Divine Intervention

Saturday was the first day in my life that I’ve lived longer without the physical presence of my mom. I knew it was going to be rough and while I had commitments that morning, the rest of the day was unknown. I had a few friends reach out and ask how I was doing. I had S:D time which was wonderful reprieve, seeing my Smitha for a few hours, but after being home for the remainder of afternoon and early evening, I decided I was going to go to my favorite rooftop to people watch and listen to my beats while I write. I had started a different blog, Beauty of the Unknown and thought I would get the right inspiration being a fly on the wall. On my way to Hotel Andaluz, I got stuck in bottle necked traffic as I-25 was rerouted to the Pan American side road. It was 102 degrees, 7pm and annoying. However, 25 minutes later I got back on to the freeway. As I started to accelerate, re-entering I-25 from Montano, I felt a surge and then the car started to slow down.

I pulled over to the shoulder and of course thought <EAR MUFFS>, “What the fuck!”. I sat for half a second and plotted out what I was going to do. I had my laptop with me. I had my AAA card. However, I left my mobile phone at home, purposely, because I wanted to disconnect and focus on my writing. I was at the Comanche exit. Traffic was light. I thought about sitting on the side of the road to wait for the Department of Transportation Help Vehicle to come by. It was 7:45pm and sun was lower on the horizon. If I had to walk, I knew there was no place nearby that I’d be able to walk to for a phone. So, I said a little prayer and got off on the Comanche exit and decided to head back north toward my brother and sister-in-law’s home. Hoping they would be there, I drove to each light on Pan American, turning off the car while I sat for the green light, and driving with my hazard lights on. I laughed and thought, “Of course, my plans are always derailed.” I arrived at their home about 20 minutes later. Surprised to see someone arrive so late and unexpected, my brother and niece came out first. Then my sister-in-law and nephew came out. My brother took a look at the vehicle, and the culprit, lack of oil.

He added what he had. Then ran to the store for more. Yvette opened a bottle of wine and we sat down and talked, and laughed, and talked. Jeremy returned and added the oil. By that time, it was close to 10:00pm and my brother offered to follow me home. He urged me to take it for an oil change first thing in the morning. As I drove home, it hit me. I wasn’t meant to be alone writing on this day. I was meant to be with family even as chaotic as it was. I made it home safely. As the tears streamed down my face, I knew it was divine intervention. I wiped my eyes and went inside. I sent a text to my brother and sister-in-law thanking them for their time.

This wasn’t the first time someone has intervened in my life and recently, it was professionally. On the one-month anniversary of Jennifer’s death, I woke to an email, titled, British Vogue’s Designer Profile. Of course, that got my attention at 5:00am, so I opened it to read this:

Good afternoon,

I wanted to get in touch as I came across you online and I think you would be perfect to showcase on an upcoming Designer Profile page I am creating for British Vogue.

I am currently putting together our exciting Designer Profile’ page in our Autumn issues, starting with the August issue and following a campaign running across September and October. These are key issues in 2018 and are regarded as unmissable sources of inspiration across the Autumn fashion weeks, with the September edition being one the biggest, bumper fashion issues of the year previewing SS19 international collections. After reviewing your online presence I feel that you would make a really unique addition to the page, and appeal greatly to Vogue’s affluent readership.  

The email continued on… I was trying to determine if I was dreaming, if it was a phishing email, or if it was indeed real. I read it again. I googled the address listed and when I found it was legit, I responded. Hopeless + Cause will have a small feature in August, September and October. In August, H+CA will celebrate it’s 3rd birthday (mark your calendars for August 25th) and I couldn’t think of a better way to honor, Jennifer, my friend, my first customer, and my muse in fashion forward design, than featuring her. She is still pushing me to follow my passion and that nudge is now crossing borders.

Have you read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic? I’ve talked about the book and movie that made her famous, Eat. Pray. Love., and how one line and the support of my friend propelled me to continue to design. That line inspired me to create the brand name, Hopeless + Cause Atelier:

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.

However, I must admit my favorite Elizabeth Gilbert book is Big Magic and its honest approach to “creative living beyond fear”. Every page is a turner. The first time I read it, I was gasping for more…like it was my breath of life. Gilbert talked specifically about inspiration and sometimes creatives, when in the right element, were a vessel to the divine. When so moved by creativity, you, as a creative, need to go with that flow. I have felt that way, it is like a renaissance or an epiphany, and in a way a religious manifestation through the work I am creating. I loaned the book to my friend, Annie, when after a wonderfully deep conversation, she mentioned being in a crossroad in her life. She was heading on a family trip to Mexico. It was the perfect opportunity to dig a little deeper in what she was feeling and how she wanted to move forward. As I do with all my beloved books, I loaned it to her. I told her to read it and to feel free to highlight or underline themes that spoke to her. I asked her to share her wisdom in the margins, but when she was done to return it to me (my library of books is sacred to me…I only keep the ones that speak to my mind and soul). She returned it with a personal note stating that it already added value to her life…and I “too” can’t wait until we catch up over wine.

I fully believe intervention comes to us in many ways: in words, in actions, in creativity, in someone physically telling you, “you are at a crossroad in your life and here is what I see.” It’s even in that asshole that tries to pigeonhole you in your self-actualization. There is some divinity in that, but only when you see and move beyond. As Gilbert honestly states, “let them have their opinion, let them be in love their opinion…but never delude yourself to believe that you require someone else’s blessing.” It is up to you to be open like a vessel for the next big thing, to engage in it so it can come to fruition, or to deny it and continue as is. It is your free will. I know my mom is no longer physically with me, but every so often she has her subtle and not so subtle ways of telling me she is along for the ride and sometimes even guides me there.

With light and love,

Dara Sophia

Vogue U.K. aka British Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle brand of Conde Nast International with a readership of 1.3M.
Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert, Riverhead Books 

Poppin Tags

Having a sustainable wardrobe is easier than you think!

We’ve all heard about the doom and gloom of climate change, but one of the biggest culprits is the fashion industry. For many years, Fast Fashion, has been the easiest way for people to get the latest disposable trends without impacting their wallets. However, there is a cost to that $5 t-shirt or $10 jeans: one to the environment and to humanity. Recently, you have may have heard the news about H&M sitting on $4.3 BILLION in clothing because the fast fashion giant isn’t able to move their inventory. While getting that designer knock-off (oh wait, INSPIRED look), might be instant gratification or feeds that emotional spending habit, it is not without some thought.

Did you know:

  • According to Fashion Revolution, a typical pair of blue jeans consumes 919 gallons of water during its life cycle.
  • Plastic takes an average of 450 years to decompose; polyester a fabric made from plastic typically takes 200 years (goodoneyou.eco).
  • On April 24, 2013, Rana Plaza Factory in Bangladesh collapsed killing over 1,100 people and injuring over 2,500 people bringing light to the human cost of cheap labor (fashionista.com).

I know. I know. I really didn’t want to bring this to your attention…well, I actually did! Most consumers pay attention to what they put in their bodies, but why don’t they invest that same attention to what they wear as their second skin.

Having a sustainable closet doesn’t have to an overwhelming event. Here are a few things you can start doing (baby steps) to be proud of your wardrobe.

  1. The first thing to do is take an inventory of your closet. Break out your items in the following categories: Keep, Donate and/or Sell. Be realistic. Believe it or not, for some people there is an emotional connection to the items in their wardrobe (and this means you; if it wasn’t important, you wouldn’t be spending your time reading this). Ask yourself: when was the last time you wore the garment? How did it feel on? Is it a staple, investment piece or major trendy trend (really, even if you rocked those parachute pants in the 80’s, how realistic are they to be rocked again)? Does it feel overwhelming? Make sustainable changes in baby steps—here’s a short video on how to get started <<CLICK HERE>>.
  2. You pay attention to food labels, read consumer reports for safety records on everything else you invest in, why aren’t you reading your clothing labels? It’s a small step in feeling good about what you wear…and with the new trade war between the US and China, who knows how cheap those imports will continue to be. If you are really looking at organic, recycled and upcycled brands here are a few you may or may not be aware of: Levi Strauss & Co, Stella McCartney, Patagonia, People Tree, Threads For Thought, Groceries, Mavi Jeans, People Tree and of course, Hopeless + Cause Atelier (review sustainablefashiondirectory.com, for more designers and brands). These brands not only invest in sustainable practices, but several have built-in giving back components. Several also source their materials and manufacture in the good ol’ USA, further reducing that carbon footprint. The brands vary from athletic wear, to jeans, to high end fashion for both men and women—all your wardrobe needs…YOU’RE WELCOME.

    Hopeless + Cause Atelier Linen Raven Dress
  3. Investment pieces – really you should invest in items you are going to wear more often and really want to make a good first impression in. Go to your local boutique or indie retailer (my local favs are: Retail Therapy, Toad Road, Izzy Martin and Kii–and guess what they are in a 1 block radius)! What makes them stand out is that they know what they are talking about when it comes to sustainability because their business model is based on it. The owners are also typically the buyers and are constantly looking for brands that you won’t find in the typical department store. Many of the lines they carry have sustainability baked in—clothing lines that manufactured on demand so there isn’t inventory overrun, lines that focus on recycled or organic material sourcing, or provide investment back into the environment or support charitable causes. They are also the first to invest in local designers. If you are looking for that unique look that fits you perfectly, commission a designer. Maybe you have something that doesn’t quite fit right or maybe needs an overall transformation. Designers, alteration specialists and seamstresses, can make it work for you. If you have a disposable income for your wardrobe, why not invest in yourself while providing a livable wage for a small business owner…something you can feel good about!

    1960’s wedding dress converted to show stopping festival wear.
  4. If you are just starting out or don’t have a big budget for your wardrobe, you can still have a rocking closet. As Dr. Seuss so eloquently stated, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” You can have an incredible, sustainable wardrobe on a budget and without investing in throw-away fashion. It is as easy as Poppin’ Tags! Well now, that I’ve got Macklemore playing in your brain, thrifting is all about the hunt. And when you find that treasure, it’s an incredible rush (let me tell you—I’ve found YSL, Oscar de la Renta, Burberry and Diane Von Furstenberg at U-N-B-E-L-I-V-A-B-L-E prices). Many of the local thrift shops are tied to non-profit organizations so your money is having more impact than you know. At consignment shops, you can find higher end options and/or sell what no longer works for you. Don’t have time for the hunt there are great on-line options too. My favorite is Poshmark (more details in making your wardrobe work for you below) and my GF and fashionista blogger, Jamie Lewinger of More than Turquoise, recently made me aware of the on-line thrift megaplace, Swap.com.
  5. Finally, make your wardrobe work for you. Read the care labels, really do you need to wash your jeans after every wear? Most jean brands advise against it, saying you should only wash after 3-4 normal wears. Is the garment, dry clean only? Look for cleaners that follow eco-friendly processes, which means less chemicals against your skin and back into the environment. If you had a large pile in that “Sell” category, take it to your local thrift or consignment shop and see what you can get for these items. Some local, Albuquerque, options are: Two Time Couture, Buffalo Exchange and Platos Closet. You can also set up your own “closet” on Poshmark. All you need are the basics: a few photos, brand name, size, and colors. You set the price and when you receive an offer, accept it or counter it. If the sale is made, Poshmark provides the shipping label and you drop it in the mail and collect your cash. Make a deal with yourself. Instead of adding to your closet or giving into that emotional spending habit, decide that you will only buy a new item when you donate or sell another item first, thus freeing up prime real estate in your wardrobe. Even better, save up for that investment piece that you’ve been dying for. Remember, you are worth it. Make it social, invite your friends over for a clothing swap. Ask them to bring 10 items (clothing, shoes and/or accessories), pop open the bubbles and have an impromptu fashion show. You’ll have new finds and someone else can rock those parachute pants.

With light and love,


