inspiration:

Sunsets and nighttime skies turned into evening wear with the flow of the oceanscapes.
Power found in bright reds full of heart and playful fun found in embellishments.

I don’t want to give it all away…so stay tuned…Hopeless + Cause Atelier is going back to Cali for Los Angeles Fashion Week on March 9th. The designs will be hitting that runway.

Until then…with light and love!
Dara Sophia